Hey all!

I've done a bit of investigation of cloud databases, and have put up a
couple of changes to migrate databases we care about (gerrit, wiki,
paste, etherpad) to be cloud databases. Basically this just comes down
to passing in hostname to the puppet modules and not having puppet
create the MySQL.

Rolling it out will involve a manual step, because of data transfer.
Essentially, the steps would be:

for service in gerrit gerrit-dev wiki paste etherpad:
  shutdown puppet on service
  shut down service
  land puppet config change
  dump data from local database
  load data into remote database
  apply puppet change
  start service

It takes a couple of minutes to transfer the gerrit database - so it
shouldn't be terribly long, but it will be downtime, so we'll want to
wait until next time we want to schedule a downtime to do it.

I think we should start with paste - since we could probably take it
down for a few minutes with the least issues. Then do etherpad - similar
- not TERRIBLE to shut down for a few minutes. Then we should run those
for a little while to see how performance is and whatnot. Then we can do
wiki and gerrit.

As an added bonus - paste and etherpad should cease having any local
data once the db is moved off - so we should be able to spin up more
than one of them and put them behind a load balancer.

This isn't super urgent - but it sprung out of the "make sure we're
backing up MySQL databases" bug - which then seemed like something we
should, in fact, _not_ be dealing with.


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