Thanks alot Frank,

Big fan of your Tutorials. Great info.

Running parallel systems thing is really interesting. So it's basically having 
multiple OS and nukes running on your hardware kinda like how amazon has it's 
cloud rendering, sorry I'm never used it just read about it.

The SSD running 4k realtime is nuts. More processors then more Ghz is 
interesting too.

I'm looking into hiero as we speak.

Our production is 3d animation, no live action. We're going from Maya to Nuke 
and then FCP for final output. I'm not sure if heiro fits in there or not, I 
get the feeling that hiero is just for live action with fx?

Our comps using have exrs with lots of passes, also relighting is a must now 
and then 3d elements in nuke and particles. Is this a heavy comp?

If yes then more RAM and CPU's? 

SSD is always better I think but as fair as money and a budget seems like 
you're saying that SSD's will give then most bang on playing 4k etc?

Makes sense. SSD's help with the IO which might help for our EXR seq's maybe?


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