
Context: PV Version 4.2.0 64bit; MS Windows 7 64bit; EnSight C-Binary formatted simulation results.

My simulations are explicit transient dynamic events, and each simulation provides global/domain quantities total kinetic energy, total internal energy, total external energy, and an energy balance error calculation.

Because the EnSight Gold format does not appear to me that it can store (and report to ParaView) global/domain variable results except "Time" accessible to the highlighted (active)  filter Plot Global Variables Over Time, I have written an EnSight gold formatted global/domain variable 'history file-set,' sample attached.

The EnSight history file-set containing the global/domain results uses a single "bogus" 4-node quad positioned as a backdrop to the actual finite element mesh for its geometry requirements. All of the global/domain results are supplied as cell-centered quantities to this single bogus 4-node quad.

To plot over time, PV provides two selection methods: (1) a Select Cells Through mouse-box that works, and (2) a Find Data tool that does not work?

Selection method (1) reports "Block 1; Cell:0" to the Plot Selection Over Time filter.

Entering into method (2) for the query "For Cell(s) f/ w/ ID is [0|1] Block ID is [null|0|1] reports (for [0],[null]) in the Output Message window:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<string>", line 8, in <module>

File "<string>", line 5, in vtkPythonExtractSelection_RequestData

File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ParaView 4.2.0\lib\paraview-4.2\site-packages\paraview\", line 111, in execute

output.FieldData.append(nonzero_indices, "vtkSelectedIds");

File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ParaView 4.2.0\lib\paraview-4.2\site-packages\paraview\vtk\numpy_interface\", line 596, in append

ds.GetAttributes(self.Association).append(array, name)

File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ParaView 4.2.0\lib\paraview-4.2\site-packages\paraview\vtk\numpy_interface\", line 535, in append

arr = numpyTovtkDataArray(copy, name)

File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ParaView 4.2.0\lib\paraview-4.2\site-packages\paraview\vtk\numpy_interface\", line 119, in numpyTovtkDataArray

vtkarray = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(array)

File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ParaView 4.2.0\lib\paraview-4.2\site-packages\vtk\util\", line 141, in numpy_to_vtk

result_array = create_vtk_array(vtk_typecode)

File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ParaView 4.2.0\lib\paraview-4.2\site-packages\vtk\util\", line 97, in create_vtk_array

return vtk.vtkDataArray.CreateDataArray(vtk_arr_type)

TypeError: CreateDataArray argument 1: an integer is required


Other combinations of [0|1],[null|0|1] provide similar Output Messages.

Note: The EnSight Gold format provides for block, point, & cell User ID's which in this case are all '1.' As near as I can tell, the '0' would be the C offset-address for the 1st Block and 1st Cell???

Should I expect to be able to use the Find Data query tool on this datum set?

Samuel W Key
FMA Development, LLC

Attachment: EnSight-hist-results.tar
Description: Binary data

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