my best thanks to Richard Lynch !

He advised me to the solution.

It was simply an URLencode missing ;)

(I've guessed that I do that allready but the var-name has changed,
and so the function has taken no effect...)


"Tribun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi all.
> I habe a strange problem!
> I try to get a URL like:
> the problem is, that this is very good restricted by serverside.
> But now I already get the file, and no more the error-message,
> but the problem is, that the file will not completly load.
> this means, I receive the file, but only the first 4188 bytes from
> 11988 bytes.
> If I call the site with a BROWSER, I'll get the full file, but it
> is nessessary to have this page into a string, to read out a specific
> position.
> what could that be..?
> where is the problem?
> does anybody know such a problem???
> please help me.
> If someone believes to have an answer, feel free to
> mail me any detailer questions.
> thanks for all help.
> Tribun (Patrick Lehnen)
> ---

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