
Debian games team: quake2 has been orphaned, it might be interesting for
the team.

On 05/11/07 at 22:50 +1100, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:
> >On 05/11/07 at 22:16 +1100, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:
> >> Ok, my fault for not acting on the bug, but orphaning without my permission
> >> is pretty rude.  Your original bug report didn't even suggest a method of
> >> appeal.
> >
> >1) When you reply to my mail, please don't drop me from the "To:" or
> >"Cc:" field. I just hope it was done by mistake, and not so that I
> >wouldn't notice that you closed the bug.
> Apologies, that wasn't my intention.
> >2) Please don't close this bug, as I use it to track this issue.
> Your instructions were to close this bug if I disagreed with it.

Well, the original message was:
| If you disagree and want to continue to maintain this package, please
| close this bug, preferably in an upload also fixing the other issues.

The "preferably" part is important :-)

> >I restored the previous state of the bug. Please act on those RC bugs
> >now. I've marked the package as "to check again in 20 days" in my list
> >for now.
> I was thinking this over, and I perhaps reacted too quickly just now --
> perhaps you are right, and I won't get more time to work on this package in
> the near future.

Ok, thanks for taking this decision.

> However your methods leave a lot to be desired.  I don't like the
> implication that I have to do work to satisfy your checklist.  The package
> in question is not causing loss of life, it's not costing millions of
> dollars.

I'm not asking for the moon. My criteria basically boils down to "is in
a releasable state". In the case of quake2, it hasn't been able to
migrate to testing for 827 days, and has 2 RC bugs.

> You could have asked me nicely to consider if I was going to be
> able to do the work to clean up the package, and suggest the benefits (for
> me) to have the package orphaned instead; but rather you have been blunt and
> have not instilled within me a feeling of cooperation or goodwill.

Well, there's no real benefit for you in having the package orphaned :)
I've pinged you on several occasions on this bug, without any progress on
the RC bugs. This is already very time-consuming (I don't have anything
against you or quake2: I have at least 30 other packages on my radar).
So I'm trying to do my best.

If you want to continue to participate in quake2 maintenance, maybe you
should contact the debian games team: they would probably agree that you
maintain the package inside the team, and it usually helps to share the
load. :)

Also, another question: do you mind if I orphan quake2-data ? It would
probably be better if quake2 and quake2-data were maintained by the same
| Lucas Nussbaum
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
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