Interesting but somehow it helps to write all the problems and steps up

I fixed the issue(s) now as follows:

- tried a pvbatch example ( and fixed the python
install first, by setting:


for CMake's FindPythonLib module (our system has several parallel
installed python versions, some in system paths -.- ).

- one has to set a bunch of entries in LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PYTHONPATH,
  that were:


  export PYTHONPATH=
  export PYTHONPATH=
  export PYTHONPATH=
  export PYTHONPATH=

- realized libgl and x11 libs were still linked, e.g. in:
    ldd $BUILD/lib/paraview-4.1/ \
      | grep -i "gl"

  changing the CMake flags to

  (with my old setting it auto-set the systems during config).

My full CMake flags are now (with the same dependencies as below):

  cmake \
  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/bin/paraview-4.1.0-1008-g5493984  \
  -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$PYTHON_ROOT/include /python2.7 \
  -DVTK_Group_MPI=ON -DVTK_Group_Imaging=ON -DVTK_Group_Rendering=ON  \
  -GNinja ~/src/ParaView

Finally it's one issue left that prevents me from rendering my data in
Paraview itself.

Paraview -> Source "Sphere" -> Filter -> "Clean to Grid" and Volume
Rendering gives me a

  "ERROR: src/ParaView/VTK/Filters/Parallel/vtkPKdTree.cxx, line 295
  vtkPKdTree (0x6022160) (process 0) NumberOfDatasets = 0, cannot
  determine volume bounds."

 (same for my xdmf/hdf5 data sets).

Best regards,
Axel Huebl
On 05.07.2014 13:47, Huebl, Axel wrote:
> Hi ParaView list,
> I am trying to set up a offscreen rendering setup with the current
> ParaView master (g5493984) and OSMesa.
> The target platform is a CPU-only cluster with several nodes, each
> containing four sockels with AMD Bulldozer CPUs (64 physical cores per
> node).
> I get everything up and running in parallel, connections via rc work
> perfectly and I can load my data.
> But the problems start with rendering the data. Do you have any
> recommendations which versions of OSMesa and llvmpipe are tested and stable?
> The recommendations in the wiki
> Look a bit outdated to me.
> E.g.
>  - Mesa 9.2.5 (and newer versions) already split libgl and libglu
>    which versions are recommended?
>  - does OSMesa Gallium llvmpipe run with llvm X.Y (e.g. 3.3) ?
>  - what do I have to set for the DISPLAY environment with OSMesa ?
>  - is it necessary/forbidden to have a X11 server running in that setup
>    (on the server nodes)?
>  - I am confused if the mentioned "SOFTWARE_DEPTH_BITS=31" bug is
>    already fixed in mesa
>  - are some of my dependencies (OpenMPI, gcc, python) too new/old ?
> I configured the server side with a whole bunch of flags now:
> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/bin/paraview-4.1.0-1008-g5493984   \
>    -DVTK_Group_MPI=ON -DVTK_Group_Imaging=ON -DVTK_Group_Rendering=ON \
>    -GNinja ~/src/ParaView
> and I am starting my servers with
> mpiexec -npernode 8 -n 32 `which pvserver` --use-offscreen-rendering \
>   -sp=$NUM_PORT -rc -ch=$HEAD_NODE
> and used the following separately compiled dependencies:
>   - python 2.7.5
>   - icet 2.1.1 (probably compiled again by paraview)
>   - gcc 4.8.2
>   - OpenMPI 1.7.4 (with infiniband support)
>   - cmake 2.8.10
> I tried a couple of flags for more than two weeks, three different
> OSMesa versions, environment tweaks, ... but never ended up with a
> stable setup (as soon as server side rendering kicks in).
> I can trigger that by loading a sphere, setting the remote/local
> rendering threshold to 0MB.
> and usually end up with an error in OpenGLInit (see attached).
> Do you have any ideas?
> Best regards,
> Axel Huebl

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