On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 13:01:30 -0700, Joshua Murphy wrote:
> I have posted this question once before, but everyone was probably
> busy with the 4.3.1 releaseā€¦ So here goes again.
> I am trying to build the superbuild on the NCAR visualization cluster
> Caldera for development work.  I need to build 4.1.0, as I have not
> yet had time to update my tools to the most recent release.
> When I attempt to build the superbuild, I get an error building
> Freetype (see below).
> I have not been able to figure out what is causing the build error.
> I am using the gnu/4.6.4 module, the cmake/3.0.2 module, and the
> gmake/4.1 module.
> If anyone can help, that would be great.

What branch of the superbuild are you using? Are you using the 4.1.0 tag
in the repository?

At a guess, it looks like the targets are out-of-order since it looks
like output directories aren't being created? Is this a parallel or
serial build?

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