Riku Voipio wrote:
> Hi,
> Unfortunately it seems eclipse will still not build. Openjdk 6b18~pre2-1
> was installed.
> Riku
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I think this is a bug in openjdk-6's java command on armel. Eclipse
ships its own java compiler written in java, which I believe has been
bootstrapped at that point and used for the rest of the build (which is
why I say "java" and not "javac").

Assuming the numbers from an i386 "man 7 signal" are valid on armel,
java is terminated by a SIGSEGV.

How much RAM was available during the build? eclipse has two or three
invocations of java (ant starting eclipse starting a new ant). As I
recall this sums up to 2 GB of RAM (but I think it goes beyond that
during the "peak" when it runs javadoc on top of this, which eats about
1.1 GB itself).


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