Hi everybody!

I have a question on publishing models in origami-journals.
Suppose I invented something. And it's known that it had been definitely
invented before. Let it be, for example Tornillo model as a well-known
modular =). Suppose that I made it truly independent. But at the moment of
publishing I also know about it had been 100% invented before.
The question:
1) is it ethic to send it to any of the origami journals?
2) is it ethic to put my name to such the diagrams?
3) (the question to editors): will you ever accept such thing? (if you know
that Tornillo is already invented)

If I publish smth in the book, I should get a permission of an author and
put his(her) name to the model and it will be ok. But what's with journals?
Don't they act more like scientific journals where the first is the only?

Best Regards,
Ekaterina Lukasheva

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