
I am not sure this a solution you will want?

I have unstructured meshes that have several (1 to 38) material domains. I use the EnSight gold binary format for my results. This format has a Part-construct. When writing out simulation results, each material domain becomes a distinct Part (distinct displayable graphics object).

PV's Extract Block filter allows me to select and display any combination of "Parts." From there, I am pretty sure you can execute the steps you want.


Samuel Key, FMA Development

On 1/31/2017 12:20 AM, Daniel Frisch wrote:
Hello, I want to

- open an unstructured grid,
- view a sub-volume using the Threshold filter that selects a certain material
- apply some Clip filters to remove unwanted parts
- select everything I am seeing now
- and create an "Extract Selection" filter that can be used for other vtk files containing the same unstructured grid but other data arrays.

But the "GenerateIDs" filter removes the material array from the dataset so I can't apply the Threshold filter anymore. I see the "Extract Selection" works only with the current IDs anyway that are different from the original cell IDs due to the Clip filters.

How can I have a filter that extracts a certain set of cells that I define and apply it to other .vtk files?
Thank you very much in advance,

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