[PHP] [php] error in manual?

2004-07-20 Thread Nick W
On the page http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.visibility.php the first part reads: The visibility of a member or method can be defined by prefixing the declaration with the keywords: public, protected or private. Public declared items can be allow access to any caller. Protected

Re: [PHP] [php] error in manual?

2004-07-20 Thread Philip Olson
Yes you're correct, this was fixed about a week ago and will show up when the manual is next built (which should be soon), here's the diff: http://cvs.php.net/diff.php/phpdoc/en/language/oop5/visibility.xml?r1=1.2r2=1.3 When you find errors like this be sure to file a doc bug report at