On Sunday, June 2, 2002 at 2:53:30 PM, you wrote:
> I certainly read your reply and tried it with the session_start as the first
> line of the php secion. I have since remove the HTML etc.   The script
> appears to work with out error .

session_start must be called before any output in the script, not just in the
PHP section. The easiest way to do this is to have the following as the first
line in each script...

<?php start_session(); ?>

> I was able to set session vars etc and the script completed with out error
> and the session vars could be printed out at the end of the script.

> I then called another php script from my menu frame and was not able to find
> the _session vars which showed as blanks. I put the session_start() as first
> line of php block but this still did not make it possible to read the
> session vars.

Where is the session started? In the frameset page, or in one of the frames?
Basically, a link to a page that uses the session should be created by a
script that also calls start_session().

> Do I need to use names sessions or what?  Is there some setting that is
> required in the php.ini or apache to make this work?

I think your main problem is that you are not using the correct name for the
session array. You are using $_SESSION_VARS which is a mix between the two
options which are $HTTP_SESSION_VARS and $_SESSION. $_SESSION is the one you
should be using since $HTTP_SESSION_VARS is deprecated.

> Is the start_session and session variables the corect way to do this or is
> there a better way?

Not really. Sessions are the established way of persisting data across page


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