
In a nutshell; can one somehow specify the TCP interface on which pvserver listens for connections?

The background:

I've been using pvserver on a remote machine and connecting to it from behind a firewall without problems for a while. However, the remote machine has recently been re-configured and the login nodes now have two TCP interfaces, only one of which is publicly accessible. Unfortunately the pvserver is binding to the 'private' interface and thus I cannot connect to it. I've tried using an ssh tunnel from the public interface to the private interface but unfortunately I get an 'administratively prohibited' message from ssh when I try to connect.

Does anyone know of a solution?

Thanks very much,


Dr. Andrew Porter
Computational Scientist
Application Performance Engineering Group
Scientific Computing Department
STFC Daresbury Laboratory
Keckwick Lane
Tel. : +44 (0)1925 603607
email: andrew.por...@stfc.ac.uk
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