[PHP] sessions problem, need help

2003-02-19 Thread Noel Akins
Hello, I'm new to sessions and I know a little php, but don't use it enough to remember it. I'm trying to use sessions for a couple of reasons. I will explain as i go along. My index.html is this (www.loveobjects.com) -not porn my host uses version 4.0.6 html head script language=javascript

[PHP] new to classes, need help

2002-12-24 Thread Noel Akins
I'm trying to get my head around php classes. I want to write a small php file (call it genericly uniquepagesomething.php) that will call the pagemaker.class. For example Apples3.php that calls pagemaker.class. In pagemaker.class, it will look up page 3 of the topic apples from a table and

[PHP] disabling page caching, yes or no

2001-01-30 Thread Noel Akins
Hello, I'm trying to build the first page to a database driven website. The first thing I'm trying to do is detect if cookies are enabled on the users browser, and then, via a header(location: mysite.php), redirect the user to either a cookie supported page, or cookie unsupported page. I

[PHP] confused about getenv arguements

2001-01-27 Thread Noel Akins
Hello, I found this script at zend. Please note the getenv("HTTP_REFFERER"). ? /* Anti-leech bandwidth protecter by Corey Milner, http://www.odey.com. Turn the refererring URL into a variable */ $from = getenv("HTTP_REFERER"); /* Check to see if the URL in the variable is a valid referrer. Add

[PHP] sessions without cookies?

2001-01-26 Thread Noel Akins
Would there be any point in using php sessions if you aren't using cookies? You have to store login info anyway, why not just use a temp table to store transaction info and write to the database at the end of a session? From what I've read on sessions, you have to use cookies thanks -- PHP