RE: [PHP] Fopen and streams

2004-01-29 Thread Mike Migurski
Secondly, where is a good place to read on the standards and formats used by these different schemes. In the fsockopen() func, I made some writes to 'GET / ' and 'HTTP 1.1' etc... After reading the script, I understand what these imply, but not the importance, also, what other commmands are

Re: [PHP] naming a directory after a user-submitted string

2004-01-28 Thread Mike Migurski
Here's another question, possibly easier. Possibly even bone-headed. What kind of checking/filtering/changing do I need to do on a user-submitted string before I can feel comfortable using it to name a new directory in the web root on Linux/Apache? Anybody have a quick Regular Expression they

Re: [PHP] Unix-Apache: running apache as different user

2004-01-27 Thread Mike Migurski
I have PHP installed on Apache and Unix with several vhosts so each vhost has its own user account on Unix. Now when accessing a webpage, Apache runs with user httpd.. but I want it to run as the user of the vhost account.. How can I do that?

Re: [PHP] Googlebot

2004-01-27 Thread Mike Migurski
Is Googlebot (or any other bot) able to follow links that are php? As others have already pointed out to you, what better place to find information about google than google? That, or your server logs - googlebot is great about identifying itself. RTFM's aside, a little understanding of how HTTP

Re: [PHP] Problem: Failed to write session data (lack of resources?)

2004-01-25 Thread Mike Migurski
open(/tmp/sess_ce957a6f5c094441fbf7197aa683dec1, O_RDWR) failed: No space left on device (28) in Unknown on line 0 can anyone explain what can i do with this? this always happen, btw, on some of my php pages i always have sessions. Sounds like you're out of room on whatever drive /tmp is mapped

RE: [PHP] what PHP really needs

2004-01-24 Thread Mike Migurski
Let the db server handle query/cache consistency ... why put yet another server in the way that will have to be triggered by the underlying db to clear ITS cache? Very true, but tests I've done in the past with PostgreSQL and MySQL-driven PHP sites show that adding a simple static file cache (for

Re: [PHP] what PHP really needs

2004-01-23 Thread Mike Migurski
There's 1 really important thing missing in PHP as I see it, and it's the ability to keep variables in memory for as long as the programmer choose. If this was possible there could be some truly great optimizations done. Some things are very slow to create but very fast to work with. I wrote

Re: [PHP] strpos

2004-01-21 Thread Mike Migurski
When I use the function bellow, and there is no occournce of the control word, strpos shoul return false, but instead i returns 1, which is not the intention. Does anybody here have an idea about what I am doing wring??? You're adding the one: $position = strpos($this-fileContent, \\.$word,

Re: [PHP] Flash .swf outside webroot: width and height problems

2004-01-20 Thread Mike Migurski
But I guess you can't write the tag and just do a PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=show.php?id=xy etc. and have the show.php output the header... Sure you can, as long as show.php outputs a valid flash file and the correct content-type. As far as the browser is concerned, it's the same as any other flash

Re: [PHP] Thumbnails in database

2004-01-17 Thread Mike Migurski
Why create thumnails? You can resize the images on the fly when needed. It's generally good practice to trade CPU for disk space, where possible. - michal migurski- contact info and pgp key: sf/ca

Re: [PHP] Regular Expression for Search/Replace

2004-01-16 Thread Mike Migurski
i hope someone can help me out... i have to replace a href=order.php?order_id=12345 with a href=order_12345.html any ideas? thank you! PCRE style: '/a href=order.php\?order_id=(\d+)/' replaced by 'a href=order_$1.html'. -

Re: [PHP] sorting multi-dimensional arrays

2004-01-16 Thread Mike Migurski
I've read the manual several times on sorting multi-dimensional arrays, but I can't seem to wrap my mind around what I need to do to accomplish my goal. //this is what I'm doing: (stepping through a result set, and putting it into a multi-dimensional array. while ($row =

Re: [PHP] md5() and string-length?

2004-01-09 Thread Mike Migurski
mhm, I think there was a missunderstanding ;) I want to know, how long the input-string could be (so that the encoded strings, that you get, are unique) In theory, you are limited by the fact that the MD5 message digest is 128 bits long, so collisions are /possible/, but not /probable/. In

Re: [PHP] script/binary that tracks links through logs

2004-01-08 Thread Mike Migurski
does anyone know of a program/script that tracks incoming links from site that youve traded links with. but not a simple php script that requires the other site to link to but some software that analyses apache access logs for the referer field. this would mean the

Re: [PHP] POST_QUERY STRING without letting php to parse it.

2004-01-07 Thread Mike Migurski
I want to get the POSTED data as it is without letting php to parse it. You may be thinking of $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA. You should set the always_populate_raw_post_data config option someplace if you want to use it reliably, though. See configuration directives in the manual.

Re: [PHP] Comparison PHP to Perl

2004-01-06 Thread Mike Migurski
I am looking for a comparison of features supported by PHP vs those supported by Perl. My gut tells me PHP is more robust, but we are trying to implement something in a company that has long had a standard allowing Perl as a sanctioned language, but current management does not want to fight for

Re: [PHP] PHP function for length of the array???

2004-01-06 Thread Mike Migurski
Anyone know what is the php function for finding the length of the array? I haven't found the answer at . You are aware that all the available array functions are listed about halfway down that page, right?

Re: [PHP] extract/replace the content of html pages

2004-01-02 Thread Mike Migurski
I have a folder full of html pages that I need to extract the content from. They all have !-- content start -- and !--content end -- comment tags surrounding the content. I need an easy way (not one at a time) to extract that content and place it in a new template. Any ideas are appreciated. Im

Re: [PHP] A simple instruction

2004-01-01 Thread Mike Migurski
i have a file name with the path ex food/italy/pizza/margherita.php. how can i obtain the name of the file in this case margherita.php i know there is a function, but i don't remember it. basename(__FILE__) may work. - michal

Re: [PHP] looping problem?

2003-12-30 Thread Mike Migurski
Problem with looping over a CSV file (3 results for each line)? Here is the script... ?php $row = 1; $file = fa.csv; $id = fopen($file,r); while($data = fgetcsv($id,100,,)) { $num = count($data); $row++; for($c = 0; $c $num; $c++) { echo host $data[0] {br /\nhardware

[PHP] Secure programmer: Keep an eye on inputs

2003-12-30 Thread Mike Migurski
This was posted to Slashdot not too long ago, and seems applicable to php-general given the frequent mentions of register_globals and usage of the get and post arrays. It's a detailed explanation of many common ways that software which is overly trusting of its input can be exploited, and

Re: [PHP] How to use anchor with php post string to jump to a page???

2003-12-30 Thread Mike Migurski
Here's a better example to what I meant from the last posting when I said something about color=red#RowNum3. --snip-- As in example #3, PHP seem to be able to distingush the difference when there is a pound symbol, or # in it and know that '#RowNum3' is not part of the post string to the variable,

Re: [PHP] Problem with session variables on Mac

2003-12-25 Thread Mike Migurski
$session_time = $current_time - $_SESSION('timestamp'); echo session time = $session_time; The output to the browser (Safari) is as follows: inside check IF Time = 1072308706. Fatal error: Call to undefined function: array() in

Re: [PHP] Unlinking files.

2003-12-23 Thread Mike Migurski
How can I unlink files in a directory that are, for example older than 1 hour? `find /path/to/dir -cmin +60 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f`; - michal migurski- contact info and pgp key: sf/ca

RE: [PHP] CVS on Windows

2003-12-16 Thread Mike Migurski
Tortoise is a popular CVS client for windows -- CVS commands are added to the contextual menu in [[whatever windows calls its Finder]]. All of your files are edited locally, using the editor of your choice. Does that mean you have to have Apache/PHP installed on your workstation? No, it

Re: [PHP] CVS on Windows

2003-12-15 Thread Mike Migurski
I will be interfacing with a CVS server not hosted on a Windows machine (it will be a bsd/*nix variant) and frankly I've never used it. What client do all you Windows people use? Also, how does it wotk in conjuction with your favorite editor? (Mine is HTML-Kit.) Is it necessary to run some

Re: [PHP] post an array into another site

2003-12-08 Thread Mike Migurski
I have an array in php like this: $arr[0][0] = Something; $arr[0][1] = Hello; $arr[0][2] = Hi; It is possible to post this array to another site in a form? Or how can i do this? It would help to serialize the array into a string, then pass it as a regular value in a GET or POST request.

Re: [PHP] Using JavaScript variables in PHP

2003-11-20 Thread Mike Migurski
How does one go about using a JavaScript variable with PHP code. I have a function in JavaScript that takes a single input parameter (ID). I want to use this ID variable as the value on the where clause of a database query. Example: select * from somedatabase where field=ID Can this be done,

Re: [PHP] Remote computer name?

2003-11-20 Thread Mike Migurski
[Snippit used] $ipaddy = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; // as of now it is getting the name of the server (i.e. localhost, jas HTTP_HOST returns the name (or ip) of the machine on which php is running. REMOTE_ADDR will return the ip of the client

RE: [PHP] Javascript question

2003-11-20 Thread Mike Migurski
Ah-hah! Jason hides under an email address that does not exist so one cannot reply directly to him, only via the list. Does that not describe the person well? Insofar as he is cautious about spam, sure. - michal migurski-

Re: [PHP] Curious about something....

2003-11-20 Thread Mike Migurski
Is there any particular advantage to having the default PHP install exclude a lot of useful modules such as mcrypt, cli, sockets, etc? Honestly, this has kind of been discussed this week in the encoder thread. Where do you draw the line on what's useful or not and who does the deciding on that?

Re: [PHP] Question about empty();

2003-11-18 Thread Mike Migurski
This function I don't get at all, I hear all the time, if you want to practice smart coding then turn register globals off, and be sure you keep query data out of your script that is not set or defined with something expected. So why would there be a function that returns true or false, $var is

Re: [PHP] SSH and php

2003-11-17 Thread Mike Migurski
% Doing a quick search on google for SSH commands and SSH help returned % quite a lot % of crap that really didnt help me learn. Good enough. What do you want to do? Basically stop/restart apache when i make changes to the httpd.conf file. But then thinking of it I realize that if I stop apache

RE: [PHP]{so far OT it boggles} BTML 2.0 released!!!

2003-11-07 Thread Mike Migurski
There is evolution and then there is etiquette. Top-posting is not on par with proving a theory (flat-earth v spherical-earth) or evolution of systems. In as much as it is proper etiquette to trim and bottom-post it is rude to be diametric, just as it is rude to fart on purpose at a state

Re: [PHP] On OS X (10.2) where is php installed?

2003-11-07 Thread Mike Migurski
Forgive me for the simplistic question, I'm not much of a Unix, Apache, or PHP wiz. I'm running Mac OS X 10.2 on a 12 PB. I've installed PHP 4.3.0 from Marc Lynric's site ( However, I cannot actually find the installation files on my laptop. My web server works. It serves

Re: [PHP] PHP Session passed to different sub domains

2003-11-06 Thread Mike Migurski
Could someone tell me how to pass a session cookie to different sub domains, without passing it in url. It's in the manaul... To make the cookie available on all subdomains of then you'd set it to

Re: [PHP] Load Stress tool

2003-11-05 Thread Mike Migurski
I am looking for suggestions on a tool to load stress a php application. We want to make sure that the application/web server will be able to handle the amount of users we expect. I have found a few but they seem to be very expensive. Can anyone suggestion an affordable and user friendly stress

Re: [PHP] getting array slice of function output

2003-11-05 Thread Mike Migurski
I have a line which strips the suffix (gif, GIF, TIFF, jpg, JPEG, etcetc or I would just use basename() :-) from a string but it seems needlessly drawn out: $file = preg_split('/\./',$dirfiles[0]) ; $file = $file[0] ; I would like to just assign the 0th element of the preg_split() output to my

RE: [PHP] High bandwidth application tips

2003-11-05 Thread Mike Migurski
Whow, is that way of a loop really faster? I mean .. It looks as if the accept same thing happens - $upperlimit is set - $i counter is set - for every loop $i is set one higher - Also for every loop the expression ($i$upperlimit) is evaluated. Not sure, but I just did

Re: [PHP] applying one function to all array elements

2003-11-02 Thread Mike Migurski
Can someone show me a simple, clean way to apply one function (eg stripslashes()) to every element in an array (eg $_POST)? I've been doing it with a foreach() loop, but there has to be a better way. I've also seen, but couldn't determine how/if it suited my needs.

Re: [PHP] removing all duplicate values from an array

2003-10-30 Thread Mike Migurski
I'm looking for a function that does almost the same as array_unique() But it must also delete the other duplicate entry. snip Untested pseudo-PHP follows - $encountered_elements = array(); foreach($original_array as $key = $val) if(in_array($val,

Re: [PHP] removing all duplicate values from an array

2003-10-30 Thread Mike Migurski
I'm looking for a function that does almost the same as array_unique() But it must also delete the other duplicate entry. snip Untested pseudo-PHP follows - $encountered_elements = array(); foreach($original_array as $key = $val) if(in_array($val,

RE: [PHP] removing all duplicate values from an array

2003-10-30 Thread Mike Migurski
array( 'a' = 'one', 'b' = 'one', 'c' = 'zero', 'd' = 'two' ); through this and am having a hind time with then logic... Could you explain how the output would be array('c' = 'zero', 'd' = 'two')?? I was being pretty sloppy with the code (should've posted pseudocode to begin with, my bad) but

Re: [PHP] Object References Problem

2003-10-30 Thread Mike Migurski
I don't pretend to fully understand PHP references, or the strange and mysterious ways that they work in regards to PHP objects, but I can tell you how to acheive the results you desire. Someone else will have to explain it. :) snip If someone sees that I'm leading Gareth astray here, feel free

Re: [PHP] Generate Thumbnail gif's

2003-10-29 Thread Mike Migurski
Is there any pre-written code available on the net to generate thumbnail images for a picture. I mean I send the path of the image and my PHP Script should be able to generate a gif file of size 100x71 or something like that. If your server has Imagemagick installed (it seems pretty common), try:

Re: [PHP] Code optimization: single vs. double quotes?

2003-10-27 Thread Mike Migurski
It's said that you shouldn't use tables for layout, but does people accutually listen to that? And what instead? This is veering off-topic, but: - michal migurski- contact info and

Re: [PHP] scrolling tables within a page

2003-10-25 Thread Mike Migurski
My query output is about 20 to 30 records only. Instead of making the visitors scroll the whole page, can I make a scrolling table with the page such that the visitor scroll the results output table only? This isn't strictly a PHP question, but you may want to look into the HTML iframe element,

Re: [PHP] Age from birthdate?

2003-10-23 Thread Mike Migurski
Lastly, where in the world did you get pedant? word for the day or something? :-D Thats a real unusual word for normal everyday use, unless you were trying to act pedant?? :- The correct adverbial form is pedantically ;) -

Re: [PHP] Age from birthdate?

2003-10-22 Thread Mike Migurski
I do wonder what the rule for those born on Feb 29'th. Do they celebrate they're birthday before or after it on non leap years? Neither. They celebrate it on Feb 29th. So while we age every year, they only age once every four. Make sense? So their life expectancy is only ~19 years?

Re: [PHP] PHP JavaScript

2003-10-22 Thread Mike Migurski
Have somebody any idea how I could do something like that? snip javascript and PHP You're somewhat out of luck, as the chain of events in your typical HTTP transaction looks something like this... [time]- client request received from browser

Re: [PHP] intercepting URLs in a control-system

2003-10-17 Thread Mike Migurski
If you are using PHP as an Apachemodule you also have the option of using a url like Apache will see that test.html is not available and will travel down the directory path til it gets to the index.php (which should exist BTW) and call that script. This

Re: [PHP] error reporting

2003-10-17 Thread Mike Migurski
Heh yes umm i know this. But how i could i catch this before is spits out to an ugly error page so i can send to a custom error page. Why would anyone but you ever see a parse error? It's the sort of thing you fix before setting up custom error handling. :)

RE: [PHP] SQL security

2003-10-17 Thread Mike Migurski
If you're using MySQL, you can use mysql_real_escape_string(). If you're using another database, hopefully there is a similar function. Doesn't MySQL automatically protect against attacks like SQL injection? Or maybe it's that it automatically applies addslashes()? I can't remember exactly.

Re: [PHP] Who knows all the Header attributes.

2003-10-14 Thread Mike Migurski
Could some one tell me where can I find the documentation for the Hedear() function? The manual does not provide it but just some examples. Check the HTTP spec for a definitive listing:

Re: [PHP] Need advice, hopefully on topic.

2003-10-10 Thread Mike Migurski
I got this project, I'm writing it in PHP of course. What I would like to do is create a simple an efficient way to work on it from a couple different locations/workstations. I'm throwing around the idea of a CVS repository, but am not sure if this is the best way. Does anyone have

Re: [PHP] Need advice, hopefully on topic.

2003-10-10 Thread Mike Migurski
If you've used it before, I can write more about how it can be used in specific circumstances. I never start a project without starting a repository someplace, and a combination of CVS and Make have really helped me out with a lot of projects. hmm.. i'm interested in seeing your approach with

Re: Re[2]: [PHP] dynamic - static

2003-10-09 Thread Mike Migurski
: I have the following configuration. : : Redhat 8.0 : Apache/2.0.40 (stock redhat install) : PHP 4.2.2 (stock redhat install) : : What I get when I try and run this is an Object Not Found. If I was Apache, I would try to serve the file: /index.php/var1/val1/var2/val2/index.php or

Re: Re[2]: [PHP] dynamic - static

2003-10-09 Thread Mike Migurski
Did a little more googling and found the answer. In Apache 2.0, by default is does not allow this type of URL. But I found a few article on it that explained that if I modified this in httpd.conf modify, or add, this line. AcceptPathInfo On Don't know what it does, but it fixes the problem.

Re: [PHP] Need secure login

2003-10-09 Thread Mike Migurski
Thanks Justin, actually I was also thinking of the same, but just wanted to confirm that it is really not a good idea. Was also wondering if there is any third party solution ?. A third-party solution to a bad idea? - michal

Re: [PHP] dynamic - static

2003-10-08 Thread Mike Migurski
Dear All, Does anybody have any solutions, which makes possible to produce static pages of all dynamic cms once a day and can be easily integrated into already made site? Why do you need to do this? Is it because of hosting restrictions, performance concerns, or portability/mirroring (which is a

Re[2]: [PHP] dynamic - static

2003-10-08 Thread Mike Migurski
As I wrote already this issue is mainly because of search engines incompatibility with dynamic content sites (to be more exact - with urls containing get parameters, in my case ex. index.shtml?lang=enmenu_id=23) Which of your described solution would you suggest for my situation ? Turck MMCache

Re: [PHP] ps command in php

2003-10-06 Thread Mike Migurski
I'm trying to have the output of the ps -ef command in Linux to my browser. Can anyone help how to properly have the output in proper format. I've used the passthru() function but the output is scrambled. What do you mean by 'scrambled'? The following works for me: echo 'pre', `ps -ef`,

Re: [PHP] ps command in php

2003-10-06 Thread Mike Migurski
my output is something like this: UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD root 1 0 0 Sep19 ? 00:00:04 init [3] root 2 1 0 Sep19 ? 00:00:00 [kflushd] root 3 1 0 Sep19 ? 00:00:09 [kupdate] root snip any idea? Yeah, see David Otton's response, or look at the HTML source of your output.

Re: [PHP] printf....

2003-10-01 Thread Mike Migurski
Warning: printf(): too few arguments in /home/sites/site8/web/index_test.php on line 34 I cannot for the life of me figure out what the problem is. I've looked thru archives, examples, and pages of a book all about printf, and this just doesn't add up to me.. Anyone see the problem? To print a

Re: [PHP] Central authentication for multiple sites

2003-09-29 Thread Mike Migurski
Does anyone know of a way to authenticate a person on one site and have that authentication carried through to multiple sites? Basically I'd like to have someone login on and then have their login be valid on and ... the domain name is different so

Re: [PHP] Session info stored on server

2003-09-26 Thread Mike Migurski
Open sess_4f5d...0367 in any text editor and you will see your variable there. I can't. I'm unable to open or download or change the permissions. Is it an array? A serialized array, yes. - michal migurski- contact info and

Re: [PHP] How can I auto upload a file to the server?

2003-09-24 Thread Mike Migurski
The only part i am having trouble with is making the remote script automatically look into the local computer's hard drive and grab the .txt file. snip The problem with the code above is the path to the file does not show up in the input type='file', and the user would still need to click on the

Re: [PHP] Running system commands

2003-09-23 Thread Mike Migurski
I was wondering, if anyone can help me with running system commands from within php. Actually I have a script which deletes users from my database (which is of course MySQL), now I want to delete those users from system level also, as they are authenticated users of my OS also. Now, the problem

Re: [PHP] Best way to approach object construction errors?

2003-09-18 Thread Mike Migurski
I've created a class called university, it has a constructor which can accept an id. If the id is sent during construction the constructor will connect to a MySQL db to set all of the objects member variables to the MySQl counterparts. I'd like to include some error notification so if I send it

Re: [PHP] Session stealing, ..

2003-09-12 Thread Mike Migurski
This all probably takes care about the problem with session id's in the query string, which is known as referrer to the next website our visitor visits. What I'm worrying and wondering about now are other users of the server my site's at. They can most likely go into the /tmp folder and just read

Re: [PHP] Escaping the ' character

2003-09-10 Thread Mike Migurski
I need to print the following: onClick=MM_openBrWindow('','','') and I am not sure how to escape the ' characters. with a slash.

Re: [PHP] loading classes and efficiency

2003-09-10 Thread Mike Migurski
$some_object = create_object('some_object'); This is really funny i've been doing php for a good while now but what is the reason to use the symbol on the function ? returns by reference. - michal migurski- contact info and

Re: [PHP] loading classes and efficiency

2003-09-10 Thread Mike Migurski
This is really funny i've been doing php for a good while now but what is the reason to use the symbol on the function ? returns by reference. ok i get it but why would i need it in my example ? I think it was a hypothetical thing on Brad's part ... one of the annoying things about object

Re: [PHP] [SOLVED] Re: [PHP] Parse error?

2003-09-05 Thread Mike Migurski
Ok, the reason I was getting this error seems to be related to Safari on OS X. When I copy code segments in Safari and paste them in BBEdit they generally looked ok, although there were extra spaces inserted in some places. I then turned on show invisible characters and it made it even more clear

Re: [PHP] Gripe

2003-09-03 Thread Mike Migurski
Cuz the the way the PHP parser is written makes it impossible to discover the error before it gets to the end of the file, and realizes that there are no more braces to go around. It definitely sucks... almost as badly as a stray backtick. Try finding that little bugger at 1600x1280... This is

Re: [PHP] Recursive Object Troubles

2003-08-26 Thread Mike Migurski
I am building a recursive Menu object. Inside each menu item there is an array which should allow me to add submenu items and so on. I am having trouble, though, with getting the submenus to stay. They are disappearing as I go along. Without really going through your code (sorry) I would

Re: [PHP] Using PHP on an .html file

2003-08-25 Thread Mike Migurski
Better to do this in an .htaccess file, so you don't incur PHP processing overhead on the entire server (if there are others using it). Apache suggests not using .htaccess files at all because they require a recursive traversing of directories looking for .htaccess files, because some

Re: [PHP] user-defined superglobals?

2003-08-24 Thread Mike Migurski
It would be nice to have a php-function like declare_superglobal($_MYFRAMEWORK); And then use $_MYFRAMEWORK like $_GET. You have a few options: if you are looking to set variables that are static and atomic, you can use environmental variables in an .htaccess file (getenv() to access them) or

Re: [PHP] Using PHP on an .html file

2003-08-24 Thread Mike Migurski
For example, on a file called info.html, i want to have some PHP code that actually gets executed. In your httpd.conf add the line AddType application/x-httpd-php html Better to do this in an .htaccess file, so you don't incur PHP processing overhead on the entire server (if there are

Re: [PHP] indexing a folder

2003-08-17 Thread Mike Migurski
Thanks, but is this also possible for directories not on my server? Or can i just use these functions? Missed that bit, sorry. If the directory is not on your server, then you need to go through FTP. or SSH, or HTTP, or one of the other innumerable ways to get information from one machine to

Re: [PHP] get current path

2003-08-17 Thread Mike Migurski
The PHP site seems to be down right now ... so here's the question: Is it possible for PHP to tell me the current path of a page? For example: - I'd like PHP to return /this/page.php ... is that possible and if so, how so? PHP site looks up to me, though I have

Re: [PHP] [php] explode that :) !

2003-08-16 Thread Mike Migurski
echo trtdYour score is: /tdtd; $score=split($P1OC1Q1,ΒΆ); echo $score[0]./td/tr\n; Do I have to go through all that to get score[0] ? I think reset(split()) should work for getting the first element. - michal migurski- contact

Re: [PHP] Function arguments

2003-08-15 Thread Mike Migurski
What is the best way to pass the arguments so it is easy to maintain in future if function behaviour changes by adding/removing one or more arguments? Currently i am passing arguments in array. But i think it is not the clean way to do it and another approach i am using is functionName(arg1,

Re: [PHP] how do I spoof a get request

2003-08-14 Thread Mike Migurski
But some web pages when I cut and paste the URLs don't work. Like when I search for something on Ebay. Could this be because of cookies? That's a good guess! Yet further proof that cookies suck, except the ones made with flour, shortening and sugar, of course. Huh? seems like further proof

Re: [PHP] what is %s %d

2003-08-14 Thread Mike Migurski
They are codes for date formatting. Specifically: %s represents seconds with leading zeros. %d represents day of the month with leading zeros They can also be codes for the printf family of functions: %s represents string %d represents number See

Re: [PHP] php.ini configuration can we have two include_path file

2003-08-14 Thread Mike Migurski
I am not able to locate the file you are referring to. Please do help me I am very much frustrated. .htaccess files are described here: - michal migurski- contact info

Re: [PHP] Validate The Last Day of Month with server's clock????

2003-08-14 Thread Mike Migurski
Here's a trick script. We know that some months have the last day which is 30 while other is 31. As for February, it can be either 28 or 29. So, what's the trick in using the php to find out what is the last day of the month if you want to checked it against the server's clock to find out

Re: [PHP] getting images?? Help!!

2003-08-14 Thread Mike Migurski
I have created a little image manager. Mainly for personal usage but I have a few friends that would like it as well. Anyway, the problem that I've run into is that I can only select one file at a time using the form attribute input type=file that I want to upload. Does anyone know of a way to

RE: [PHP] PHP Counter on HTML Page

2003-08-14 Thread Mike Migurski
I've never used GD or ImageMagick before.. can you guide me to any tutorial, script, reference.. something upon the same that can help me out? Can you -please- do some of your own legwork once in a while?

Re: [PHP] host name

2003-08-14 Thread Mike Migurski
I want to get the current domain name in to a PHP variable. print_r() the contents of $_SERVER to see all the information given to you by the webserver -- the host name will be in there. - michal migurski- contact info and pgp

Re: [PHP] segmentation faults

2003-08-10 Thread Mike Migurski
I have a large project underway which is (hopefully!) nearing completion, running on the latest stable release, 4.3.2. However, strange things have started happening... My main page sometimes causes Apache to seg fault at some point during the execution (e.g. [Sun Aug 10 18:05:55 2003] [notice]

Re: [PHP] Simple cookie question

2003-08-09 Thread Mike Migurski
There are two ways round your problem... 1. Set your cookie right at the top of the script, so as your first line have something like: if(isset($_POST['vote'])){ setcookie(); } 2. Use output buffering, this will make PHP buffer all of your content and not send it till you tell it to (or

RE: [PHP] dev style guide

2003-08-07 Thread Mike Migurski
At the risk of starting a flame/religious/holy war I find the One True Brace style to have some inconsistency if it is as above. The 'function' does not open the curly brace at the EOL, but the 'if' does. Yeah, that's pretty much the definition of the OTBS. :) I'm not sure why I find it so

Re: [PHP] chown / chgrp of a http owned file after upload

2003-08-07 Thread Mike Migurski
I have written as part of my CMS, an image upload system, now when the images are placed in the destination folder, they are owned by httpd.root and I need to get them to be owned by siteuser.sitegroup. I have tried to chmod and chgrp it to siteuser.sitegroup but it gives permission denied

Re: [PHP] dev style guide

2003-08-05 Thread Mike Migurski
Is there a style guide for coding practices used when creating code to be shared with the community? PEAR has some, I gave them a cursory glance, and they seem to be pretty solid -- in line with standards that I used for the past year or so after

RE: [PHP] Unzipping Files

2003-08-05 Thread Mike Migurski
I am doing this for a client, and he doesn't have the ZZIPlib installed, and would like to avoid it if possible. Any other ideas? It has been mentioned before: use exec, or the backtick operator, and the command-line tools: unzip, bunzip, gunzip, etc.

Re: [PHP] Purging old files from directories

2003-08-04 Thread Mike Migurski
I need to write a script that will scan/read a given directory's contents and delete files older than a certain date. Ideally, this will be a script that runs via cron once a week and deletes all files it finds in the directory older than 2 weeks from the current date. I do currently have scripts

Re: [PHP] Trouble getting $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA

2003-08-01 Thread Mike Migurski
$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is an array... with echo you'll only get array.. No, it's a string - just the raw bytes that were posted. Is register globals ON or OFF? Either way, maybe try $_SERVER['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']... Also, ensure that always_populate_raw_post_data is on, too - see:

Re: [PHP] debuging and getting mor information about failures

2003-07-29 Thread Mike Migurski
These errors are usually caused by an extra or missing brace or quote/apostrophe/backtick. The best way to find where this is happening is to use another error. Alternatively, use a text editor that's syntax-aware. In bbedit for the mac, finishing a closure or double-clicking on one (parens,

RE: [PHP] mysqldump

2003-07-25 Thread Mike Migurski
Thanks for the replies guys but the main reason I'm doing this is because most times I don't have access to the servers, or not enough preveleges to install myadmin or any other tools. I wish we had our own server but I'm trying for a solution where you can't upload any tools and cannot access

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