I am trying to transalte entry in Turkish Characters to
English Characters.

I wrote the following code.

  function translate_turkish($string) {
   $estring = strtr($string, "ç", "c");
   $estring = strtr($string, "ç", "c");

  $estring = strtr($estring, "ð", "g");
  $estring = strtr($estring, "G", "G");

  $estring = strtr($estring, "þ", "s");
  $estring = strtr($estring, "S", "S");

  $estring = strtr($estring, "ý", "i");
  $estring = strtr($estring, "I", "XX");  *********

  $estring = strtr($estring, "ü", "u");
  $estring = strtr($estring, "Ü", "U");
  $estring = strtr($estring, "ö", "o");
  $estring = strtr($estring, "Ö", "O"); 
  return ($estring)  ;

Capital i (not I but it shows at the line where you see the
XX) is causing a problem. I can not translate. from cap i
to I.

Can you please suggest any help?

Mehmet Erisen

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