>Thanks for everyones help yesterday but nI have come up against a problem
>(as I am new). I have created my document as detailed below with notes. I
>can see from the form that I have connected to the server, accessed the
>correct database, created the statment and executed it. The problem is how
>to display the information - as far as I can understand from yesterday if
>the result is 0 then the villa is available. So what I need to do is if the
>result = 0 display villa available and if the result is greater than 0 then
>display villa not available . I know that the variables are getting to the
>query as if I change the echo $result; to $sql;  and key in 3 as the id and
>2 dates in the form I get the following:
>SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bookings WHERE ('2002-04-04') BETWEEN booking_start AND
>booking_end OR ('2002-04-10')BETWEEN booking_start AND booking_end AND
>villa_id = ('3')
>So, corrcet me if I am wrong but the query is working its just i cannot see
>anything. I have spent hours on this today, reading books and looking at the
>list. I hope that once I have done one good script I can then start to
>understand it and create more :-)
>Thanks for all your help
> <body>
> <?php
> if ($submit) {
> // open connection to database
> $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "matrix", "matrix");

Add "or error_log(mysql_error())" to the end of this, so if your database
goes down or something you'll have a record of it in your Apache log.

> // pick database to use
> mysql_select_db("matrix",$db);

Same here in case some goofball deletes the whole matrix database or

> // create the SQL statement
> $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bookings WHERE ('$book_start_date') BETWEEN
>booking_start AND booking_end OR ('$book_end_date')BETWEEN booking_start AND
>booking_end AND villa_id = ('$place')";

Get rid of all the () except for count(*).

The rest of them are bogus.

> // execute the SQL statement
> $result = mysql_query($sql);
> // display the information
> echo $result;


$result is *NOT* your information.

If your SQL is broken, you'll get nothing output here.

You should again have:
or error_log(mysql_error()) at the end of the mysql_query() statement.

If everything goes well, though, $result *still* won't be the information
you want.

It will be a "result identifier"

That's a fancy way of saying it's like a little ticket at the meat counter
in your grocery store so you know whose turn it is.

You need to use http://php.net/mysql_fetch_row (or similar functions) to get
your actual data.

In this case, since you only get one answer, I would just use:

echo mysql_result($result, 0, 0);

to see the answer you want.

Actually, it will be more like this:

$taken = mysql_result($result, 0, 0);
if ($taken){
  echo "Villa $place is not available between $book_start_date and
  echo "Villa $place is available from $book_start_date to

mysql_query() never returns your actual data -- It only returns an
"identifier" so you can go get your data.

>} else{
> // display form
> ?>
> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF?>">
> Villa id number:<input type="Text" name="place"><br>
> Start date:<input type="Text" name="book_start_date"><br>
> End date:<input type="Text" name="book_end_date"><br>
> <input type="Submit" name="submit" value="Search information">
> </form>
> <?php
> }
>  // end if
> ?>
> </body>
> </html>

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