Gonéri Le Bouder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (14/11/2006):
> Ogre package'd been orphaned (#398110). I think Debian Games should
> adopt it but I personnaly won't have a lot of time during the coming
> months. So is anyone interest? If someone else adopt it, I invite him
> to join the Team ;).
Hi Gonéri, hi all,

I already posted an ITA on ogre (some hours ago). Since I would be
pleased to maintain ogre in collaboration with debian-games but I
haven't much interest in maintain games in general, do you think that
having the team as comaintainer would be a viable solution?

I'm working on the package at the moment, and I'd like to have reviews
(and uploads since I'm in NM). I'll guess that I could post links to
debian-games (and/or ping on IRC) once I'm done.


Cyril Brulebois

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