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On Jan 28, 2022, at 10:20 AM, William Cole wrote:
> However, when executing sudo service nut-client on the Client PC, still 
> getting a Connection refused message:
> upsmon[491] UPS [APCES750Client@]:connect failed: Connection 
> failure: Connection refused
> (repeated 9 times)

"Connection refused" is a standard network error message that says that either 
a firewall is blocking the port, or no daemon is currently listening on that 
port. Since both ends of this connection are on the same host, a firewall is 
not particularly likely to be blocking this, but you could always change it to 
use (localhost) if there is a firewall that can't easily be changed.

In the case of the client Pi, you mentioned that ups.conf was originally empty. 
You may need to restart upsd (sudo "service nut-server restart", I think) now 
that it has an entry for the locally connected UPS. upsd listens on the port 
that NUT clients like upsmon and upsc connect to.

- Charles
Nut-upsuser mailing list

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