> Please tell me if u have any method to increase the charging current of
> APC smart 1000/1400VA with and without external battery bank option. I
> am using externally 40 and 80 Amp lead acid batteries but charging time
> is too long. Please help me ASAP.

You would have to ask APC for that. Since the original batteries that go
into this system are only 12Ah, I can imagine that charging time will be
(very) long when empty when using the build in charger. I'm fairly certain
that this can't be done through a command that is sent to the UPS, so this
probably requires additional hardware (if it can be done at all, safely).
I expect that adding an extrenal charger might/will interfere with the
internal charging circuits, so I really doubt if this is an optimal
solution. Several vendors have systems where additional battery modules
can be added that come with their own (integrated) chargers.

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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