I would like to access the index files created by a program called
Perlfect (perlfect.com) that are said to be in Berkeley database format. 
My PHP installation however has 
This is GDBM version 1.8.0

I have searched the web for advice on this, and only really found one
place that talks about editing the aclocal file to change the order - I
tried this but it doesn't appear to help, even after re-installing PHP

I would really appreciate it if anyone has more concrete suggestions
about how to set up PHP to access Berkeley db

By the way if I try the function dba_open 
$id = dba_open('docs', 'r', 'db2');
this is what I get:
Fatal error:  Call to undefined function:  dba_open() in ...

if $id = dbmopen('docs', 'r');
then I get
Warning: dbmopen_gdbm(docs): 7 [Bad magic number], 0 [Success] in ....

# Candy Day

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