a simple example:

  if (isset($submit))
  // process something here with all form's variable
echo "<!-- This page is created for $username -->";
name:<input type="text" name="username"><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit">

In this example you won't see the comment in the start of the page unless
the user processes the form.

"Hugh Danaher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Help, I'm new to php, and to writing software in general.  Enough said on
that.  What I want to do, is to have my program wait for user input on a
<form> and once data is submitted, to have the browser (IE5) generate a new
page.  Right now, my program runs straight through input forms and appends
everything to the existing page.  I now accomplish this by running several
connected php programs, but want to do it in one program.  I've looked
throughout the php manual and website but have yet to find the right
Your help is greatly appreciated.

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