Using Linux 7.2/PHP 4/Apache.  I'm using the following code snippet to
process the POST of a form that sends $UserID and $Password:
    $CryptPassword = md5($Password);       \\encrypt the password
    $TheFile = "/path/.htpasswd";                 \\Set the file name/path
    $Data = "$UserID:$CryptPassword\n\r";   \\ Setting the data stream for
the write
    $FilePointer = fopen($TheFile, "a");         \\open the file
      fwrite($FilePointer, $Data);                    \\write the data stream
      fclose ($FilePointer);                             \\close the file

 to write to .htpasswd with the following format/layout:


However, the data appears in the file without the carriage return or new
lines in the file as follows:

userid:passwd  userid:passwd  userid:passwd  userid:passwd  userid:passwd
userid:passwd  userid:passwd

How can I write the carriage returns to the file so that they show up via
vi or via windows notepad?

ALSO, will Apache and .htpasswd deal with md5() passwords, or do I need to
limit myself to the crypt() function?


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