Hi Vittorio, Brian, Rifaat and OAuth WG members.

I volunteered to review the OAuth 2.0 Step-up Authentication Challenge Protocol 
 at the OAuth working group meeting at IETF 113. I did the review in the 
context of a "just-in-time" step-up authentication scenario we are exploring 
and have the following observations:

  1.  A standard for step-up authentication will be valuable with an increasing 
need for "just-in-time" step-up authentication to improve user experience and 
allow customers to protect their assets appropriately. We should pursue this 
  2.  There is an implicit assumption in the proposal that the "step-up" is a 
superset that includes all preceding authentication contexts and that it 
persists. This may not always be the case if the "step-up" is short lived 
before reverting to the previous authentication context and the authentication 
methods may not always be a superset. For example a server side liveness 
biometric check or government ID presentation may be required on top of an MFA 
authentication. Satisfying the liveness check or government ID presentation can 
be done independent of the MFA method, and does not imply the MFA method was 
  3.  When this "super-set" assumption does not hold it may result in a 
degraded user experience (user is prompted to re-authenticate on "step-down", 
extra latency and round trips), increased costs (extra token issuance) or cause 
a security vulnerability (e.g. only the "step_up" check is performed, the acr 
and auth_time is updated implying initial checks were performed as well while 
resetting the auth_time for the initial authentication context (if it took 

Some ideas on how to address this (there are probably more):

  1.  Make the assumption explicit and add security considerations to outline 
the security risks along with implementation guidance on how to deal with the 
"temporary step-up" uses cases (see Step 6: Option 1-3 below as examples).
  2.  Don't assume that "step-up" is always a superset of what came before and 
include authentication context history in the access token to give visibility 
to the resource server on which authentication contexts were satisfied when and 
how long ago (e.g. include the latest acr and auth_time values as proposed but 
also provide an acr_history construct of acr/auth_time tuples that reflect the 
authentication context history). This "acr_history" property may be optional 
for those deployments that do operate in a strict superset environment (if it 
is optional, the security considerations should outline the risks of making 
this assumption).

I am sharing more details on the scenario below, in case it helps to clarify 
the above observations (also, feel free to poke holes or suggest better 

Scenario Description
The user is authenticated using one of a number of authentication methods 
available (password, FIDO, other MFA etc). For specific high value actions 
(e.g. a transaction approval, code commit etc), an additional "step-up" spot 
check needs to be performed on the user identity (e.g. a server side biometric 
liveness check, present a government issued ID, or some additional MFA 
options). The validity period of this "spot-check" needs to be short to 
minimise risk, after which authentication needs to "step-down" to the original 
authentication context. If the user needs to perform another high value 
transaction, they need to complete the "step-up" again. This roughly translates 
into the following steps:

  1.  User attempts to access "regular resource 1"
  2.  User is authenticated using an "initial" authentication mechanism 
(password, FIDO, other MFA)
  3.  User attempts to perform high value action on "sensitive resource 2"
  4.  User is prompted for a "step-up" authentication (e.g. server side 
liveness check/biometric verification, government ID presentation)
  5.  User authenticates and completes action.
  6.  User continues to access regular resources as before with no 
re-authentication for the "initial" authentication method.
  7.  User attempts to perform another high value action on "sensitive resource 
  8.  User is once again prompted for a "step-up" authentication (e.g. server 
side liveness check/biometric verification, government ID presentation)
  9.  User authenticates and completes action.

So, ideally we want to be able to perform an "initial" authentication, then 
force a short-lived "step-up" and then  followed by a "step-down" without 
having the user take any action for the "step-down". So, going through this 
step-by-step, it looks something like this:

Steps 1-2: This is achieved using existing OAuth flows and the authorisation 
server issues an access token with "acr: initial" and "auth_time: t0".

Step 3-5: The resource server responds with "insufficient_user_authentication", 
"acr_values: step_up" and "max_age: 0", which the client pass back to the 
authorization server. The authorization server force the step-up authentication 
and issue the new access token with the requested "acr: step_up" value and a 
new "auth_time: t1" value. At this point the resource server validate the token 
and inspect the new "acr: step_up" and "auth_time: t1" values. If the time 
window falls within the expected range, and the acr value match the expected 
value, the user can complete the high value action

Step 6: At this point the user navigates away from the high value resource that 
only requires the "acr: step_up" value. The resource server now  has one of the 
following options (there may be more, these are the ones that came to mind as I 
read the spec):

Step 6: Option 1
The resource server treats the "acr: step_up" value as a superset that includes 
the "acr: initial" value and accepts the "auth_time: t1" as representative of 
both the "acr: step_up" and the "acr: initial" value. The resource server 
assess the new "acr" and "auth_time" values for each resource accessed, based 
on the policies for those resources. The downside of this approach is a 
potential security vulnerability. If the "acr: step_up" value is not a strict 
superset, but rather an additional check, the previous authentication context 
is lost and may introduce a security vulnerability. For example, a user may be 
unauthenticated and asked to do a liveness check. On completing the liveness 
check, the new "acr: step_up" value may be set, implying that the user also 
complied with the "acr: initial" authentication step, even when they did not. 
Alternatively, the "acr: initial" value may be on the verge of exceeding the 
validity period, but a "step-up" check may cause the "auth_time" to be updated, 
implying that the "acr: initial" requirement was satisfied more recently than 
it really was.

Step 6: Option 2
The resource server rejects the "acr: step_up" value and issue another 
"insufficient_user_authentication", "acr_values" and "max_age". The client 
presents it to the authorisation server. If the authorization server still have 
the information on the original "acr: initial" value and "auth_time: t0" it may 
issue a new token with that information. If the "max_age" window exceeds the 
time elapsed from when the "auth_time" was issued, or if the authorization 
server no longer has the previous results cached, it may force a 
re-authentication to satisfy the "acr_value: initial" requirement and issue a 
new access token. This has the downside of an extra roundtrip with the 
Authorization Server in order to retrieve the original authentication context, 
and may result in additional authentication requests following a "step-up" if 
the authorization server no longer has a record of the previous authentication 
cached. In an extreme case, where the Authorisation Server does not keep state, 
the user will be forced to re-authenticate to satisfy "acr: initial" after 
every "acr: step_up" interaction. In large scale deployments, it also requires 
synchronisation of authentication context state across geo-distributed 
authorisation servers, which drives complexity and costs.

Step 6: Option 3
The client can maintain multiple tokens, one for each "acr" value and present 
those tokens depending on the resources being accessed. This approach pushes 
responsibility back to the client to handle the complexity of managing the 
tokens and feels like an anti-pattern to some extent as it is preferable to 
keep complexity out of the clients.

Step 6: Option 4 (not supported in current proposal, for consideration of 
Don't assume that "step-up" is always a superset of previous authentication 
contexts and include authentication context history in the access token to give 
visibility to the resource server on which authentication contexts were 
satisfied when and how long ago (e.g. include the latest acr and auth_time 
values as proposed but also provide an acr_history construct of acr/auth_time 
tuples that preceded the "step-up" operation). This avoids unnecessary 
re-authentication (uesr experience issues, latency), additional roundtrips to 
the Authorisation Server (costs), simplified state management for the 
authorization server (cost and complexity) and avoids pushing more complexity 
to the client. There is still a risk that the resource server misinterprets the 
acr values or history, but that risk already exists, and having the history 
enables the resource server to take all the information explicitly into account 
when applying policies.

Step 7-9: The same as steps 3-5.

It would be great to hear from others if there are other options/alternatives 
to consider to refine this valuable proposal for step-up authentication.



From: OAuth <oauth-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Filip Skokan
Sent: Thursday 21 April 2022 16:04
To: Vittorio Bertocci <vittorio.berto...@auth0.com>; Brian Campbell 
<bcampb...@pingidentity.com>; Rifaat Shekh-Yusef <rifaat.s.i...@gmail.com>
Cc: oauth <oauth@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Step-up Authentication review

Hello Rifaat, Brian, Vittorio, everyone,

As a follow up to the last IETF meeting, I've reviewed the step up 
authentication draft again.

Aside from a number of typos and what was shared and discussed at the IETF 
meeting in person I believe the mechanism could use an AS discovery component.

I believe that a call for adoption is in order so that this document may get 
worked on under the working group process.

Filip Skokan

On Wed, 20 Apr 2022 at 18:31, Rifaat Shekh-Yusef 
<rifaat.s.i...@gmail.com<mailto:rifaat.s.i...@gmail.com>> wrote:

During the last IETF meeting, you volunteered to review the step-up 
authentication draft.

Can you please review the document and provide your feedback on the mailing 


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