What you are missing is the first row, not the last row.

To explain:

mysql_fetch_row() operates with an internal pointer which moves one step
down the result set with each call to the function. The first time it is
called, it returns the first row, and moves its pointer to the second row.
The second time it is called, it returns the second row, and moves its
pointer to the third row. And so on. When it gets to the end, it returns

Your while() structure is exactly what's needed to iterate through the
result set. But because you call mysql_fetch_row() once before starting
the while loop, the first row disappears. When the while loop starts, the
internal pointer points to the second row.

So just remove the first mysql_fetch_row() call, and it should work fine.

Jon Valvatne

On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, Bob Stone wrote:

> Dear PHP Helpers,
> I have an array created by an mysql select statement.
> I have the code to display the "rows" from the select
> statement.
> Everything works fine except that only n-1 rows from
> the array will display.
> For example if the array contains four rows only three
> will display. If the array contains one row, nothing
> displays on the screen.
> I understand that a WHILE loop will count down to zero
> and then since it becomes false will quit, but how do
> I get the last (or first) row to print?
> Here is the code:
> <HTML>
> <HEAD>
> </HEAD>
> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000FF"
> VLINK="#800080">
> <?php
> $db = mysql_connect("localhost" , "phpuser" ,
> "phpuser");
> mysql_select_db("SVT",$db);
> // display individual record
> if ($user_name) {
>       $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM svt_members
> WHERE user_name='$user_name'",$db);
>       $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
>   while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
>       printf("Full Name: <b><font color=\"green\"
> size=\"5\">%s %s %s %s\n<br></b></font>",
> $myrow["salutation"], $myrow["first_name"],
> $myrow["mid_name"], $myrow["user_name"]);
>       printf("Credentials and Degrees: <b><font
> color=\"blue\" size=\3\">%s</font></b>   Job Title:
> <b><font color=\"blue\"
> size=\3\">%s</font></b><br>Company/Institution:
> <b><font color=\"blue\"
> size=\3\">%s<br></font></b>Address: <b><font
> color=\"blue\" size=\3\">%s %s<br></font></b>City:
> <b><font color=\"blue\" size=\3\">%s</font></b>
> State/Provence: <b><font color=\"blue\"
> size=\3\">%s<br></font></b>Country: <b><font
> color=\"blue\" size=\3\">%s</font></b>   Postal Code:
> <b><font color=\"blue\"
> size=\3\">%s<br></font></b>Voice: <b><font
> color=\"blue\" size=\3\">%s</font></b>   Fax: <b><font
> color=\"blue\" size=\3\">%s<br></font></b>E-mail:
> <b><font color=\"blue\" size=\3\">%s\n<P></b></font>",
> $myrow["cert_deg"], $myrow["job_title"],
> $myrow["institution"], $myrow["address_1"],
> $myrow["address_2"], $myrow["geo_loc"],
> $myrow["state"], $myrow["country"], $myrow["zip"],
> $myrow["phone"], $myrow["fax"], $myrow["e_mail"]);
>       }
> }
> ?>
> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF ?>">
> Enter Last Name To Search:  <input type="Text"
> name="user_name"><p>
> <input type="Submit" name="submit" value="Click To
> Search">
> </form>
> </BODY>
> </HTML>
> Thank you very much for your help.
> Best regards,
> Bob Stone
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