php-general Digest 4 May 2007 11:11:10 -0000 Issue 4772

Topics (messages 254377 through 254394):

Re: Script feedback: insert string into another string
        254377 by: Tijnema !

Re: File uploading and saving info on mysql
        254378 by: itoctopus

Re: Redirect via GET is loosing characters
        254379 by: itoctopus

Re: Split string
        254380 by: itoctopus

Re: What does "<<<" mean?
        254381 by: itoctopus

Re: A problem with passing $_GET in an url
        254382 by: Davis Chan
        254383 by: Davis Chan

Re: MySQL change-tracking
        254384 by: Chris

Re: [opinions] Ashop Commerce
        254385 by: Marco Sottana
        254386 by: Chris

passing GET via include
        254387 by: Mark Smith
        254389 by: "Miguel J. Jiménez"
        254393 by: Edward Kay
        254394 by: Oliver Block

Custom session save handler. What's happens really?
        254388 by:

Why does this encoding work in PHP?
        254390 by: Arno Kuhl
        254391 by: Dave Goodchild

PHP 5.2.2 and PHP 4.4.7 Released!
        254392 by: Derick Rethans


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--- Begin Message ---

I owe you and Tijnema a beer!

Have a great day/night!

I'm sorry, you have to wait another 9 months, because only than i can
legally drink a beer :) (than i will be > 16 :) )


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Here's the file upload class making your life easier:

  @class FileManager
  @description This class handles interaction with Files
  @copyright itoctopus 2007 - The Genoc Library
 class FileManager{
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] this function saves the file in the database
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] array $file_handle A handle on the file (ex. 
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] string $field_name The name of the field
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] string $action Update or save the file in the table. 
Defaults to 
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] string $file_source The name of the source table saving 
the file 
(such as realestate)
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] string $file_source_id The id of the row in the source 
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] object $db The database handle
  static function save($file_handle, $file_source, $file_source_id, 
$action='save', $allowed_types = array(), $db){
   if (empty($file_handle['tmp_name']))
   $data = addslashes(fread(fopen($file_handle['tmp_name'], "r"), 
   if ($action == 'save'){
    $creationdate = $lastupdatedate = Date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO file (file_name, file_type, file_size, file_source, 
file_source_id, file_binary, file_creationdate, file_lastupdatedate) VALUES 
(\''.$file_handle['name'].'\', \''.$file_handle['type'].'\', 
\''.$file_handle['size'].'\', \''.$file_source.'\', \''.$file_source_id.'\', 
\''.$data.'\', \''.$creationdate.'\', \''.$lastupdatedate.'\')';

    //now if the type is an image, then create a thumbnail (resize should be 

    $lastupdatedate = Date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $sql = 'UPDATE file SET file_name=\''.$file_handle['name'].'\', 
file_type=\''.$file_handle['type'].'\', file_source=\''.$file_source.'\', 
file_source_id=\''.$file_source_id.'\', file_binary=\''.$data.'\', 

    //now if the type is an image, then update a thumbnail

   $result= $db->query($sql);

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] This function returns a link to the file based on the id
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] string $file_id The id of the file in the database
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] object $db The database handle
  static function get($file_id, $db){
   $sql = 'SELECT file_id, file_name, file_type, file_size, file_binary FROM 
file where file_id=\''.$file_id.'\'';
   $result= $db->query($sql);
   //if it's not an image then download it, otherwise display it
   if (strpos($result[0]['file_type'], 'image') !== FALSE)
    header("Content-type: ".$result[0]['file_type']."; 
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; 

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] This function delete a file from the database
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] integer $file_id The id of the file to be deleted
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] object $db The database handle
  static function delete($file_id, $db){
   $sql = 'DELETE FROM file WHERE file_id=\'$file_id\'';
   $result= $db->query($sql);


itoctopus -
"Marcelo Wolfgang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Hi all,
> I'm developing for my first time an upload file form which will populate a 
> sql insert query, I think I got everything working fine, but the data 
> isn't been saved on the database. Can someone help me with what I'm doing 
> wrong here ?
> the code follow:
> <?php
> if (($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "application/msword")
> || ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "application/pdf")
> && ($_FILES["file"]["size"] < 2000000))
>   {
>   if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0)
>     {
>     echo "Return Code: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "<br />";
>     }
>   else
>     {
>     if (file_exists("../downloads/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]))
>       {
>       echo $_FILES["file"]["name"] . " already exists. ";
>       }
>     else
>       {
>       move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"],
>       "../downloads/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]);
>       }
>     }
>   }
> else
>   {
>   echo "Invalid file";
>   }
> $title = $_POST["title"];
> $filePath =   "../downloads/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"];
> if($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "application/pdf"){
> $fileType = "pdf";
> } else if ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "application/msword"){
> $fileType = "doc";
> }
> echo($title) . "<br />"; //outputs 'yada' ( correctly as I've typed on the 
> form;
> echo($filePath) . "<br />"; //outputs '../downloads/66321-Estrutura.doc' 
> and I can check that the file is there;
> echo($fileType) . "<br />"; //outputs 'doc' this is correct;
> mysql_connect("localhost",$db_user,$db_pass) or die (mysql_error());;
> mysql_select_db ($db_table);
> $user_Query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO tb_downloads (var_title, 
> var_filepath, var_filetype, dt_data, bol_active) VALUES ('$title', 
> '$filePath','$fileType','NOW(),1)");
> mysql_close();
> echo($user_Query) . "<br />"; //outputs nothing (? I suck at debugin 
> queries)
> header("Location:";); 
> // I know that this won't work while I echo something on the page, but the 
> echo is there for debug only
> ?>
> Marcelo Wolfgang 

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You just have to store your form inputs in the session.

itoctopus -
"Merlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Hi there,
> I am checking plausability inside a php script that receives a POST 
> submit. If an error occures the user should be redirected back, along with 
> his original data filled into the forms.
> There is a problem with this. As the GET method, which the redirect is 
> using, only allows a certain amount of characters, the text is always cut 
> down.
> I use this:
> HEADER("Location:".$data[rurl]."?error=".$error.$parameter);
> Is there a way to redirect the user to the form and fill in large text?
> Thank you for your help,
> Best regards, Merlin 

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if ($your_string !== ''){
    $arr_string = explode(',', $your_string);
    $first_part = $arr_string[0];
    $second_part = implode(',', $arr_string);

itoctopus -
"Lester Caine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Can someone with a few more working grey cells prompt me with the correct 
> command to split a string.
> The entered data is names, but I need to split the text up to the first 
> space or comma into one string, and the rest of the string into a second. 
> It's the 'first either space or comma' that eludes me at the moment :(
> In know it's probably obvious, but it always is when you know the answer.
> -- 
> Lester Caine - G8HFL
> -----------------------------
> Contact -
> L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
> MEDW -
> Firebird Foundation Inc. - 

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never ever used it...
I also voted!

itoctopus -
"Philip Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> On Apr 30, 2007, at 2:17 PM, Greg Donald wrote:
>> On 4/30/07, Nick Gorbikoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hello, folks.
>>> I rember I've since this somewhere in perl and it has somethign to  do 
>>> with
>>> blocks of code. I came across the same thing in some PHP code.
>>> <<< END
>>>  ....some code....
>>> END
>>> What exactly does it mean.
>>> BTW:
>>> PHP .net search breaks if you search for <<<
>> It's heredoc syntax.
>> language.types.string.php#language.types.string.syntax.heredoc
> Ok, let's gather some stats to see how many people actually use the 
> heredoc syntax. I created this quick little form to gather the data.  It's 
> takes 2 seconds (literally) - vote here:
> I'm interested in knowing if this is used a lot. If it is, then I may 
> consider tying it into my code (if it calls for it).
> ~Philip 

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Hi! Everyone, here is the javascript function:

function Ask_Confirm() {
response = confirm("Are you sure?");
if(response == true)
        to_url = "./admin.php?to_be_rm=" + document.forms[1].to_be_rm.value;
        // alert(to_url);
        window.location = to_url;
        // Do Nothing.

The alert(to_url) shows the correct/expected url. "to_be_rm" is the id of a <select> on the second form on the page. Thanks again.
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(sorry if you see 2 posts, I was trying to cancel a post, edit, and repost)
Hi! Everyone, Dan is right, after submit button is clicked, the javascript function below is called. I am trying here is the javascript function:

> function Ask_Confirm() {
> response = confirm("Are you sure?");
> if(response == true)
> {
>     to_url = "./admin.php?to_be_rm=" + document.forms[1].to_be_rm.value;
>     // alert(to_url);
>     window.location = to_url;
> }
> else
> {
>     // Do Nothing.
> }
> }

The alert(to_url) shows the correct/expected url. "to_be_rm" is the id of a <select> on the second form on the page. Thanks again.

I also have a question about using this newsgroup, why is messages I got from using Thunderbird not as update as the digest I got via email?
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Richard Lynch wrote:

On Wed, May 2, 2007 4:32 pm, Brad Fuller wrote:
Richard Lynch wrote:
I have this simple database and I'm going to have a handful
of people editing it...

I'd like to track each and every edit with username, and,
ideally, provide myself an easy "Undo" if I decide [bleep] is
an idiot and shouldn't have done that.

Now, I'm not real concerned about the relational foreign key
aspect here, and I'd like to keep this as simple as possible...

I've considered doing a dump and putting the output into subversion,

I realize there may be some nifty MySQL tool that does this,
so I'll be researching that shortly, but I'm wondering if
there's a nifty change-management php package out there that
I should check out.

The users are currently slated to be logging in via HTTP
Basic Authentication, but I could change that, I guess.

K.I.S.S. is definitely the motto around here -- If it takes
more than a day or two to figure out, install, and implement;
then forget it, as I can just hack something together myself in that

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?
I'm not aware of any existing package that offers this, and if there
one I wouldn't be surprised.  I think that there are just too many
for it to be universal enough...

But, I thought about it for a second and here's what I came up with...

I realize this is not a very efficient way to store data, but it's
just an

What about instead of running UPDATE queries, you INSERT a new record
top of it", and if you need to "undo" someone's change, just DELETE

I'm not sure how the tables would relate, but it would be something
initial insert generates customerID -> customerID and customer data go
a separate table -> subsequent changes get stacked up in this table
and the
most recent record gets displayed when you click to view the customer.
Voila, you have a history table and a simple way to "undo" changes.

Whaddya think?

I worked on a HIPPA-compliant medicasl system like that once (HIPPA
basically don't let you ever ever ever "delete" any data about a

It had a "version" field that got incremented on each insert and you
never did an update or delete.

It annoyed the bleep out of me at the time, mainly because the tables
got really large really fast...

I'll have to think about this and see if the tables I care about will
grow ridiculously large, and I can always archive the older stuff
after time...

Have a second table that has the 'history' of the record. Basically a copy of the first table.

Easy to keep the history:

insert into history_table select * from main_table where id='X'

then update the main table's record.

That way you're not making the main table really large but you'll be able to go back a version if you needed to.

You could even keep the history table under check (only keep 50 records).

Postgresql & php tutorials

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if you have nothing to say.. say nothing
----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Lynch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Marco Sottana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] [opinions] Ashop Commerce

On Thu, May 3, 2007 6:36 am, Marco Sottana wrote:
i am new ...
say me .. 2 or 3 nice e-commerce and why is nice.. please..


I was sick of this thread in 1997!!!

I sure don't want to see it again!

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

PHP General Mailing List (
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Marco Sottana wrote:
if you have nothing to say.. say nothing

LOL. You're the one spamming & trolling the list.

Postgresql & php tutorials

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Hello all,
Is there a way to allow the passing of variables to included scripts using the GET method, for example include"file.php?name=person"; or is there another method of including files that allow you to do this. I have attempted to do this without success, I just get a message saying the file cannot be found.
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Mark Smith escribió:
Hello all,
Is there a way to allow the passing of variables to included scripts using the GET method, for example include"file.php?name=person"; or is there another method of including files that allow you to do this. I have attempted to do this without success, I just get a message saying the file cannot be found.

If you define the variables before the *include* the included file will see them without problem...

Miguel J. Jiménez
Programador Senior
Área de Internet/XSL/PHP


Edificio BLUENET, Avda. Isaac Newton nº3, 4ª planta.
Parque Tecnológico Cartuja '93, 41092 Sevilla.
Teléfono: 955 036 800 - Fax: 955 036 849

"You let a political fight  come between you and your best friend you have in all 
the world. Do you realize how foolish that is? How ominous? How can this country survive 
if friends can't rise above the quarrel".
Constance Hazard, North & South (book I)

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 04 May 2007 08:23

> Hello all,
> Is there a way to allow the passing of variables to included scripts
> using the GET method, for example include"file.php?name=person"; or is
> there another method of including files that allow you to do this. I
> have attempted to do this without success, I just get a message saying
> the file cannot be found.

Hi Mark,

No, this isn't possible as it makes no sense. When you include a file, you
are not performing a request that generates a response - you are simply
including the contents of one file in another. When you call include, think
of it as just copy/pasting the contents of the included file at that point.

Any variables already defined (and in scope) will therefore be be available
to the code included file, for example:

--- main.php ---

$strTitle = 'The title';
$intTitleLength = strlen($strTitle);


--- display.php ---

echo 'Title is '.$strTitle.' and is '.$intTitleLength.' characters long';

I hope this makes sense but feel free to reply to the list if you have any


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Am Freitag, 4. Mai 2007 09:22 schrieb Mark Smith:
> Hello all,
> Is there a way to allow the passing of variables to included scripts

See it another way: The includED script will be part of the includING script.
        echo $message;

Will be the same as
        echo $message;



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i'm using in each script:

session_set_save_handler(...); //register my custom function to store session
//into a mysql database

session_start(); //session.auto_start is set to 0 in php.ini

$object = unserialize($_SESSION['objectname']);
//modify the object
$_SESSION['objectname'] = serialize($object);

When are exactly called the write and read function of my custom handler?
Is it at the session_start that read function is called?
or is it at $object = unserialize($_SESSION['objectname'])?

Is write function called at session_write_close only?
or any time $_SESSION[] is writted?

Thanks a lot, I have no clue from PHP tutorial about this...

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I recently came across a script that was oddly encoded. A bit of digging
revealed it was encoded in octal. What puzzles me is why the php interpreter
is able to understand the script.

An example (not from the original script)

require_once "../file.php";
require_once "\56\56\57\146\151\154\145\56\160\150\160";


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The characters are encoded in octal and the php interpreter converts them
into the corresponding ASCII characters and then the sequence is represented
as a string which is included?

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The PHP development team would like to announce the immediate 
availability of PHP 5.2.2 and availability of PHP 4.4.7. These releases 
are major stability and security enhancements of the 5.x and 4.4.x 
branches, and all users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to it as soon 
as possible. Further details about the PHP 5.2.2 release can be found in 
the release announcement for 5.2.2 (http:// Details about the PHP 4.4.7 release can 
be found in the release announcement for 4.4.7 (http://

Security Enhancements and Fixes in PHP 5.2.2 and PHP 4.4.7:

- Fixed CVE-2007-1001, GD wbmp used with invalid image size (by Ivan
- Fixed asciiz byte truncation inside mail() (MOPB-33 by Stefan Esser) 
- Fixed a bug in mb_parse_str() that can be used to activate
  register_globals (MOPB-26 by Stefan Esser) 
- Fixed unallocated memory access/double free in in
  array_user_key_compare() (MOPB-24 by Stefan Esser) 
- Fixed a double free inside session_regenerate_id() (MOPB-22 by Stefan
- Added missing open_basedir & safe_mode checks to zip:// and bzip://
  wrappers. (MOPB-21 by Stefan Esser). 
- Limit nesting level of input variables with max_input_nesting_level as
  fix for (MOPB-03 by Stefan Esser) 
- Fixed CRLF injection inside ftp_putcmd(). (by loveshell[at]
- Fixed a possible super-global overwrite inside
  import_request_variables(). (by Stefano Di Paola, Stefan Esser) 
- Fixed a remotely trigger-able buffer overflow inside bundled libxmlrpc
  library. (by Stanislav Malyshev)

Security Enhancements and Fixes in PHP 5.2.2 only:

- Fixed a header injection via Subject and To parameters to the mail()
  function (MOPB-34 by Stefan Esser)
- Fixed wrong length calculation in unserialize S type (MOPB-29 by
  Stefan Esser)
- Fixed substr_compare and substr_count information leak (MOPB-14 by
  Stefan Esser) (Stas, Ilia)
- Fixed a remotely trigger-able buffer overflow inside
  make_http_soap_request(). (by Ilia Alshanetsky)
- Fixed a buffer overflow inside user_filter_factory_create(). (by Ilia

Security Enhancements and Fixes in PHP 4.4.7 only:

- XSS in phpinfo() (MOPB-8 by Stefan Esser)

While majority of the issues outlined above are local, in some
circumstances given specific code paths they can be triggered
externally. Therefor, we strongly recommend that if you use code
utilizing the functions and extensions identified as having had
vulnerabilities in them, you consider upgrading your PHP.

Derick Rethans
PHP 4.4 Release Master

Derick Rethans | |

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