[PHP] foreach()

2004-09-08 Thread Anthony Ritter
Greetings, The following code is from Learning PHP5 [O'Reilly] on page 90. Example - 6.5: I get a: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in c:\apache\htdocs\or_6.4.php on line 15 after submitting the form. I'm not sure why since the example uses the call to foreach() in which the

[PHP] htmlentities()

2004-09-08 Thread Anthony Ritter
Copied and pasted the following sample script from the php manual and this outputs: ... ?php $str = A 'quote' is bbold/b; echo htmlentities($str); ? .. // outputs: A 'quote' is bbold/b Not sure why the I am still getting the tags and spaces after the call to htmlentities().

Re: [PHP] htmlentities()

2004-09-08 Thread Anthony Ritter
Chris Shiflett wrote: View source, and I think you'll understand. Or, remove the call to htmlentities(). Chris .. Thank you all for your assistance. Best... TR ... ...when a browser sees lt, it prints out a character instead of thinking OK here comes an HTML tag.

[PHP] Re: Does this beginner's book exist?

2004-09-02 Thread Anthony Ritter
Chris Lott wrote in message: I am looking for a new text for my beginning PHP...[snipped] ... Besides Larry's book - which is excellent - try David Sklar's book called Learning PHP 5 (O'Reilly). Not too much on mySQL with PHP except for chapter 7 _however_ the whole book is

[PHP] Re: Does this beginner's book exist?

2004-09-02 Thread Anthony Ritter
Chris Lott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message: I am looking for a new text for my beginning PHP and MySQL programming class. This class is for COMPLETE beginners who have never programmed before. I have used, in the past, PHP4: A Beginner's Guide and PHP for the World Wide Web (Visual

[PHP] strcasecmp()

2004-08-29 Thread Anthony Ritter
? $first_name = Hello; $second_name = Hello; if(strcasecmp($first_name,$second_name)) { echo words are equal; } else { echo words are not equal.; } ? .. In strcasecmp() - this comparison will return 0 - interpreted by PHP as FALSE - eventhough words are _equal_ so what will execute

Re: [PHP] mysql_fetch_array()

2004-08-18 Thread Anthony Ritter
Thank you Chris. My question was the call to mysql_fetch_array() will also return a result set without the additional argument constant as in: while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {... // no constant is being used There are many times that I see that used in textbooks - without the

[PHP] mysql_fetch_array()

2004-08-17 Thread Anthony Ritter
When using mysql_fetch_array() is it necsessary to specify the second argument - meaning the constant of MYSQL_NUM or MYSQL_ASSOC? I have seen many examples where it is left out and it is coded: $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql); as opposed to $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql, MYSQL_BOTH); Thank

[PHP] RSS / eregi_replace()

2004-08-03 Thread Anthony Ritter
Greetings, I'm using an RSS feed from the New York Times and right now the a href link takes the user to the same window. I'd like the link to open in it's own window by using the target .html attribute. I was hoping that I could use the eregi_replace() call by inserting: a

Re: [PHP] RSS / eregi_replace()

2004-08-03 Thread Anthony Ritter
Justin Patrin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message: Thanks, lots of good info here. It's nice to have all of the info at once. I don't know about eregs myself, but I'll try a preg solution: $new_text = preg_replace('!link(.*?)/link!', 'a href=\1 target=_blank\1/a', $text); Thank you.

[PHP] php textbook

2004-08-02 Thread Anthony Ritter
Reading Creating Interactive Websites with PHP and Web Services (Sybex) by Eric Rosebrock. I've found it a good textbook and wanted to get some feedback from the group about two things I noticed in most of the code throughout the book which has helped me. 1. The author separtares .html form from

[PHP] form textbox with search

2004-04-20 Thread Anthony Ritter
Greets, The following code snippet receives data from a textbox named searchtext if the user types in a word. It then tries to match that word from the mysql database using: $searchtext = $_POST['searchtext']; if ($searchtext != '') { // Some search text was specified $where .= AND blurb LIKE

[PHP] example from meloni not working

2004-04-18 Thread Anthony Ritter
A basic ht counter script from Meloni's book on mysql (page 318). Not working for me. Every time I load the page the counter stays at zero. Thanks for help. TR .. ? $page_name=test1; $db=mysql_connect(localhost,root,'mypass); mysql_select_db(sitename); $sql = UPDATE test_track

Re: [PHP] example from meloni not working

2004-04-18 Thread Anthony Ritter
Thank you. TR -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] example from meloni not working

2004-04-18 Thread Anthony Ritter
Thank you. TR -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] binary data in php

2004-04-16 Thread Anthony Ritter
Lowell Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message: You might try using $HTTP_POST_FILES rather than $_FILES -- was necessary in my code recently. -- Lowell Allen ... Lowell, Thank you. I tried that in code below. Still - no dice. Any other thoughts? Best... TR

Re: [PHP] binary data in php

2004-04-16 Thread Anthony Ritter
John W. Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message: So what's the output? How do you know it's not working? If you're not getting an error, then your query is running and something is going in the database. Are you sure the problem isn't in how you're displaying the data? ..

Re: [PHP] binary data in php

2004-04-16 Thread Anthony Ritter
Marek Kilimajer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message: You said register globals are off, didn't you? Where is the above variable set then? :) ... That was it. Many thanks Marek and others. Checking through the command line the file was uploaded to mysql database. However

[PHP] file upload

2004-04-15 Thread Anthony Ritter
In the following snippet, which uploads binary files to a mySQL database it works fine when Register Globals are set to ON. . mysql_connect(localhost,root,pass); mysql_select_db(adatabase); $data = addslashes(fread(fopen($form_data, r), filesize($form_data)));

[PHP] binary data in php

2004-04-15 Thread Anthony Ritter
Greets, Register globals are to off - however the files will not upload. At wit's end - help please! Thank all in advance. TR ? if ($submit) { // connect to the database // (you may have to adjust the hostname,username or password)

Re: [PHP] binary data in php

2004-04-15 Thread Anthony Ritter
John W. Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message: Remember... we're laughing with you, not at you. You forgot to call mysql_query() in your code. :) . Hmmm... I wish it was as simple as that. I inserted the mysql_query() below but it still doesn't upload the file nor does it

[PHP] .doc file

2004-03-30 Thread Anthony Ritter
Greets, I've been able to open a remote URL, read it and then lop off everything except the last line and break it into an array with its' tabs - /t . The data will then be inserted into a table. However, the following URL shows reservoir storage and is a .doc file. I am unable to run the same

[PHP] Re: .doc file

2004-03-30 Thread Anthony Ritter
Jason Barnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message: Actually, why don't you just use plain text like this. Sheesh, sometimes I forget the easy answer :) .. Jason, Thanks for the reply. Since those figures change _daily_ on their site, I was hoping for a way to open the file, read

[PHP] htmlspecialchars()

2004-03-25 Thread Anthony Ritter
php / mysql/ apache I tried the following using the call to htmlspecialchars() not sure why it is insn't working. I get the output: a href='test'Test/a Thank you. TR .. //script ? $new = htmlspecialchars(a href='test'Test/a, ENT_QUOTES); echo $new; ? // this is what is

[PHP] isset() question

2004-02-15 Thread Anthony Ritter
The following script is from Kevin Yank's book (Sitepoint). When I test it _without_ entering a name in the text box and hit submit, the _next_ page loads - however the same page should load beacuse of the conditional if (!isset($name) ): . If I replace !isset() with empty()

Re: [PHP] isset() question

2004-02-15 Thread Anthony Ritter
- Original Message - From: Richard Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hello Anthony, I feel the book you're learning from might not be the best out there! Especially as it uses the horrible if : else : endif notation, includes code on the same line as the PHP tags themselves and is teaching

[PHP] php_hostconnect()

2004-01-08 Thread Anthony Ritter
I currently have websites with two ISP's. I am getting a lot of warnings throughout a .php script on one server - such as: php_hostconnect() I have used the _same_ .php script exactly on my other ISP's server and I don't get any warnings. In addition, I have tested this script locally on

[PHP] localhost mail

2004-01-07 Thread Anthony Ritter
Using php/apache/mysql on win 98 I am testing an mail script. The script has a .html form which receives the text input and then a .php script to execute the variables in a mail() function. When I publish both files - the .html and .php - to my ISP's server and enter the data and hit submit I

[PHP] mail()

2004-01-06 Thread Anthony Ritter
Using php/apache/mysql I am testing an mail script. The script has a .html form which receives the text input and then a .php script to execute the variables in a mail() function. When I publish both files - the .html and .php - to my ISP's server and enter the data and hit submit I receive an

Re: [PHP] count()

2003-12-06 Thread Anthony Ritter
Marek Kilimajer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message: There are 10 '[PAGEBREAK]' substrings in the string. If the string is split apart at these substrings, it will give you total 11 parts. Thank you. TR -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit:

[PHP] count()

2003-12-05 Thread Anthony Ritter
Greetings- I'm have the follwing string called $text and throughout this string I'd like to split this into an array by calling spliti() at the tag called PAGEBREAK. So, I count the array elements starting at 0 and get to 9. When I call count(), I get 11. Could somebody please explain why this

[PHP] file paths and binaries

2003-11-23 Thread Anthony Ritter
Greetings all, I'm looking for a tutorial or some assistance in explaning how store and then open and read a binary file using php/mysql. I've got a few tutorials about storing the binary data _within_ a mysql table from Kevin Yank, phpbuilder, etc. but I've heard that it's sometime better to

[PHP] download from mysql script

2003-11-23 Thread Anthony Ritter
I'm trying to receive data from a mysql database through php. Using the command line at mysql listed below gives me a result set. I am able to connect to the database through php, however, when using the following script, I receive no data when the data is in the table called pictures in the db

Re: [PHP] =sessions / J. Meloni Textbook=

2003-11-19 Thread Anthony Ritter
Thanks again but here's what happens when I run that. The form box appears. I select an option. I hit submit. The page that loads says: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in c:\apache\htdocs\session_yyy.php on line 13 I then hit the link: Back to content page. The form box

Re: [PHP] =sessions / J. Meloni Textbook=

2003-11-19 Thread Anthony Ritter
Sure. Here it is. There are three scripts. session_1.php: the original form script. session_1a.php: a revised script with a conditional else. session_2.php: the receiving script for the session array variable. Running script 1a and 2 works fine. However the original script 1 and 2 gives me a

Re: [PHP] =sessions / J. Meloni Textbook=

2003-11-19 Thread Anthony Ritter
Additinally, upon looking at the session files in: C:/apache/tmp: I get from session file from script session_1a.php: products|s:23:a:1:{i:0;s:6:Tardis;}; ... However, looking at session file from script session_1.php: I get: products|s:2:N;; -- Anthony Ritter [EMAIL

[PHP] =sessions / J. Meloni Textbook=

2003-11-18 Thread Anthony Ritter
Using mysql, apache and win98 The following code is from PHP, mySQL and Apache (SAMS) by Julie Meloni. Page 338-339 (hour 16). After choosing my selections in the form box and hitting submit I get: ... Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in

Re: [PHP] =sessions / J. Meloni Textbook=

2003-11-18 Thread Anthony Ritter
Thanks John and others. I'm using the script and no values show up in the page: session_bb.php after I submit the values in the select form. If somebody would like to test both scripts (session_aa.php and session_bb.php) and get back to me I would be grateful. As I said, these were from her

[PHP] naughty words / filter

2003-08-21 Thread Anthony Ritter
Hi, I'm trying to filter a word - in this case - called badword1 - to be replaced with asterisks. Listed below is my .html form and .php receiving script. I've also added the same script which gets a hardcoded string. In the first example, the output still shows the original message _without_

[PHP] Re: naughty words / filter

2003-08-21 Thread Anthony Ritter
Was able to get this to filter: . ? } $guestbook = stripslashes($message); $this_is_the_message=$guestbook; $dirty_words = array(badword1,badword2,badword3); $message = $this_is_the_message; foreach ($dirty_words as $word){ $message = str_replace($word, , $message); }

[PHP] mysql output

2003-08-19 Thread Anthony Ritter
The following code snippet outputs a table from a mySQL database. In version 1, I am able to get alternating background cell colors. However, the output gives me the same post five times. In version 2, I am able to receive five separate posts - which is what I'm looking for - but I'd like to

Re: [PHP] mysql output

2003-08-19 Thread Anthony Ritter
You also asked a very, very common question, i.e. how to alternate colors in table rows... there are a ton of websites/tutorials out there that explain ways to do this. ---John Holmes... Apologies for the lengthy code. I've tried using a few

Re: [PHP] mysql output

2003-08-19 Thread Anthony Ritter
Message - From: John W. Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Anthony Ritter [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 9:59 PM Subject: Re: [PHP] mysql output Anthony Ritter wrote: You also asked a very, very common question, i.e. how to alternate colors in table

Re: [PHP] discussion forum from j. meloni's book

2003-08-14 Thread Anthony Ritter
Ford, Mike [LSS] [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: You have a conceptual misconception. In effect, you need to read that query as: select ft.topic_id, ft.topic_title from ( forum_posts as fp left join forum_topics as ft on fp.topic_id = ft.topic_id )

Re: [PHP] email confirmation script

2003-08-14 Thread Anthony Ritter
Thanks Jackson. I appreciate the assistance. Am I on the right track? Best... TR .. // this is the form html body form action=post method=process.php p Your e-mail address:br input type=text name=namebr input type=text name=emailbr input type=submit name=submit

[PHP] discussion forum from j. meloni's book

2003-08-14 Thread Anthony Ritter
The following code is From Julie Meloni's textbook - PHP, mySQL and Apache (SAMS) on page 305-307 / Listing 14.5: It's the last script of a discussion forum which is comprised of four php files and one html file. The script can be seen at: http://www.thickbook.com Chapter 14 off the zipfile.

[PHP] Re: Help Please in using fopen in PHP

2003-08-14 Thread Anthony Ritter
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message: Hi Folks, I am currently learning php and Mysql a scripting language and DB i just feel in love with. I am currently having problem in opening file to put data collected from clients when the purchase from an online shop. The scripts is as follows. where

Re: [PHP] discussion forum from j. meloni's book

2003-08-14 Thread Anthony Ritter
Ford, Mike [LSS] [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: You have a conceptual misconception. In effect, you need to read that query as: select ft.topic_id, ft.topic_title from ( forum_posts as fp left join forum_topics as ft on fp.topic_id = ft.topic_id )

[PHP] email confirmation script

2003-08-14 Thread Anthony Ritter
Hi, I'm trying to find a script that does the following: 1. A user is presented with a form with a textbox for their e-mail address. 2. The user types in their e-mail addrees and submits the form. 3. A note is then sent from that server if their e-mail address , in fact, exists. 3. If the e-mail

Re: [PHP] discussion forum from j. meloni's book

2003-08-14 Thread Anthony Ritter
Jennifer Goodie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: You didn't switch the aliases around, you just switched the join order. This will provide unexpected results. In order to understand it, you should read up on left joins. http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/JOIN.html Thank you.

Re: [PHP] discussion forum from j. meloni's book

2003-08-14 Thread Anthony Ritter
Jennifer Goodie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: They don't. ft is aliased to forum_topics. That's right. ft is aliased to the forum_topics table. The query reads: ... $verify = select ft.topic_id, ft.topic_title from forum_posts as fp left join forum_topics as ft on

[PHP] email confirmation script

2003-08-14 Thread Anthony Ritter
This is what I receive via e-mail after I click submit using the following code. As you can see - the html attribute a href= shows up and the whole string in linked. All I was looking for is a link to the URL and the word - Click - to be underlined showing the link. Additionally, the value (as

Re: [PHP] mysql_real_escape_string

2003-08-04 Thread Anthony Ritter
Larry E . Ullman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message: The mysql_real_escape_string() requires a connection to the database. The connection identifier is defined in another script so it's brought in using the global statement. Hope that helps, Larry .

[PHP] mysql_real_escape_string

2003-08-03 Thread Anthony Ritter
The following function is from Larry Ullman's PHP and mySQL on page 217 - script 6.8 - in which there is a connection to a mySQL database using PHP. My question is that I'm not sure of the global variable $dbc. If I am to understand...this made up function escape_data() will receive a piece of

[PHP] Using eregi_replace()

2003-08-01 Thread Anthony Ritter
Using eregi_replace(), is there a way to take out a piece of a sentence - which has spaces - and then return the new sentence? For example, to return the new sentence: hello I must be going from the original sentence: blah blah blah hello I must be going blah blah. I tried:

Re: [PHP] Using eregi_replace()

2003-08-01 Thread Anthony Ritter
Messju Mohr [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: you mean $newtext= ereg_replace(.*?(hello.*going).*,\\1,$text); ?? .. Thank you but I get: Warning: REG_BADRPT: in c:\apache\htdocs\string.php on line 3 Using: . ? $text=blah blah blah hello I must be

Re: [PHP] Using eregi_replace()

2003-08-01 Thread Anthony Ritter
However, this works using: preg_replace() . ? $text=blah blah blah hello I must be going blah blah; $newtext= preg_replace(!.*?(hello.*going).*!,$1,$text); echo $newtext; ? Thank you all. Is there a way I can be sure of the syntax? !.*?(hello.*going).*!,

[PHP] strings

2003-08-01 Thread Anthony Ritter
In the following snippet, I'm trying to open and read a URL into the variable $contents. I'd like to use preg_replace() to return only part of that string beginning with say - regional and ending with new - but I get the complete URL string returned. Thank you for any assistance. Tony Ritter

Re: [PHP] strings

2003-08-01 Thread Anthony Ritter
Curt Zirzow wrote in message: This exact thing was talked about earlier today, with the subject 'Using eregi_replace()'. Right. However, I've tried using the following code in which the text from the URL is printed out completely and then I change the variable from

Re: [PHP] strings

2003-08-01 Thread Anthony Ritter
Curt Zirzow writes: I did some testing you can see the code and results here: http://zirzow.dyndns.org/html/php/tests/preg/parse_doc.php .. Thanks Curt. I checked it out and I still pick up the following lines which I was looking to delete on the pattern match. They are:

[PHP] anchor in php page

2003-07-29 Thread Anthony Ritter
I am trying to access a page published on a server - and then using an anchor - to jump to a specific paragraph on that page. For instance, if using asp, I could write: www.thesite.com/thepage.asp?go=here where here -the value - in the string query would be marked up as:

[PHP] Re: anchor in php page

2003-07-29 Thread Anthony Ritter
Ivo: Why not use : www.thesite.com/thepage.asp#here . Thank you Ivo. I don't usually use asp but was wondering if the word go in asp like: www.thesite.com/thepage.asp?go=here is a _reserved_ word in .asp which acts like the symbol # - serving as the anchor. And if

[PHP] isp configuratuion error

2003-04-04 Thread Anthony Ritter
When calling up a page on my web with the extension of .php, I presently get the following notice. (please see below) Before yesterday, I had been able to load any .php page on my web. The ISP which hosts this web is on NT. Please advise. Thank you. Tony Ritter

Re: [PHP] isp configuratuion error

2003-04-04 Thread Anthony Ritter
Burhan Khalid wrote in message: You need to edit the php.ini file (or if this is hosted, have your host change the php.ini file). The setting you want is : force-cgi-redirect You need to change this to false (0) for it to work on IIS. IIRC, it says something along those lines in the

[PHP] upload question

2003-03-29 Thread Anthony Ritter
Greetings all, Using PHP 4.1.1 / Apache Server / MS Win 98 / IE 5.5 The following script is from Julie Meloni's book PHP Fast and Easy on page 170-174. The first part is an html form in which the user browses and chooses a file to be upoloaded to the server. The script works fine in that when I

[PHP] ISP Blues

2003-03-26 Thread Anthony Ritter
The following script works fine when I test it at home using localhost on: MS Win 98 Apache Server PHP 4.1.1 php_gd.dll I then publish the script to my web at my ISP's MS IIS server which is the host and get an undefined function call of: ImageCreate() The ISP has said that they have installed

Re: [PHP] ISP Blues

2003-03-26 Thread Anthony Ritter
Marek, For testing purposes, on my home computer with php 4.1.1 and Apache Server, the script works fine. Now, I'd like the script to work on my ISP's server which hosts my site. They use MS IIS. What are the correct steps for them to install the php_gd.dll file on their server since that same

[PHP] using strcmp()

2003-03-16 Thread Anthony Ritter
The following test script for the function strcmp() is from page 114 -115 of PHP (Hungry Minds). I'm getting a parse error on line 6. Using PHP 4.1.1 / MS Win 98 / Apache Server. Many thanks... Tony Ritter .. ? // using strcmp() $firstword=peach;

[PHP] Re: using strcmp()

2003-03-16 Thread Anthony Ritter
Justin Garrett wrote: You were missing a semicolon: $result=strcmp($firstword, $secondword); ... Thank you Justin and all other. TR -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] cropping an image script

2003-03-13 Thread Anthony Ritter
In the following php script, the function takes the original file and crops to the destination file. I've ran the script using a .png file and a .jpg file. The .png works fine whereas the .jpeg file returns only part of the image along with a blue rectangle. For instance - where the original

Re: Re[2]: [PHP] cropping an image script

2003-03-13 Thread Anthony Ritter
I'm getting a fatal error on the following script using MS Win 98 / Apache Server / PHP 4.1.1. / php_gd.dll Fatal error: imagecreatetruecolor(): requires GD 2.0 or later in c:\apache\htdocs\testphoto.php on line 6 Is there a workaround to this function so that I can crop part of the source

Re: [PHP] newbie: contents will not output

2003-03-11 Thread Anthony Ritter
Hugh, That script works fine. Thank you. What I am trying to achieve is to pull a .jpeg from a remote URL and then resize and/or crop it after it is placed in a variable. Your script is able to open and read the original file for output. In the following script, I have the variable $contents

[PHP] image and text from remote URL

2003-03-11 Thread Anthony Ritter
There is a photograph named bar.jpg in a remote URL called http://www.foo.com The photograph is about 640 x 480 in size. The following script allows me to open and read the file. In addition, I have a file named data.jpg in my web folder. I want to write the bar.jpg into the data.jpg file and

[PHP] image question

2003-03-10 Thread Anthony Ritter
I'm looking for a php tutorial or script which can open and read an existing .jpg or .png from another URL. Next, the script then modifies that image by - say - cropping off the bottom by 20px or resizing it by 50%. Lastly, could this modified file then be renamed on ones server? Many thanks,

[PHP] newbie: contents will not output

2003-03-10 Thread Anthony Ritter
I'm trying to test the following script to display the contents of the following URL but it will not output. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Tony Ritter ... html head /head body ? $file_handler =

[PHP] transferring another .jpg to your own

2003-03-04 Thread Anthony Ritter
Using PHP 4.1.1. / Apache / Win 98 I'd like to use a .jpg from another URL - say: http://www.blah.com/foo.jpg and turn it into a variable using PHP and then once it is a variable to try to manipulate that image using GD Libraries which are installed. Is this possible? I tried placing the

[PHP] Thank you! [GD Libraries]

2003-03-03 Thread Anthony Ritter
Thank you to all that came to my aid while I was muddleing through my attempts to install GD Libraries. Since I had various versions of PHP from textbook CD's - I downloaded PHP Triad which happened to be PHP version 4.1.1 I changed two lines in the php.ini file and ran the phpinfo() function

Re: [PHP] php.ini

2003-03-01 Thread Anthony Ritter
Rich, I've checked my php.ini files on my drive and all I've got is one. The php_gd2.dll file is in: C:/PHP/extensions There was no default folder called extensions when I installed PHP so I made a directory called extensions under PHP. Everytime I take out the semicolon in the .ini file, the

Re: [PHP] php.ini

2003-03-01 Thread Anthony Ritter
P.S. If you get a moment, maybe you could send me a .txt file of your php.ini file along with you php_gd2.dll setup. That way I could check line for line. Many thanks, TR --- [This E-mail scanned for viruses by gonefishingguideservice.com] -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To

Re: [PHP] php.ini

2003-03-01 Thread Anthony Ritter
Rich, I've got five screenshots at this URL: www.gonefishingguideservice.com/php1.htm If you get a chance please take a look. I got php_gd2.dll from the zipfile (see photo) and the extensions sub-directory was not there when I installed. Many thanks, TR

[PHP] php.ini

2003-02-28 Thread Anthony Ritter
I run the following script: ? phpinfo(); ? // the page loads o.k. when the semi-colon remains as in: ;extension=php_gd2.dll but if I remove the semicolon as in: extension=php_gd2.dll the page won't load and the server hangs up. .. \\ this is my php.ini

[PHP] =at wit's end with GD Libraries=

2003-02-27 Thread Anthony Ritter
I want to thank those who tried to help with my questions about using the GD libraries. I still have not gotten them to function using PHP. I've put two screenhots of the phpinfo() page at: www.gonefishingguideservice.com/php_page.htm If you care to take a look at those images, you'll see that

[PHP] resizing .jpg file in php

2003-02-26 Thread Anthony Ritter
I'd like to use (with permission) .jpg files from a webcam from another URL. Once that URL is opened and read via PHP as a file into my site is it possible to resize that image? It measures 640 x 480 pixels and I would like to reduce the image size by 25%. Thank you. Tony Ritter -- PHP

[PHP] newbie: installing gd in php4

2003-02-26 Thread Anthony Ritter
Using MS Win 98 / PHP 4 and Apache. I tried running the following script but got an undefined call to: ImageCreate() The following copy is located in my php.ini file...one of which is: .. ;extension=php_gd.dll .. I tried uncommenting this line to no avail. What is

[PHP] Re: resizing .jpg file in php

2003-02-26 Thread Anthony Ritter
-- Steve Magruder wrote in message : To reduce its display size in an img tag, specify 640 * .75 for the width (assuming 640 is for width) and 480 * .75 for the height. If you actually want to reduce the size of the image, then look at PHP's image-related functions (and the GD library).

Re: [PHP] newbie: installing gd in php4

2003-02-26 Thread Anthony Ritter
In my php.ini file, this is what it looks like: ... extension_dir = C:\php4\extensions\; directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside extension=php_gd.dll Many thanks, TR -- PHP General Mailing List

[PHP] imagecreate()

2003-02-26 Thread Anthony Ritter
On MS Win 98 / Apache / PHP 4 If somebody out there using Win can check my php.ini file and advise me what I'm doing wrong. I have uncommented: .. extension=php_gd.dll .. and have included: .. extension_dir = C:\php4\extensions I

Re: [PHP] imagecreate()

2003-02-26 Thread Anthony Ritter
Yes Adam. Any ideas? TR -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] imagecreate()

2003-02-26 Thread Anthony Ritter
Fine Chris. Maybe you'd be kind enough to explain how I can get that function to work. I've uncommented the line in the php.ini file. In Mastering PHP (Sybex) on page 559 - Chapter 18, the authors of the textbook - Allen and Hornberger - say when using Win to: ... uncomment

Re: [PHP] imagecreate()

2003-02-26 Thread Anthony Ritter
Chris, The function I'm trying to get...it's: imagecreate() I am using MS Win 98 / PHP 4 and Apache. I tried running the following script but got an undefined call to imagecreate() The following copy is located in my php.ini file...one of which is: .. ;extension=php_gd.dll

[PHP] syntax question

2003-02-19 Thread Anthony Ritter
Greetings... The following is the _third_ part of a script found in Julie Meloni's book PHP Essentials on page 118. The script dynmically generates a form box of field names, field types and field sizes for a mysql table depending on what the user chooses. My question is about syntax or logic in

Re: [PHP] syntax question

2003-02-19 Thread Anthony Ritter
This is what I was getting at. The following is correct mysql syntax in which a comma must be added after each field - except for the last field - in this case price: i.e., . CREATE TABLE chairs( id int(5), item varchar(50), desc text, price float ); .

Re: [PHP] syntax question

2003-02-19 Thread Anthony Ritter
Many thanks Jason. TR -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] geek fishing stuff

2003-02-14 Thread Anthony Ritter
My guiding season begins in April. Anybody out there know where I can purchase a nice mysql dolphin t-shirt? Thank you. TR -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] geek fishing stuff

2003-02-14 Thread Anthony Ritter
Jason Wong wrote in message: Try the mysql website or the mysql list? . Yep. I went to the mysql site and they didn't have any promo material like t-shirts, visors, etc. My news server doesn't have any mysql newsgroups. SQL - yes - but not mysql. There was a shop

[PHP] undefined function - crypt()

2003-02-12 Thread Anthony Ritter
Using MS Win98 / PHP /Apache I'm getting a undefined function error - crypt() The following scripts were taken from Larry Ullman's book on PHP on page 60-61. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you. Tony Ritter .. //ullmanform.html !DOCTYPE HTML

[PHP] Re: undefined function - crypt()

2003-02-12 Thread Anthony Ritter
Greg wrote in message: I believe you need to have mcrypt installed. -Greg . Not sure what mcrypt is. Please advise. In Ullman's textbook, it says that decrypt() and encrypt(0 fuctions will not work if PHP is not installed as a module. However, in his example in the

Re: [PHP] php/mysql connection

2003-02-03 Thread Anthony Ritter
John W. Holmes wrote in message : Because a default install of MySQL includes an anonymous user, one with no username or password. There is also a root user with no password. Read the MySQL manual on Installation and the GRANT command on how to fix this. ---John W. Holmes...

Re: [PHP] mysql/php query - wrox

2003-02-03 Thread Anthony Ritter
Chris Shiflett wrote in message: Your query returns two rows because you have two rows in the database that match the condition: host='localhost' -- Chris .. Chris, I was under the impression that the mysql database had as default user when installed:

[PHP] php/mysql connection

2003-02-02 Thread Anthony Ritter
Newbie question and OT. Sorry. I am able to conncet to a mysql server with the following call to mysql_connect(). $connect=@mysql_connect(,,); There are no parameters in the function call. Why can I connect if there are no parameters? However, if I give mysqladmin the password of:

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