[missed hitting reply-all]

On Oct 16, 2014, at 5:20 PM, Michael Stinaff <mstin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Just realized that I have ignored an important piece of info that actually 
> started me on this quest.  Thank you for following me through the mud.  
> Hopefully this will clear a few things up.
> Most if not all of the servers will be ESXi or FreeNAS boxes.  FreeNAS has 
> nut built in and ESXi can have it added in with this great user created VIB 
> http://rene.margar.fr/2012/05/client-nut-pour-esxi-5-0/
> However both can only monitor a single UPS.
> So what I really need (but forgot I needed) is a way to create a virtual UPS 
> that groups two physical UPSes  

I admit I had not considered shutting down via something other than a fully 
configurable upsmon. You might be able to sneak behind the FreeNAS GUI and 
manually generate upsmon.conf, but that seems brittle, and I have no idea what 
the equivalent is for the ESXi add-on.

> Is this what I need? http://www.networkupstools.org/docs/man/dummy-ups.html
> Is there a best practice or standard config for doing this?

Well, it is certainly possible to script up a virtual driver using dummy-ups, 
but I don't know if anyone is doing that in production.

(Despite the wording of the man page regarding the "meta UPS" concept, the code 
to combine UPSes into a single virtual UPS is not implemented-- dummy-ups will 
currently either read from a file, or act as a proxy for another single UPS.)

What you could do is write a script to poll two UPSes, and combine their 
status. Technically, for a shutdown, you only need to poll "ups.status", and 
then construct a truth table to map OB+OB to OB, OB+LB to OB (assuming two 
PSUs) and LB+LB (or LB plus any comms errors) to LB. Then, FreeNAS should be 
able to shut down based on the dummy-ups status. Again, the Raspberry Pi would 
probably be capable of this.

> Thank you and sorry for the wild goose chase!
> No ascii diagrams this time.  How about a squirrel?
>  ,;;:;,
>    ;;;;;
>   ,:;;:;    ,'=.
>   ;:;:;' .=" ,'_\
>   ':;:;,/  ,__:=@
>    ';;:;  =./)_
>      `"=\_  )_"`
>           ``'"`

Excellent idea :-)

Charles Lepple

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