Hello everyone.

I'm programming an api in wich I have to communicate by bluetooth (serial manager) with several devices, one of them is a Sony-Ericsson T68i. With other devices I have no problem, but with the mobile I can't open the port, I get the error 780:

<<  New error codes for USB support
#define serErrConfigurationFailed (serErrorClass | 12) >>

and I don't know what's the problem. The code I wrote is:


Err error;
SrmOpenConfigType config;
BtVdOpenParams btParams;
UInt16 portId;

UInt16 paramSize;
UInt16 baudRate = 9600;
UInt16 flags = srmSettingsFlagBitsPerChar8 |
srmSettingsFlagStopBits1 | srmSettingsFlagRTSAutoM |
UInt16 ctsTimeout = SysTicksPerSecond() / 2;

config.function =0; config.drvrDataP = (MemPtr)&btParams; config.drvrDataSize = sizeof(BtVdOpenParams); btParams.role = btVdClient;

  btParams.u.client.remoteDevAddr.address[0] =0x8A;
  btParams.u.client.remoteDevAddr.address[1] =0xF5;
  btParams.u.client.remoteDevAddr.address[2] =0x79;
  btParams.u.client.remoteDevAddr.address[3] =0x37;
  btParams.u.client.remoteDevAddr.address[4] =0x80;
  btParams.u.client.remoteDevAddr.address[5] =0x00;

btParams.u.client.method = btVdUseChannelId;
btParams.u.client.u.channelId = 0x53;

error = SrmExtOpen(  sysFileCVirtRfComm, &config,


Thanks in advance

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