Fwd-ing to correct list ..

> Hi
> I hope someone can help me
> I have made a program with a servercomponent
> And this program connects to a PHP script on  a webserver
> and the script makes a socket connection to this servercomponent
> and I want that this script logs into a database (or whatever) the
> and when the program disconnects
> it works fine but if my internetconnection interrupts (for example my
> provider makes a IP change) the script doesn't recognize it ....
> what can I do??
> my script:
> $fp = fsockopen($ip, $port, &$err_num, &$err_msg, 10);
> if ($fp)
> {
>    $daten = "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: TestClient\r\n\r\n";
>    fputs($fp, $daten);
> // Database Entry >ONLINE!<
>    while (!feof($fp))
>    {
>     $zwdaten .= fgets($fp, 1);
>    }
> // Database Entry >OFFLINE!<
> }
>    Günther Leitgeb
>    ICQ: 104677570
> --
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