O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    April 01, 2003                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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Cube Goodies: Portable Mini Fridge

Gadgets: LightWedge Reading Light

Gadgets: Binary Code Watch

Books: High Score! The Illustrated History Of Electronic Games

Computing: LED Light Sticks

Cube Goodies: Activision 10-in-1 TV Games

Cube Goodies: Atari Classics 10-in-1 TV Games

Computing: IQeye3 Network Camera

Electronics: FM Transmitter

Computing: UV-Treated Rounded Cables

Computing: 4-D Optical Mouse

Books: Revolution OS DVD/VHS

Gadgets: Wireless PenCam

Gadgets: WristLinx Communicator

Gadgets: Laser-Sighted MiniTemp

Computing: Labtec Axis 712 Digital USB Headset

Computing: Fly Fan USB Fan

Computing: Antec LanBoy Aluminum PC case

Computing: UV-Treated 80mm Cooling Fans

Computing: Viewsonic Airpanel Wireless 15" LCD

ECB 1.93 released

    ECB is a file/code browser for Emacs. It can be used to browse any type
    of file and supports parsing of Java, C, C++, Elisp and other types of
    source code. This release (1.93) includes bug fixes, layout
    enhancements and enhancements to tree-buffers. 

Colander Internet Agent 0.2.2 release

    Colander is a Java application which acts as a scripted personal
    Internet agent (performance of arbitrary scripted tasks through the
    provided framework.) Access is possible through a standard web browser.
    Announcing release 0.2.2: This is a bugfix release that contains
    numerous backported fixes and updates. Please see the release notes on
    the file release page for details. Note that this version does not
    include the proper handling of binary data that the unstable branch
    does. Colander is in a useable state. It is listed as alpha software
    due to changes that may yet occur in the interface and API. 

BitMagic library version 3.1.2 released

    BitMagic is a C++ library implementing dynamic bitvectors with several
    types of on-the-fly, adaptive compression. Designed for use in
    databases, search systems, scientific projects. Version 3.1.2 primarily
    focuses on memory consumption issues. Additional parameters added to
    save memory in situations when thousands of bitsets are used. (see
    http://bmagic.sourceforge.net/memsave.html); several build environment
    problems were fixed; added support file for AIX; improved performance
    of logical operations. 

hl7d added to HL7 Toolkit

    This project aims at providing a Perl Toolkit for using the HL7
    protocol (a data interchange protocol used in healthcare). The toolkit
    will consist of a number of Perl libraries and scripts for developing
    HL7 capable applications in Perl. An early version of the hl7 server
    has been added to the project. This is a forking server that uses the
    Net::HL7 module, and dispatches incoming HL7 messages to user defined

Anjuta 1.0.2 (Tagore) released

    The Anjuta team is pleased to announce the release of Anjuta 1.0.2.
    Anjuta is an IDE (Integrated Developmetn Environment) for C and C++
    targetting the GNOME platform. The main highlight of this release is
    the advanced search/replace functionality. There have also been
    numerous smaller feature additions, updates and bug fixes. The Anjuta
    1.0.x series should now be considered dormant. New development will be
    taking place on HEAD which targets the GNOME2 platform. The current
    stable branch will only get critical bugfixes. Learn more about anjuta
    at http://www.anjuta.org/ 

SnipSnap 0.4.1a and Radeox 0.6.1

    Released a bugfix release for SnipSnap and Radeox. The major change is
    the improved performance of the Macro rendering mechanism that is now a
    100 times faster. SnipSnap is a personal content management system
    based on weblog and wiki technologies. It's intended for desktop use,
    but can be deployed on servers. SnipSnap differs from other weblog and
    wiki tools as it's focused on easy installation. 

POP/SMTP e-mail jConduit now available via CVS.

    Users who build the project from sourcecode will be interested to note
    that the latest sources now include the new Email jConduit, that allows
    you to synchronize the Palm Mail database with the POP and SMTP servers
    of your choice. Work on this jConduit is continuing (adding features
    and such), but it is a good example of how to code a network-enabled
    jConduit. Interested developers are encouraged to update their source
    trees. This jConduit will be a part of our first beta binary release,
    planned for sometime within the next few weeks. 

FreeMarker 2.2 final available

    The first release of FreeMarker 2.2 labelled production/stable is
    available. FreeMarker 2.2 incorporates some revolutionary new features:
    names-spaces, support for 3rd party JSP taglibs, fine control over
    whitespace, macros with default arguments. FreeMarker is a template
    engine. It provides an easy way to generate textual (HTML, RTF,
    PostScript, TeX, source code, etc) output from your data and helps you
    separate design issues from application logic. Integrates with
    servlets, XML, Python and more. 

bogofilter- - new current release

    bogofilter fixes several minor defects in and updates
    the help messages and FAQ. The bogofilter package implements a fast
    Bayesian spam filter along the lines suggested by Paul Graham in his
    article "A Plan For Spam" . It is written in C. Supported platforms:
    Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and OS X. 

Privoxy 3.0.2 is released

    This is the first maintenance release of Privoxy. There are no
    significant new features in this release. Many bugs are fixed, and some
    existing features have been enhanced. See ChangeLog for details.
    Upgrading from 3.0.0 is recommended. Privoxy is a web proxy with
    advanced filtering capabilities for protecting privacy, filtering web
    page content, managing cookies, controlling access, and removing ads,
    banners, pop-ups and other obnoxious junk. It is based on the Internet

New Whitespace-Only Programming Language

    foobarbazquux writes "Introducing [0]whitespace, a language designed to
    compensate for the "white-space doesn't count" culture of contemporary
    programming languages. Amaze your friends by hiding programs in your
    web-pages! Astound colleagues by putting a virus in your text file!"
    (And for those who prefer obfuscation to invisibility, [1]Koshatul
    writes "This article in the Sydney Morning Herald, tells of a [2]new
    programming language which 'makes it impossible to express a security
    vulnerability in a program's source code.'") 
    0. http://compsoc.dur.ac.uk/whitespace/
    1. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    2. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/03/31/1048962694949.html

Gentoo Linux Rethinks Package Management System

    YOU ARE SO FIRED! writes "In an effort to conform to the [0]LSB
    standards, [1]Gentoo Linux will be adopting RPM as the standard form of
    package management in portage 2.1. More information can be found in the
    [2]Gentoo weekly newsletter. I'd surely be fired if I would've proposed
    such an idea!" 
    0. http://www.linuxbase.org/spec/
    1. http://www.gentoo.org/
    2. http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/20030401-newsletter.xml

RFC 3514: New Bit Defined for IPv4 Headers

    [0]RFC 3514 was just released, with a new bit definition for use in the
    headers of IP packets. Because there are important security
    implications, anyone coding internet services (on either the client or
    server end) should probably take a look. 
    0. ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc3514.txt

LCD Price Fixing?

    bilsaysthis asks: "Bill Kearney [0]poses a really interesting question,
    one which I've been puzzled by for a while too: 'What's with prices on
    LCD displays? On one hand a laptop can be had with UXGA resolution
    display for $1000. Try buying that display alone and you'll find it's
    also around $1000. Then there's how much they're gouging for the same
    resolution in an LCD television.'" Sadly enough, as much as I want one
    of these for my wall, the market is willing to bear these prices. How
    long will it be before this hardware becomes affordable? 
    0. http://www.ideaspace.net/users/wkearney/archives/000203.html

Operational Testing of Linux Kernel 2.5.x

    [0]G3ckoG33k writes "[1]The Open Source Development's Lab has begun
    operational testing of the 2.5.x Kernel: "The staff at OSDL has been
    involved with development and testing of 2.5 since the beginning and
    we've noticed that it seems to be very stable for a development tree.
    So good, in fact, that we think it is ready to be tested in a
    production environment. We have planned and begun execution of a
    project to test the 2.5 kernel in our data center using our production
    environment. The project includes lots of testing and lots of escape
    hatches so we don't run recklessly off the edge. We began with some of
    the simpler, less critical servers and, as we build confidence, are
    moving to the more complex servers. Today we have several servers
    running 2.5 and within a month we'll have most of the data center
    migrated to 2.5." Can anyone say Dare Devils?" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.osdlab.org/newsletters/newsletter_2003_mar.html

Mozilla Project Turns 5

    GreyWolf3000 writes "As this notice in tinderbox shows, Mozilla
    [0]turns five years old today. A great testament to the ability of open
    software models debunking the myth that while the community can hack a
    kernel or compiler together, we can't build a large scale project
    designed for everyday folks to use. The trunk is feature frozen for the
    upcoming alpha release for 1.4. Can't wait to see what's in store
    next!" Read on for another odometer reading -- Mozilla's 200,000th bug
    report, perhaps just as auspicious a landmark. 
    0. http://tinderbox.mozilla.org/showbuilds.cgi?tree=SeaMonkey

Susan Kare: Mother of Icons You Love (or Hate)

    [0]bughunter writes "One of today's Yahoo Daily Picks is the
    [1]personal exhibit of Susan Kare: the mimimalist creator of most of
    the [2]original Macintosh icons then, later, the [3]iconic elements for
    Windows 3.0, and she didn't stop there. More than just icons, her GUI
    elements have become part of the modern collective subconscious -
    trashcans, bombs, and Happy Macs are universally recognized by computer
    literate persons the world over. (I can personally attest that the Mac
    System 6 beachball is burned into my soul...) She deserves some
    recognition of her own." 
    0. http://(bughunter) (at) (earthlink.net)
    1. http://www.kare.com/index.html
    2. http://www.kare.com/MakePortfolioPage.cgi?page=2
    3. http://www.kare.com/MakePortfolioPage.cgi?page=6

Paypal Charged Under PATRIOT Act

    A reader writes: "[0]Yahoo has the story: [1]Paypal has been [2]charged
    under the PATRIOT act for accepting and profiting from transactions
    with illegal gambling sites. According to their [3]new rules they will
    no longer allow gambling payments due to the higher chargeback risk.
    It's good to see them charged for something, even if they have never
    had to atone for the thousands of customer dollars they have
    [4]stolen." I know of a number people who've had problems, but I will
    say that I've had no problems with PayPal - on both my personal account
    and on the [5]Subscription side of things. 
    0. http://www.yahoo.com/
    1. http://www.paypal.com/
    2. http://biz.yahoo.com/djus/030331/0912000807_1.html
    3. http://www.wired.com/news/ebiz/0,1272,58208,00.html
    4. http://www.paypalwarning.com/
    5. http://slashdot.org/subscribe.pl

Lindows Media Computer: Power to Strike Microsoft?

    [0]Augustus writes "[1]LinuxHardware.org has just published the first
    review of the [2]Lindows Media Computer from iDOTpc.com. The review
    covers the hardware behind the machine but also goes through all of the
    machine's claimed functionality: "After looking over all the media
    hype, I went searching for one of these little machines. Could the
    Lindows Media Computer really pull off meeting the new Windows machine
    in a pitched battle? It did boast “Instant on” DVD, CD, MP3, and VCD
    playback as one of the prime features. And, it was only a fraction of
    the price for a Windows Media Center system. At the time, only one
    vendor had them available, [3]iDOTpc.com. After some communication, the
    folks at iDOTpc.com were kind enough to loan me one of the units to
    take for a spin." You can find the [4]full review over at
    0. http://www.linuxhardware.org
    1. http://www.linuxhardware.org/
    2. http://www.lindows.com/
    3. http://www.idotpc.com/
    4. http://www.linuxhardware.org/article.pl?sid=03/03/31/1654255&mode=thread

Snag the Red Hat 9 ISOs, via Cash or BitTorrent

    Red Hat Linux 9 is out, and as of today the ISOs are [0]officially
    available to Red Hat Network subscribers ($60/yr). Or, as of right now,
    you can [1]grab the same ISOs using BitTorrent. For those unfamiliar
    with this free/Free P2P download protocol, an introduction follows,
    written by ololiuhqui. Update: 03/31 23:45 GMT by [2]J: After roughly
    four hours, BitTorrent has transferred over 500 full copies of all 3
    ISOs, and a total of over 1.5 TB, at 170 Mbytes/sec. Thanks to the more
    than 3000 people who helped each other download the data, and
    especially to the more than 200 who got full copies and still have
    their clients open, to keep serving data to everyone else :) 
    0. http://www.redhat.com/mktg/rh9iso/
    1. http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/rh9.html
    2. http://jamie.mccarthy.vg/

Allegro 4.0.3 RC 3 (Stable)

    Allegro is a multi-platform game library for C/C++ developers that
    provides many functions for graphics, sounds, player input (keyboard,
    mouse, and joystick), and timers. It also provides fixed and floating
    point mathematical functions, 3D functions, file management functions,
    compressed datafile, and a GUI. 

AllTasks.net 1.37 

    AllTasks.net allows a company to manage all parts of a task from idea
    to execution and evaluation. Work together on big projects and/or
    gather daily tasks into one common system. 

Argus Monitoring System 3.2_RC-20030331 (Development)

    Argus is a system and network monitoring application. It will monitor
    nearly anything you ask it to monitor (TCP + UDP applications, IP
    connectivity, SNMP OIDS, etc). It presents a clean, easy-to-view Web
    interface. It can send alerts numerous ways (such as via pager) and can
    automatically escalate if someone falls asleep. 

Bayesian Pattern Filtering Library 0.2.0beta 

    Bayesian Pattern Filtering Library is a general purpose library
    designed for building Bayesian Filters. Its primary purpose is to
    provide an easy-to-use interface to allow the building of Bayesian
    filters regardless of the data being analyzed. A user will only need to
    provide a tokenizer, hash function, and comparison function in order to
    build a Filter. 

Bioperl 1.2.1 

    Bioperl is set of Perl Modules for bioinformatics. It contains objects
    for Sequences, features on Sequences, and other important
    bioinformatics attributes. 

BKchem 0.4.3 

    BKchem is a chemical drawing program written in Python. 

Bugzero 2.3 

    Bugzero is an easy-to-install Web-based bug, defect, issue, and
    incident tracking system. It can be customized to fit software,
    hardware, and help desk support situations. It is platform and database
    system independent (based on Java). It supports multiple projects,
    group-based access, automatic bug assignment, file attachment, email
    notification, metric reports, and workflow. It also features advanced
    search capability, a comprehensive bug audit trail, CVS version control
    integration, and an easy to use system administration tool for project
    configuration and user account management. 

cgipaf 1.3.0pre2 (Development)

    cgipaf is a combination of three CGI programs. passwd.cgi, which allow
    users to update their password, viewmailcfg.cgi, which allows users to
    view their current mail configuration, and mailcfg.cgi, which updates
    the mail configuration. All programs use PAM for user authentication.
    It is possible to run a script to update SAMBA passwords or NIS
    configuration when a password is changed. mailcfg.cgi creates a
    .procmailrc in the user's home directory. A user with too many invalid
    logins can be locked. The minimum and maximum UID can be set in the
    configuration file, so you can specify a range of UIDs that are allowed
    to use cgipaf. 

changedfiles 0.9.4 

    changedfiles is a framework for filesystem replication, security
    monitoring, and/or automatic file transformations--essentially any
    application where you'd poll files or directories and either do
    something to them or send them somewhere else (or both). The difference
    is, the kernel tells you when they change, instead of you having to
    poll. Besides which, it's an easy real time FTP push mirror to one or
    multiple sites. The changedfiles system consists of two parts: a kernel
    module (works with Linux kernel version 2.4) which reports to a device
    whenever a file on the filesystem changes, and a daemon which runs in
    user space and can be configured to do almost any action when a change
    to a file matching the one of the patterns it looks for is reported.
    The kernel module is SMP safe and has been tested on Intel, PowerPC,
    and Alpha. 

CHRendezvous 0.1 

    This program lets users search for local Rendezvous services such as
    Web servers and iChat users. It also facilitates publishing a
    Rendezvous service on the network. 

Component Conversion Utility 0.4 

    The Component Conversion Utility is designed to minimize the time
    needed to create skeleton code in a variety of languages. Given a
    database connection, for example, the CCU can use existing tables to
    create Java files replete with accessors, mutators, and common methods.
    In addition to translating programming languages, it allows a user to
    define entities/attributes in a friendly GUI. Supported languages
    include Java, HTML/JavaScript, XML, SQL, VB/ASP .Net, and C. 

dvb-mpegtools 0.2.5 

    dvb-mpegtools provides various small programs helpful for converting,
    demuxing, changing, analyzing, and remuxing MPEG transport streams
    coming from DVB receiver cards. They mostly work on the PES level, but
    tools for manipulating elementary streams are also included. The
    package used to be included with the DVB driver. 

Fast OnlineUpdate for SuSE 0.9.1 

    Fast OnlineUpdate for SuSE (fou4s) is a bash script that provides the
    functionality of YOU (YaST OnlineUpdate), but can also work in
    background and check for updates every night. It supports resumed
    downloads and proxies by using wget. GPG signatures are also checked. 

Fink 0.5.1 CVS_SNAP-20033103 (CVS)

    The Fink project wants to bring the full world of Unix Open Source
    software to Darwin and Mac OS X. It modifies Unix software so that it
    compiles and runs on Mac OS X and makes it available for download as a
    coherent distribution. Fink uses Debian tools like dpkg and apt-get to
    provide powerful binary package management. You can choose whether you
    want to download precompiled binary packages or build everything from

Gauche 0.6.8 

    Gauche is an R5RS Scheme implementation that aims to be a handy tool
    for daily work. Quick startup, a built-in system interface, and native
    multilingual support are some of its goals. It has an OO system similar
    to STklos and Guile. It supports UTF-8, EUC-JP, and Shift-JIS multibyte
    encodings natively. 

harvest 1.9.7 

    Harvest is a system to collect information and make it searchable using
    a Web interface. It can collect information using HTTP, FTP, NNTP, and
    local files. Supported formats include HTML, DVI, PS, fulltext, mail,
    man pages, news, troff, WordPerfect, C sources, and many more. Adding
    support for new formats is easy due to Harvest's modular design. 

hdup 1.6.8 (Stable)

    hdup is used to back up a filesystem. Features include encryption of
    the archive (with mcrypt), compression of the archive (bzip/gzip/none),
    the ability to transfer the archive to a remote host or restoring from
    a remote host (with ssh), and no obscure archive format (it is a normal
    compressed tar file). 

ImageAlbum 2.0.0 Beta 1 

    ImageAlbum is an easy-to-use Web application for picture collections
    written in PHP (safe-mode savvy). It features user accounts with access
    privileges for entire collections or individual images, picture
    comments, automatic thumbnail generation, and a nice interface (which
    is completely template-based). Pictures can be uploaded using an upload
    form or via FTP (which is nice when you have a lot of images to
    upload). Images can be stored outside of the regular HTML directory
    used by the Web server to increase security. 

Infrared-HOWTO 3.5 

    The Infrared-HOWTO (formerly known as the IR-HOWTO) is an introduction
    to Linux and infrared devices and how to use the software provided by
    the Linux/IrDA project. This package uses IrDA(TM) compliant standards.
    Remote Control (RC) via infrared is not the aim of the project, though
    this topic is partly treated in the HOWTO. 

ITracker 1.6.0 (Stable)

    ITracker is a Java J2EE issue/bug tracking system designed to support
    multiple projects with independent user bases. It supports features
    such as multiple versions and project components, detailed histories,
    issue searching, file attachments, dynamic reports with charts, and
    multiple email notifications. 

j 0.18.1 

    J is a multifile, multiwindow programmer's editor written entirely in
    Java. It features syntax highlighting for Java, C, C++, XML, HTML, CSS,
    JavaScript, Lisp, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scheme, Tcl/Tk, Verilog, and
    VHDL, automatic indentation, directory buffers, regular expressions,
    multifile find and replace, autosave and crash recovery, undo/redo, and
    FTP/HTTP support. All keyboard mappings can be customized. Themes may
    be used to customize the editor's appearance. 

Java Financial Library 1.6 

    The Java Financial Library is a library for Java applications that
    converts between currencies and retrieves stock information. It uses
    external data sources (Yahoo and Oanda) for the quote and currency

Jeff's Digital Notary 0.5 

    Jeff's Digital Notary is a Web-based digital notary service. It's
    written in Python and allows you to setup your own digital notary
    really quickly. It uses GPG for all signing. 

Levenshtein 0.6 

    Levenschtein is a Python C extension and C libray to compute
    Levenshtein string distance, string similarity, normal and generalized
    string set medians, and other related quantities. 


    libike is a cross-platform C library for managing IKE negotiations. The
    library implements RFC-standard ISAKMP/IKE exchanges and utilizes a
    callback mechanism to delegate tasks of the actual packet transmission
    and security policies management to the external code. 

LibTPT 1.20 (Release)

    TPT is a template scripting language implemented in C++. The LibTPT
    parser transforms TPT templates into text. The parser, which integrates
    with your C++ code through a simple class API, is small and fast,
    focusing on functionality instead of rich feature sets. Uses include
    on-the-fly HTML and source code generation. 

LSID Resolution Stacks 0.2 (Java)

    A Life Science Identifier (LSID) Resolver is a software system that
    implements an agreed LSID resolution protocol to allow higher-level
    software to be able to locate and access the data uniquely named by any
    LSID URN. This project is the first implementation of a Web
    service-based LSID URN resolution protocol, and includes Java J2EE,
    Perl, and Win32 COM/C++ client & server stacks, example programs,
    and tutorials on how to establish a LSID resolver for any organization. 

LSID Resolution Stacks 0.03 (Perl)

    A Life Science Identifier (LSID) Resolver is a software system that
    implements an agreed LSID resolution protocol to allow higher-level
    software to be able to locate and access the data uniquely named by any
    LSID URN. This project is the first implementation of a Web
    service-based LSID URN resolution protocol, and includes Java J2EE,
    Perl, and Win32 COM/C++ client & server stacks, example programs,
    and tutorials on how to establish a LSID resolver for any organization. 

LULI Tournament Manager 0.9 beta 

    LULI Tournament Manger is a Web-based tool to help people
    running/organising tournaments. It's mainly written for Intranet LAN
    party usage, but it will work as well for any other type of tournament.
    It is not restricted to a certain style of tournament. Instead,
    administrators may freely combine Registration, KO Rounds, and

mboxgrep 0.7.8 

    mboxgrep is a small utility that scans a mailbox and displays messages
    matching a basic, extended, or Perl-compatible regular expression. It
    supports mbox, MH, nnmh, nnml, and maildir folders. 

Memo 1.9.2 (GTK2)

    Memo displays the time as text (e.g. "It's just gone five to
    ten"), and your next appointments, memos, and alarms in a small

mod_epp 1.0 

    mod_epp is an Apache 2.0 module that implements the EPP over TCP
    protocol as defined in draft-ietf-provreg-epp-tcp-06.txt and the
    session management parts of draft-ietf-provreg-epp-0(6|7|8).txt. This
    is not a full implementation of EPP; this module just makes it possible
    to write an EPP server as a set of CGI scripts. 

MuSE Streamer 0.8.1 

    MuSE is a user-friendly tool for network audio streaming, making life
    easier for independent free speech radio stations. It can mix, encode,
    and stream sound over the Internet that can be tuned in to by the
    majority of audio players. It can simultaneously mix up to 6 encoded
    audio channels plus a sound card input signal, sending the result to an
    Icecast server. It offers an intuitive GTK+ interface for real-time
    operation and can also be used from command line. 

MW Speaker 1.0 

    MW Speaker is the worst speech synthesis software ever. You provide a
    phrase, and MWSpeaker looks up each word in Merriam-Webster's online
    dictionary, downloads the corresponding pronounciations, and plays them
    in sequence. 

ngetcgi 0.1.0 

    ngetcgi is an CGI front end for nget that makes it easier to select and
    download files. 

NMM 0.1.3 

    NMM is a multimedia middleware package that allows you to develop all
    kinds of multimedia processing applications. A number of plug-ins
    supporting various media-types, operations, and I/O devices are
    included. The Multimedia-Box application built on top of NMM provides
    an extensible home entertainment system for DVD and CD playback, TV
    with time-shifting, and MP3 playback and encoding. 

NSCL Data Acquisition System 7.1-005 (Stable)

    The NSCL Data Acquisition system is a general purpose nuclear physics
    data acquisition system for small to medium scale nuclear physics
    experiments. It can be combined with NSCL SpecTcl to form a powerful
    online/offline data handling system. It is in use at several university
    labs and, of course, the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
    at Michigan State University. 

Null Webmail 0.7.1 (Development)

    Null Webmail is a simple yet powerful POP3/SMTP Webmail CGI written in
    C. It's small, fast, complete, and a breeze to install and use. 

Opale 0.3 

    Opale is a very simple personal financial account manager for KDE and

Open Sound World 1.1beta2 

    Open Sound World (OSW) is a scalable, extensible programming
    environment that allows musicians, sound designers, and researchers to
    process sound in response to expressive real-time control. It combines
    a familiar visual patching paradigm with solid programming language
    features such as a strong type system and hierarchical name spaces. OSW
    also includes an intuitive model for specifying new components using a
    graphical interface and high-level C++ expressions, making it easy to
    develop and share new music and signal processing algorithms. 

Papercut NNTP Server 0.9.7 

    Papercut is a multi-threaded NNTP server written in Python. Its main
    objective is to integrate existing Web-based message board software
    (Phorum is one of the supported ones) with a Usenet front-end. However,
    its extensibility enables developers to write their own containers for
    the storage of the Usenet articles (messages). That means that the code
    is extensible enough that you could write new containers to integrate
    the news server with other Web message board projects or even other
    ways to store the messages. 

PHPBalanceSheet POC-20030331 

    PHPBalanceSheet is an effort to implement a Web-based accounting
    package using PHP. 

Pine 4.53 

    Pine® is a tool for reading, sending, and managing electronic
    messages. Pine was designed by the Office of Computing &
    Communications at the University of Washington specifically with novice
    computer users in mind, but it can be tailored to accommodate the needs
    of "power users" as well. 

POP-Before-SMTP Relay Authorization Daemon 0.5.3 

    popbsmtpd watches syslog for successful POP and IMAP logins, and writes
    IP address entries to a database to permit SMTP mail relaying for a
    configurable duration. No changes to any other software are required,
    and it can process logins where the IP address and the authentication
    success are recorded on separate log entries (i.e., when using
    stunnel). It has a user-configurable scheme for recognizing and
    extracting values from log entries, making it possible to use with many
    POP and IMAP daemons without requiring any programming changes. These
    configurations can be tested using sample log data. 

Portable Coroutine Library 0.99 

    This is a Portable Coroutine Library implementation written in ANSI C.
    Coroutines can be used to implement cooperative threading among many
    tasks without overloading the OS with threads/processes. Since context
    switch between coroutines is very fast, certain applications might have
    performance gain in using this type of threading. 

portatux 0.72 

    portatux is an interactive ncurses interface as well as a command line
    program for easily controlling the 8 data pins in the parallel port. 

Psycho Path 1.12.1 

    Psycho Path is a small, addictive arcade game for Palm OS made in the
    spirit of Carmageddon and GTA. Your aim is to crush pedestrians by
    moving your car in twists and zigzags. 

Python Desktop Server 0.4.20 

    The Python Desktop Server is a combined Weblog authoring tool,
    XMLRPC/SOAP server, and news aggregator. It allows one to read RSS news
    feeds, post to a community server (such as Radio Userland or any Python
    Community Server installation), and includes tools for Weblog and
    homepage management. It features a Web interface, a built-in Web
    server, extensibility through scripts that connect via XMLRPC or
    macros, and a plugin architecture. 

PyX 0.3 

    PyX is a Python package for the creation of encapsulated PostScript
    figures. It provides both an abstraction of PostScript and a TeX/LaTeX
    interface. Complex tasks like 2D and 3D plots in publication-ready
    quality are built out of these primitives. 

RPL/2 4.00pre6e (Development)

    RPL/2 (Reverse Polish Lisp/2) is a langage derived from the RPL made by
    Hewlett-Packard for its HP-28S. It has some extensions (preprocessor,
    compilated libraries, new functions), a TeX output, and can draw

Sagasu 1.99.2 

    Sagasu is a GNOME tool to find strings in multiple files. The user
    specifies the search directory and the set of files to be searched.
    Double-clicking on a search result launches a user command that can for
    example load the file in an editor at the appropriate line. The search
    can optionally ignore CVS directories. Sagasu is a Japanese word that
    means "to search." 

Samsung Contact 8.0.2 (beta) (Server)

    Samsung Contact is Samsung SDS's Linux/Unix unified communication,
    business messaging, and collaboration system. It supports desktops
    running Microsoft Outlook, including support for calendaring, wide-area
    scheduling, public folders, and delegation. 

shmux 0.7a 

    shmux is a program for executing the same command on many hosts in
    parallel. For each target, a child process is spawned by shmux, and a
    shell on the target obtained one of the supported methods: rsh, ssh, or
    sh. The output produced by the children is received by shmux and either
    output in turn to the user in an easy to read format, or written to
    files for later processing, making it well suited for use in scripts. 

snortalog 1.9.0rc1 

    Snortalog is a powerful Perl script that summarizes Snort logs, making
    it easy to view any network attacks detected by Snort. It can generate
    charts in HTML and text output. It works with all versions of Snort,
    and can analyze logs in three formats: syslog, fast, and full snort

swsusp 2.4 Beta19-19 (2.4 Development)

    swsusp enables you to suspend your machine without having to use APM or
    BIOS support. It creates an image which is saved in your active swaps.
    At the next system bootup, the kernel detects the saved image, restores
    the memory from it and then it continues to run as before you've

Tabula-Musica 0.1 

    Tabula-Musica is a "swiss knife" jukebox, which tries to
    cover everything. It's written in full modular Python and is easy to
    extend and adjust. You can controll the server over Web, telnet, and a
    shell client. It currently supports xmms, lirc, and lcdproc. 

The Tamber Project 1.2.4 (Pogo)

    The Tamber project is a free, componentised n-tier website engine that
    uses open languages such as XML and JavaScript. In a nutshell, content
    is stored in separate XML files, in databases, or other data objects;
    business functions are carried out by JavaScript and ASP; and
    presentation is controlled by an XSL transformation, which allows for
    delivery over multiple channels such as HTML, WAP and email. Currently
    Tamber contains modules that support; automatic locale detection,
    search engine tracking and optimisation, e-commerce catalogues;
    shopping carts and order management, secure sign in, data access and
    conversion services, advanced session management, content managemt
    tools and forums. 

Thy 0.4.242 (Development)

    Thy is a lightweight httpd designed to be clean and fast, yet powerful
    enough to serve many hits a day. 

web-cyradm 0.5.3-1 

    web-cyradm is a Web-based tool to admin the Cyrus IMAP Server and
    partially the Postfix MTA with a nice and fast frontend written in PHP.
    It supports multiple virtual domains, setting quotas, and mapping email
    adresses to mail accounts. 

Webplan 0.03 beta 

    Webplan is a small Web tool for resource or shift planning. Several
    teams can mange their shifts, and administrators can easily identify
    open gaps for important shifts. Vacation planning is also supported,
    and the program is administrable via a Web interface. 

WIMS 3.28 

    WIMS (WWW Interactive Mathematics Server) is a CGI Web application
    designed to host interactive mathematical educational activities such
    as exercises, computational math, and graphing tools. It features
    automatic score processing with strong anti-cheating mechanisms,
    virtual classes allowing teachers to guide/control student works,
    online exercise creation, animated graphics, a message board allowing
    inline mathematical formulas, and more. It can also be easily used for
    education within other disciplines. 

X Resource Graph 0.2.0 

    X Resource Graph (XRG) is a system monitor that shows graphs for CPU
    usage, memory usage, network usage, disk usage, current weather, and
    stock market data. It is designed to use as little overhead possible
    while showing a lot of information about the resource usage in a nice

Xerces2 2.4.0 

    Xerces2 is the next generation Apache Xerces-J XML parser. This version
    of Xerces-J defines the Xerces Native Interface (XNI), and provides a
    complete, standards compliant reference implementation using XNI. The
    parser was completely re-designed and re-implemented to be simpler and
    more modular. To help contribute to this project, visit the Apache XML
    Project web page and join the xerces-j-dev mailing list. 

xrmap 2.26 (Stable)

    Xrmap is a program running under X that can interactively display
    portions of the Earth, using the huge CIA world vector map. It is based
    on an earlier console utility 'rmap'. It features political boundaries,
    major and minor rivers, glaciers, lakes, canals, etc. The map remains
    accurate under a very large zoom factor, which can possibly exceed 100.
    Spherical, rectangular, Mercator and Miller projections are
    implemented, and all features can be interactively set from the GUI. 

Is mod_perl  2.0 baked yet?

    I have read the other posts regarding using slash with apache 2.0. They
    all seem to say mod_perl needs to work first. So its been awhile, is
    mod_perl 2.0 up to par and can we get slash to work with apache 2.0

Help with Site.

    I am looking for some slash expert to make a site. Any body who has
    extensive expereince with slash scripts is wanted to do the site. A
    reasonable fee will be paid. Please look on usid.com for contact email.

Can Slash handle long lived items

    I have a need for a site that will support both short time articles and
    documents that have a very long life (on the order of over 5 years).
    Before re-inventing this I wanted to ask if there was a plugin or
    something that allowed me to have a storage area for documents that
    have a very long life. For example policies and procedures. I would
    like to have a index page for these items generated automaticly and
    also be able to announce them in a regular story. For a real example
    one thing I would like to be able to do is to post scores from a weekly
    match (USPSA) and have an index page that will show each weeks history.
    In addition a story would be posted with a link to that weeks scores.
    Another use would be to have a series of "white papers" that are
    avaiable from an index page and are also announced in a story. 

slashd not disconnecting from mysql

    I've just managed to get slash 2.2.6 installed with mySQL 4.0.12 and
    apache 1.3.27 on a Debian system (local network.) Things appear to be
    working except that slash doesn't seem to be disconnecting from mySQL
    after serving up a page - each page eats a new mySQL thread which
    remains sleeping until enough threads are created such that I run out
    of memeory (128M.) Is this normal for slash, unique to mySQL 4.0 or
    debian, or am I just lucky? 

RDF generation frequency?

    I'm still running Slash 1, but currently converting to Slash 2, albeit
    slowly. For some reason RSS/RDF feeds are generated only onec a hour.
    My question is: Is it possible to force slash1 generate RDF more
    frequently and if it's configurable in slash2? For some reason I
    haven't found RDF generation interval in configuration files. 

How active is your community?

    I'm managing the technical aspects of a growing private community. I
    have noticed that the vast majority of my users are not very
    participatory. We have a core group of about 80-150 active users
    (posters/commenters/journals/etc), and 400-900 lurkers on any given
    day. Due to various email invites, our user base is now over 10k users.
    My site is invitation only, and there are no anonymous users. Thus, I
    can definitely identify all of my users. My questions for the slashcode
    community are these: How many unique users does your slashsite get in a
    day as compared with the total number of users that you have? Is it
    typical to have only 6% of your user base active and less than 1% of
    them regularly interactive? FYI, my calculations for these figures come
    from the accesslog as: select count(distinct uid), dayofyear(ts) as day
    from accesslog group by day; For sites that allow anonymous users, the
    following would return (kinda) similar results: select count(distinct
    host_addr), dayofyear(ts) as day from accesslog group by day; 

ricecooker.org, Asian and Asian American topics

    Hi everyone - We've just launched a slash site on Asian and Asian
    American topics called ricecooker.org. Thanks so much for the software
    and the inspiration. We're pretty nervous about whether this can take
    off or will just linger in some obscure corner of the web, so if you
    are interested in the community we're trying to create, please help us
    by telling other people who might also be interested in our site! We
    acknowledge our direct inspiration from slash in our mission statement.
    Cheers everyone from the people at ricecooker.org! 

Current Slash Tags

    Keep in mind that the type="op" is the syntax that is saved. Most have
    multiple forms. Also keep in mind that to use links you need to have
    Slash::Relocate installed and Slash::Blob. For image and file uploads
    all you need is Slash::Blob. Read one for the entire list: 

SLASH tags

    Thanks for all the help with the upgrade, but I have another question.
    What's the syntax for the new SLASH tags? I've tried looking through
    the code, but alas, I'm not much of a perl programmer, and
    expirementing hasn't given me much help. 

Cluster Rant

    Yet another slash site for Beowulf/HPC cluster users. Check out Cluster
    Rant if you are interested. --deadline 

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256MB Secure Digital Card (SanDisk)

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128MB Memory Stick (Lexar Media)

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256MB CompactFlash Type I (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $48.00 

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    Lowest Price: $65.00 

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    Lowest Price: $895.00 

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    Lowest Price: $1794.00 

XTREME - EXPLORER X4000 PC Intel Pentium 4 Processor 1.60 GHz, 256MB DDR, 40GB (Xtreme)

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Dimension 8200 (P4 2.2 GHz, 256MB, 40GB, CDRW) (Dell)

    Lowest Price: $1298.00 

X3000 (AMD Thunderbird 1.2GHz, 512MB, 20GB 52X CD-ROM) (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $445.00 

Getting Hooked on Phonics by Gateway Educational Products, Ltd., Staff (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $100.00 

Official Guide for GMAT Review by  (Trade Paper)

    Lowest Price: $27.00 

Wild at Heart by John Eldredge (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $11.29 

Purpose-Driven Life by Rick Warren (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $9.69 

Suikoden(tm) III Official Strategy Guide by Bradygames Staff (Trade Paper)

    Lowest Price: $14.99 

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