From: Mr. David Jong Hee .
Seoul,South Korea.

I will introduce myself I am Mr.David Jong Hee a Banker working in a bank in 
south Korea Until now I am the account officer to most of the south Korea 
government accounts and I have since discovered that most of the account are 
dormant account with a lot of money in the account on further investigation I 
found out that one particular account belong to the former president of south 
Korean MR PARK CHUNG HEE,who ruled south Korean from 1963-1979 and this 
particular account has a huge deposit with no next of kin.

My proposal is that since I am the account officer that you should provide an 
account for the money to be transferred. For your assistance as the account 
owner we shall share the money on equal basis.

Your reply will be appreciated.

Thank you.

Mr. David Jong Hee.

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