Le lundi 21 janvier 2008 à 01:44 -0500, Daniel Dickinson a écrit :
> Package: totem
> Version: 2.20.3-1
> Severity: normal
> The Etch version of Totem is able to play DVDs, even CSS ones with the
> appropriate add-on, but the one in Lenny complains that I don't have
> the right plugin installed (but doesn't indicate what plugin that is).
> I have installed all the toem, dvd, css, and gstreamer plugings I
> could find, but it doesn't help.

This is a known issue; you should use totem-xine to read your DVDs,
because totem-gstreamer cannot anymore.

BTW this is one of the reasons why I’ve been arguing for letting
totem-xine become the default for lenny, because I don’t see this fixed
in the near future.

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