Hi all,

I'm trying to write an application (an SSL server) that does client

My application sends the certificate request using a renegotiate on an
already open connection.

When I connect to my applicatio with either an OpenSSL s_client or with
Netscape, everything wroks fine. The ssl client receives the certificate
requests and sends back the client certificate.

When I do the same thing with IE (5.5), IE closes the TCP connection after
receiving the certificate request, opens a new connection and waits for 120
seconds before sending anything to the server.

I tested the same scenario with IIS 5 on Win2k (instead of my application)
and the same thing happens (i.e. netscapes works immediatly, IE gets stuck
for 120 seconds) with one minor difference. when working with my application
it never recuperates from the new connection +120'' wait and IIS returns the
page after the 120''.

Attached please find both my client certificate and key and CA certificate.
They are both just test certificates created using OpenSSL so there is
nothing secret about them.

I am pretty much at a loss here so any suggestion / recommendations would be
highly appriciated.






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