I'm having trouble with a script to upload images, which is baffling me
because a similar script has worked fine on other occasions.  I can get
the image file uploaded to the correct directory, but it is uploading in
ASCII and I obviously need it in binary.  The file name on the form is
like this:

<input type="file" name="add_imgthumb">

then the code on the php script looks like this:

 $uploadpath = 'path/images/';
 $source = $_FILES['add_imgthumb']['tmp_name'];
 $name = $_FILES['add_imgthumb']['name'];
 $dest = $uploadpath.$name;
 copy($source, $dest);

simple, i know, but that's the way i want it.  What do I have to do to
get the image to be uploaded in binary?

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