i'm working on a site that is going to require some fancy image switching 
based on URL called...thats part isn't a problem...the problem comes in the 
way that i'm passing the HTML from the function.

My main concern here is speed with the second being workload on the server.

right now the function looks like this.

function tab($section){

$hmenav = "<a href=\"/index.php\" onMouseOut=\"MM_swapImgRestore()\" 
src=\"/images/nav/home_off.gif\" width=\"62\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" 
name=\"Nav2\" alt=\"\"></a>";

$comnav = "<a href=\"/company/index.php\" 
src=\"/images/nav/com_off.gif\" width=\"79\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" 
name=\"Nav3\" alt=\"\"></a>";

$curnav = "<a href=\"/listings.php\" onMouseOut=\"MM_swapImgRestore()\" 
src=\"/images/nav/cur_off.gif\" width=\"113\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" 
name=\"Nav4\" alt=\"\"></a>";

$llsnav = "<a href=\"/lls\"  onMouseOut=\"MM_swapImgRestore()\" 
src=\"/images/nav/lls_off.gif\" width=\"168\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" 
name=\"Nav5\" alt=\"land mark land services\"></a>";

$navspc = "<img src=\"/images/spacer_blank.gif\" width=\"125\" 
height=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">";

if ($section == "root"){
        $hmenav = "<a href=\"/index.php\"><img src=\"/images/nav/home_on.gif\" 
width=\"62\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" name=\"Nav2\" alt=\"\"></a>";
        }elseif ($section == "company"){
        $comnav = "<a href=\"/company/index.php\"><img 
src=\"/images/nav/com_on.gif\" width=\"79\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" 
name=\"Nav3\" alt=\"\"></a>";
        print "$navspc$hmenav$comnav$curnav$llsnav";

section is passed to the function and the function returns the correct 
tab.  IS there a better and faster way?


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