Hi List

Is there a difference in the way PHP handles the magic_quotes_gpc
between these versions?

I had 4.0.1 running on my server for a little over a year and all went
well, ie, data that contained quotes etc were discreetly handles by PHP
and inserted into MySQL with no problems ( when you vies the data in the
table with phpMyAdmin for instance, you would not see any slashes in the

However, since I upgraded to 4.3.1 (and turned on magic_quotes_gpc), I
notice that the same process now produces slashes in the db, meaning
that I will now need to edit my code and add stripslashes() when I need
to display them. [STOP RIGHT HERE] -> I KNOW that it is "best" to use
addslashes() and stripslashes() BUT, I inherited the code, and it is
really going to be an enormous task to go through the code for the
entire app. So naturally I'm looking for a "quick fix" in the form of
another "magic" function, and in the absence of such a function, I'd
like to know what the differences are, maybe I can then look at a class
or a function to handle all for me???

Thanks for any help.

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