I am trying to get parallel rendering to work in ParaView 5.1 in a 
multi-display environment (cave) and keep getting this error when connecting 
from a client to a single or multiple render servers.


 line 1404
vtkPVRenderView (0x1497060): In Cave mode and Display cannot be opened on 
server-side! Ensure the environment is set correctly in the pvx file.

I have followed the steps on the wiki and now trying to get a single rendering 
display to work. My cave.pvx looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
 <Process Type="client" />
  <Process Type="server">
  <Machine Name="dev1"
           LowerLeft=" 0 -0.5 -2"
           LowerRight="1.78 -0.5 -2"
           UpperRight="1.78  0.5 -2" />
  <Machine Name="dev1"
           LowerLeft=" -1.78 -0.5 -2"
           LowerRight="    0 -0.5 -2"
           UpperRight="    0  0.5 -2" />

And I start it with

mpirun -d   --report-bindings -H da-dev1 -np 2 
/paraview/install-5.1/bin/pvserver -sp=2052 /paraview/tvs.pvx

I have disabled all firewalls and set xhost to disable access control, but to 
no avail.
Starting paraview with x-forwarding works, however this can't work on multiple 
rendering displays, I assume.

Specs are:

- linux gentoo x64

- paraview 5.1 with vrplugin, openmpi, vrpn

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