O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    November 30, 2002                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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    related content to a user with a focus for development with Open Source  
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Cube Fodder: Tangle Desktop Toy

Gadgets: Sharp Zaurus Linux PDA

Gadgets: Key Katcher

Tshirts: Kids: newbie

Caffeine: Energy Gum

Gadgets: Super Bright GREEN Laser Pointer!

Gadgets: SoundBug - Turns Glossy Surfaces Into Speakers!

Tshirts: It Must Be User Error

Gadgets: Key Katcher Privacy Device

Gadgets: Mini Wireless Color Video Cam (for RC rovers)

Cube Goodies: Levitron Desktop Levitation Toy

Tshirts: Bug Off, I'm On My Break

Watches: onHand PC Watch

Caffeine: Hyperglow Caffeinated Beer

Gadgets: Desktop Zero Point Infinite Power Generator

Cube Fodder: New Desktop Mini Fridge/Warmer

Mods: New Lian-LIi Cases

Cube Fodder: LED Binary Clock

Cube Fodder: Rogers Connection Magnetic Set

Caffeine: Warp Mints In Cinnamon Flavor

Automated Security Tools
    Release Candidate 1

    phpLotto 1st Release

Legend of the Wonderer TCG
    battle system in the project Docs

Advanced Simlulation Toolkit

    PHPortal version 0.1.9 released!

PCGen -- A d20 Character Generator
    PCGen 2.6.3 is available

MySQL Objective C API for Cocoa
    SMySQL version 0.7.0

i810 Framebuffer Device Driver
    Video Overlay Support for the Intel 810 and 815 Framebuffer

'Just For Fun' Network Management System
    JFF Network Management System 0.6.4

    VietPad 1.0.2 Release

DHTML Bug Found in Mozilla 1.2

    [0]joyoflinux writes "The people at [1]Mozilla have announced that
    [2]Mozilla 1.2 contained a bug that caused sites that use DHTML to fail
    (more on the [1]front page). They have pulled 1.2 from the [2]releases
    page, pending a 1.2.1 release." 
    0. http://thejoyoflinux AT yahoo DOT com
    1. http://mozilla.org/
    2. http://mozilla.org/releases/

Building the Enterprise D Out of LEGOs.

    [0]CleverNickName writes "A self-proclaimed "dork" has [1]built one of
    the best models of Enterprise D I have ever seen (and I think I speak
    with some authority)...entirely out of LEGOs. I can see my house from
    0. http://wil AT wilwheaton DOT net
    1. http://homepage.mac.com/happywaffle/enterprise.html
    2. http://homepage.mac.com/happywaffle/misc/PhotoAlbum27.html

Unfinished Adventures

    [0]Obiwan Kenobi writes "[1]Just Adventure has an [2]interesting
    article on unfinished games that were nixed in mid-development. Amongst
    the casualties are incomplete trilogies, an off beat 20,000 Leagues
    Under the Sea game, Blizzard's ill-fated Warcraft Adventures and the
    Star Trek title "Secret of Vulcan Fury."" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.justadventure.com/
    2. http://www.justadventure.com/articles/UnfinishedGames/UnfinishedGames.shtm

Cringely on P2P

    [0]rrwood writes "The latest [1]Cringely is out. In it, Bob give his
    take on P2P and Big Media and where it's all going. Nothing new there,
    but as usual, the interesting part is what SlashDotters will say here
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.pbs.org/cringely/pulpit/pulpit20021128.html

Massachusetts Appealing Microsoft Ruling

    linuxwrangler writes "Criticizing the "loophole-filled deal" and saying
    "We are prepared to go it alone," Massachusetts Attorney General Tom
    Reilly has [0]announced that Massachusetts is appealing the Microsoft
    ruling. Seven other states have dropped out and are negotiating
    enforcement and attorney fees. West Virginia is still undecided on an

News from ApacheCon US 2002

    [0]pdw writes "[1]Apache Week [2]this week has a [3]feature detailing
    the happenings at last week's [4]ApacheCon in Vegas. Read up to find
    out what's new in the world of Apache." 
    0. http://www.weinstein.org
    1. http://www.apacheweek.com/
    2. http://www.apacheweek.com/issues/02-11-29
    3. http://www.apacheweek.com/features/apachecon2002
    4. http://apachecon.com/2002/US/index.html

Hello Kitty May Be Key to 3G Survival

    [0]wa4osh writes "It's scary to think that sophisticated 3G mobile
    systems may depend for their survival on Hello Kitty (a cutesy Japanese
    pink cat with whiskers but no mouth) according to the recent Commdesign
    article "[1]Hello Kitty may be key to 3G success". The article suggests
    that 3G's main market is downloading ringtones and backgrounds. Reading
    between the lines, it also suggests that 3G did not find a killer
    application. For example, what happened to 3G Video phones, or using 3G
    to send video clips to each other? These are all things that can be
    done with today's 2.5G technologies - GPRS and 1XRTT. So what's 3G
    really for? Perhaps Wi-Fi / 802.11 is solving the real need for
    broadband data mobility." The Wall Street Journal has an article which
    suggests that cellular companies are [2]turning to Wi-Fi to hedge their
    0. http://wa4osh<at>yahoo<dot>com
    1. http://commsdesign.com/news/OEG20021127S0042
    2. http://online.wsj.com/article_email/0,,SB1038529896943393228,00.html

Bricklin on Tablet PCs

    [0]t482 writes "Dan Bricklin [1]gives his first impressions of the
    Tablet PC. 'The most important thing to know about the Tablet PC, as
    far as I'm concerned so far, is that Microsoft did a great job...of
    naming it.' and then goes on to give a fascinating [2]history of pen
    0. http://xminc.com/linux
    1. http://danbricklin.com/log/tabletpc.htm
    2. http://www.bricklin.com/tabletcomputing.htm

Movielink.com: Nice But Not Ready For Prime Time

    [0]Ismenio writes with the following review of the online film
    distribution system Movielink.com. Here's his Quick summary: "Pros:
    convenient, prices are OK, selection includes some "new" releases, no
    late fees. Cons: no widescreen format, technical issues in download,
    only 24-hour-watch period, no search function, for US only." Read on
    for the rest of his review. 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

ER1 Personal Robot Reviewed

    [0]Makarand writes "The Mercury News is carrying a [1]review of the
    [2]ER1 Personal Robot from [3]Evolution Robotics Inc (of Pasadena, CA).
    The ER1 resembles neither a dog nor any robot in sci-fi movies. It is a
    3-wheeled platform (resembling an industrial table) holding a laptop
    (running Windows) for its brains and a Web camera for its eye. The ER1
    sells at $600 (laptop not included). For an extra $100 you get a
    completely assembled ER1. Evolution plans to sell expansions like
    grippers and infrared sensors in the future. If your laptop is Wi-Fi
    capable you can drive the robot around inside your home or control it
    using the Internet from anywhere." 
    0. mailto:{the-Junta(@)HotMail.}
    1. http://www.siliconvalley.com/mld/siliconvalley/4619368.htm
    2. http://www.evolution.com/product/consumer/er1/
    3. http://evolution.com/

AlberT-EasySite 1.0.0-a1 (Development)

    AlberT-EasySite is a PHP-based site generation system that pays
    particular attention to graphics and to the complete separation of PHP
    and HTML code. It is a plugin based system. Template
    &quot;objects&quot; are handled by a plugin, making it very easy to add
    your own custom objects. Multiple themes and users support are
    included, as are the predefined HTML objects include, repeat, title,
    table, subDomain, counter, etc. It embeds AlberT-cache to speed up

Anti-censorship Tools (proxyTools) 2002.11.29 

    Anti-censorship tools (proxyTools) consists of a huge Perl application
    (localProxy) and a set of tools to analyze the user's network (proxies,
    firewall rules, name servers, etc.). LocalProxy abstracts external
    services in an uncensored, reliable, fast manner to the localhost,
    where they may be used by standard clients (Web browsers, Usenet news
    clients, SOCKS-capable clients, etc.). Various combinations of
    strategies are tried to ensure the non-censored nature of the
    information, and multiple, parallel services (e.g. HTTP proxies) are
    used to ensure reliability and speed. The tools are capable of
    automating collection of the data required for localProxy. LocalProxy
    builds a configuration for the user and dynamically adjusts to using
    the fastest strategies and proxies available to it. The tools are
    useful for network analysis (firewall rules, proxy capabilities, etc.)
    independently of localProxy. 

Astro::FITS::Header Module 2.4 (Development)

    The Astro::FITS::Header Perl module and its associated sub-classes are
    object-orientated classes for reading, modifying, and writing out FITS
    standard header blocks to FITS and NDF files. 

bMotion 0.0.2 

    bMotion is an AI script for eggdrop bots that gives them a bit of life
    and makes them better channel members on IRC. It exposes a plugin
    interface, allowing its functionality and behavior to be easily
    adjusted and extended with simple (yet powerful) TCL scripts. 

CVS Monitor 0.6 Stable (Stable)

    CVS Monitor is a Perl CGI application for monitoring activity in a CVS
    repository. It is somewhat similar in purpose to cvsweb, but far more
    useful when you just want to keep an eye on development, allow
    management/clients to see what is happening, or provide the public with
    a view into the project. 

FUDforum 2.3.6RC2 (Development)

    FUDforum is templatable forum with i18n support based on PHP and either
    MySQL or PostgreSQL. It features a user/group management system, a
    multi-lingual spell checker, both flat and thread message views, a
    private messaging system with mult-iuser forwarding capabilities, poll
    file attachments, and much more. It is an extremely fast and scalable
    forum that can fulfill the needs of both small and large forum

Genmenu 1.0 (Stable)

    Genmenu can generate menus for Blackbox, Fluxbox, Openbox, Window
    Maker, and Enlightenment based on the program binaries found installed
    on a system. The list of programs to search for are contained within
    the script. Users can, to a limited degree, customize their menus via a
    set of interactive questions. 

GNUstep 0.8.3 

    GNUstep is a set of general-purpose Objective-C libraries based on the
    OpenStep standard developed by NeXT (now Apple) Inc. The libraries
    consist of everything from foundation classes, such as dictionaries and
    arrays, to GUI interface classes such as windows, sliders, buttons,

GNUstep 1.5.1 (LaunchPad)

    GNUstep is a set of general-purpose Objective-C libraries based on the
    OpenStep standard developed by NeXT (now Apple) Inc. The libraries
    consist of everything from foundation classes, such as dictionaries and
    arrays, to GUI interface classes such as windows, sliders, buttons,

Hibernate 1.2 rc2 

    Hibernate is a powerful, high performance object/relational persistence
    and query service for Java. It lets you develop persistent objects
    following common Java idiom, including composition, association,
    inheritance, polymorphism, and the Java collections framework. To allow
    a rapid build procedure, Hibernate rejects the use of code generation
    or bytecode processing. Instead, runtime reflection is used and SQL
    generation occurs at system startup time. It supports Oracle, DB2,
    MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Interbase, Microsoft SQL Server, Mckoi SQL,
    Progress, SAP DB, and HypersonicSQL. 

ipkungfu 0.2.1 

    IPKungFu is an iptables-based Linux firewall. The primary design goals
    are security, ease of use, and performance, in that order. It takes
    advantage of advanced features of iptables, tcpwrappers, and the Linux

Jaffm 0.6 

    Jaffm is a lightweight wxWindows (GTK+ interface) file manager for
    Unix, written in C++. It is aimed at nonsense-free file management. It
    is mostly inspired by the List View in Mac OS Finder, but does and will
    have Unix-handy features such as instant command execution, an
    interactive location bar, and a simple but elegant user interface. 

JaxMe 1.51 

    JaxMe is a Java/XML binding framework based on SAX2. It consists of a
    set of code generators that read an XML schema and generate code for
    parsing conformant XML documents into corresponding Java objects,
    saving those objects into a database or, vice versa, reading such Java
    objects from a database and converting them into XML. JaxMe supports
    namespaces, relational databases, and Tamino. JaxMe comes with an
    integrated application framework and a generator for EJB entity beans
    with BMP (bean managed persistence). 

JPluck 1.0 b3-2 

    JPluck is a Java-based toolkit for creating Plucker documents. It
    includes the JPluck X GUI for managing and downloading sites. 

LighthouseBlue 0.6.1 

    LighthouseBlue is a theme engine based on Red Hat's Bluecurve theme. It
    features a non-distracting clean look with neutral yet warmish colours
    taking into account UI usability issues. 

msnlib D3 

    msnlib is an MSN Messenger protocol library and text-mode client
    written in Python. 

nail 10.3 

    Nail is a mail user agent derived from Berkeley Mail 8.1. It is
    intended to provide the functionality of the POSIX.2 mailx command with
    built-in support for MIME messages, POP3, and SMTP. It also contains
    some minor enhancements like the ability to set a From: Address. Nail
    offers its full command set both for interactive and batch use, and is
    especially useful for sending attachments from scripts or for reading
    mail via slow connections and on bad terminals. In recent system
    environments, nail is Unicode/UTF-8 capable. 

Net::Dict 1.0.3 

    Net::Dict provides a simple API to the DICT protocol. It handles all
    network-related issues and provides DICT responses in PHP datatypes to
    make it easy for a developer to use DICT servers in programs. 

netspeed_applet for gnome 0.7 

    netspeed_applet is a little GNOME applet that shows the traffic on a
    specified network device (for example eth0) in kbytes/s. 

ng-utils 0.2 

    ng-utils is a collection of small tools to access netgroup contents. 

NMO-SDK 0.1 

    The NMO SDK is a portable, object oriented software development kit
    written with and for the C++ language. 

OpenComal 0.2.6-pre1 (Pre-releases)

    OpenComal is a free implementation of the Comal programming language.
    Currently supported platforms are Linux, MS-DOS, and Win32. 

OpenH323 Gatekeeper 2.0.2 

    The OpenH323 gatekeeper is a free H.323 gatekeeper based on the
    OpenH323 project. You can use it to manage a Voice-over-IP network and
    let endpoints (eg. ohphone or Netmeeting) communicate through symbolic
    names. It also has an external interface for other applications. It
    runs on Linux and a number of other *IX platforms and MS-Windows. 

Phoenix Browser 0.4 (Development)

    Phoenix is a redesign of the Mozilla browser component. It is similar
    to Galeon, K-Meleon, and Chimera, but it is written using the XUL user
    interface language, and is designed to be cross-platform. 

PHP TroubleTicket 0.1.4 (Development)

    PHP Trouble Ticket attempts to adress the need for a centralized means
    of problem reporting and tracking in multi-user environments (medium to
    large companies, development groups, etc.). It helps to direct problem
    reports to the responsible administrator(s), keep track of the status
    of a problem being worked on, and offers an up-to-date list of recent
    changes applied. PHP Trouble Ticket aims to be widely configurable,
    easy to use even for the not technically inclined and multi-language

Plume 0.7.0 

    Plume is a complete set of packages to create and administer a network
    of diskless computers used as X terminals. The station root file system
    is extensively based on Debian, with as few new packages as possible.
    It is clean and lean, as well as easy to understand. 

PornView 0.1.3 

    PornView is a GTK+-based image viewer/manager. Features include
    thumbnail previews, thumbnail caching, directory tree views, and and
    adjustable zoom. Fullscreen view and slideshows allow for basic
    presentation of images. 

PSetMixer 0.2 

    PSetMixer is a small commandline OSS-compliant sound mixer designed to
    be usable from shell scripts, Tcl/Tk, etc. 

Q's Nicolatter for X 1.7.5 

    Q's Nicolatter is a Kana-Kanji keyboard input method server. It
    provides a common operation method over X applications which process
    Japanese text. It can be used with Gtk+, Qt, etc. applications. It
    supports the Romaji-Kana, JIS Kana, and NICOLA keyboard arrangements. 

Radiator Radius Server 3.4 

    Radiator is flexible, extensible, and authenticates from a huge range
    of auth methods, including SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+,
    password, NT SAM, Emerald, Platypus, Freeside, TACACS+, PAM, external,
    OPIE, POP3, EAP, and Active Directory. It runs on Unix,
    Win95/98/NT/2000, MacOS 9, MacOS X, VMS, etc. 

rawrec 0.9.98 

    rawrec and rawplay are utilities designed to provide the user with a
    simple way of recording and playing raw audio data. Options exist to
    control the timing and padding of the run as well as the dsp
    parameters. The main ring buffer size and buffer fragment size can be
    set if desired. These programs are particularly useful in conjunction
    with the sox utility. 

Sandwish for Metacity 2.0 

    Sandwish for Metacity is a port of the Sawfish theme. 

searchtool 0.4.0 (Development)

    searchtool is a server browser for Internet games. It features the
    ability to ping servers, download a new serverlist, search for
    player(s), manage your favourite servers, connect to server of choice,
    and more. Half-Life and Unreal-Tournament are supported. 

SILC 0.9.6 (Toolkit)

    SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) is a protocol which provides
    secure conferencing services in the Internet over insecure channels.
    SILC superficially resembles IRC, although they are very different
    internally. The purpose of SILC is to provide secure conferencing
    services. Strong cryptographic methods are used to secure all traffic,
    and all messages are encrypted and authenticated. The SILC also
    supports secure file transferring. The SILC is delivered as SILC Client
    for end users, SILC Server for system administrators, and SILC Toolkit
    for application developers. 

Silva Web Authoring System 

    Silva is a Zope-based Web application designed for the creation and
    management of structured, textual content. It allows users to enter new
    documents as well as edit existing documents using a Web interface. It
    stores the content in a structured format (XML) and keeps a strict
    separation between the way the content is used and the way it is

TcheReport 0.0.1 

    TcheReport is a set of PHP classes which generate reports in diverse
    formats from information obtained from external sources (such as a
    database). It allows personalized formatting and linking with other

Tessellation 1.0.0 

    Tessellation lets you create nice colorful tilings like Escher with 8
    basic figures. 

tk92 0.1 

    tk92 is multi-platform software for configuring Radio Shack PRO-92 and
    PRO-2067 scanner radios. It lets you read a memory image from the
    receiver or an SPG file, view and change settings using a graphical
    interface, and sort memory channels by frequency or by label. Users can
    import and export memory channel and talk group data from CSV files.
    tk92 can then write the image from the computer back to the radio. 

TrueBlue 1.0 

    TrueBlue attempts to emulate the look and feel of the Luna interface of
    Windows XP. It is not a perfect replica. It abandons some of the bells
    and whistles of the original in favor of a more unified and sober
    result, and it makes up by adding its share of eye candy. It uses 6
    different engine themes: xeno, pixmap, flat, thinice, raleigh, and

Wavelet Signal Analyser 2002-11-26 

    This (educational) tool visualises the stages (or 'octaves') of a
    wavelet transformation (daub4). Besides some built in test signals, it
    also does a real time transformation of the microphone audio channel.
    It can also be used to examine the smoothness (and noise) of a signal. 

Working Overloaded Linux Kernel 3.8 (Development)

     The Working Overloaded Linux Kernel (WOLK) project provides
    development kernels for testing purposes only. These kernels provide a
    service for developers and end users who can't be up-to-date with the
    latest kernels/patches but want to test new kernel features. Patches
    may be added upon request. 

Slashcode install on RedHat 8.0

    I just got Slashcode installed on RedHat 8.0 and I documented the
    process here: http://www.heltzel.org/slashcode.html I hope this can
    help others trying to do the same thing. 

CTDATA.com Publishes Its 1,000th Story

    I'm pretty proud of the fact that CTDATA.com published its 1,000th
    article at 10:56am this morning. Not bad for a site that's still
    running some pretty ancient code. We've done some interesting stuff
    with Slash in the past year, but most of it is hidden from the casual
    visitor to our three Slash-based sites. Hopefully, we'll get on the
    main branch of the project in the next few months-- we can't be relics

What exactly is isolation mode for?

    Each section has an isolation mode property, that determines (I think)
    wether or not sories from that section will be displayed on the front
    page or not. In addition, each story has it's own DisplayMode property,
    that, in effect, does the same thing. Which takes precedence? If Slash
    always uses the individual story's displaymode to determine whether to
    display the story, what's the point of the section-level isolation

Restricting Article Access?

    I've just started up a new slash site, however one feature that I would
    like, which doesn't seem to exist, is the ability to restrict users
    from reading certain stories. I know this seems counter-productive,
    however I have a valid reason. Namely that I have a subset of users who
    have more privileges, and thus stuff applies to them that wouldn't
    apply to regular users. It seems like the concept of a "security
    level", which users have, might be an ideal way to restrict Article
    viewing. I'm sure I can kludge something myself, but if there's already
    a supported/good way to do this, then that would be great. 

How to kickstart meta-moderation?

    I have a small slash site with a small number of users (by design) with
    a few dozen stories and probably fewer than 200 comments posted so far.
    The slash engine is handing out moderation points, perhaps because I
    reset some of the configuration variables. But meta-moderation is not
    operating.I recall that this has something to do with the number of
    moderations (I'd look in the archives but the search function on
    slashcode has been down for a while...). Unfortunately, I have one user
    who could stand some meta-moderation NOW, before he drives other users
    away with his down-mods. Yet I don't see any configuration variables or
    anything else I can tweak to make meta-moderation start up. I would
    rather the enforcement of community standards come from the community
    rather than some heavy-handed act by the site administration. Any way
    to force meta-moderation on? 

Show Domains: Explain, please.

    On the user comments options page, an option exists to "Show the links
    domain only in recommended situations". What are the "recommended
    situations", exactly? How does this differ from the option to "Always
    show link domains"? 

Upgrading to MySQL 4?

    In order to support some other projects I need to roll out on my
    server, I need to upgrade to a real ACID database, which supports
    transactions. Has anybody yet tried using Slash running on MySQL 4.0,
    which now supports transactions? Are there any caevats or tricks to
    doing the switchover, beyond the general upgrade notes for MySQL? 

Slash plugins and version 2.3

    I've been looking at a lot of modules (specifically email.pm and
    Galleria), and it appears that they all require Slash version 2.3. Is
    upgrading from 2.2.6 to one of the 2.3 versions dangerous? Is it as
    simple as compiling and installing? Are there places to get these
    plugins written for the release version of Slash? Or am I being a

How to Make Users Authors?

    What is the proper way to turn users into authors? I'm interested in
    this because I would like to use Slash as something my group uses to
    communicate with each other and the world. I would like the people in
    the group to function as the authors since it is their site. I've been
    looking around in documentation and FAQs but can't find this documented

SubnetID is masked using what?

    When Slash stores the SubnetID in the database, what Subnet mask is it
    using? I was hoping to find this in the vars table, but no luck. Any

Price Compare
128MB Sony Memory Stick (Lexar Media)

    Lowest Price: $49.99 

128MB SecureDigital (SD) Card (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $49.95 

256MB Secure Digital Card (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $100.20 

MSA-128A 128MB Memory Stick (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $62.87 

128MB CompactFlash Type I (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $42.95 

Power Mac G4 (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $895.00 

iMac PowerPC G4 800MHz 256MB 60GB CDRW/DVD-R (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $1794.00 

XTREME - EXPLORER X4000 PC Intel Pentium 4 Processor 1.60 GHz, 256MB DDR, 40GB (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $558.00 

Dimension 8200 (P4 2.2 GHz, 256MB, 40GB, CDRW) (Dell)

    Lowest Price: $1298.00 

X3000 (AMD Thunderbird 1.2GHz, 512MB, 20GB 52X CD-ROM) (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $445.00 

Angelina Ballerina Book and Doll Set by Katharine Holabird (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $10.00 

Haley's Hints by Graham Haley (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $17.00 

Official Guide for GMAT Review by  (Trade Paper)

    Lowest Price: $28.15 

Chronicles of Narnia Box Set by C. S. Lewis (Trade Paper)

    Lowest Price: $8.78 

Harry Potter Boxed Set by J. K. Rowling (Trade Paper)

    Lowest Price: $19.50 

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