Bug#364368: Build-Dep on mozilla (library), please transition to xulrunner

2006-04-22 Thread Billy Biggs

On 22-Apr-06, at 3:48 PM, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:

Maybe you've been lucky and upstream already transitioned to use the
xulrunner environment.

Hi, I work on upstream.  We actually build against Mozilla 1.4 since
we need to support some old Linux distributions popular in enterprises,
but do expect Eclipse to work fine with xulrunner (xulrunner is
supposed to be a drop-in replacement for embedding clients).  Building
against xulrunner should be fine as well, but it's not something we do

Patches appreciated so long as they don't break building against
Mozilla 1.4.


pkg-java-maintainers mailing list

Bug#352204: eclipse: some times the windows are too small

2006-02-10 Thread Billy Biggs

On 10-Feb-06, at 4:49 AM, Armin Berres wrote:

Michael Koch wrote:

Please give concret examples, with screenshots if possible.

On the fly I found only two windows with this behaviour. If I find  
more I will make more screenshots.

  This is a bug in Eclipse (well, I'd also argue in GTK+) that appears
with some window managers.  It is fixed in version 3.2M4 and newer:


  Out of curiosity, what window manager are you using?


pkg-java-maintainers mailing list

Bug#351729: noexec home directory policy

2006-02-09 Thread Billy Biggs
  It is unclear to me whether a noexec policy on the /home partition is
a reasonable thing to do except in very controlled environments.  For
example, any software downloaded from the net would not run when
installed, and plugins for applications such as firefox, or downloaded
Eclipse plugins, unless carefully installed globally, would also fail to

  However, see Eclipse bug 90535 for some discussion on solutions for
having an install program to globally pre-extract any embedded executables
from OSGi bundles.


pkg-java-maintainers mailing list

Bug#342341: eclipse: too many unneeded dependencies

2005-12-16 Thread Billy Biggs

On 16-Dec-05, at 3:19 AM, Erwan David wrote:

No eclipse (the software) depends on *gtk* libs. Even eclipse.org does
not cite gnome as a requirements. *YOU* impose gnome.

  Erwan, what part about my description of our use of GNOME is

  We use GNOME-VFS to implement the Program API.  It's used to:

   - determine what your system web browser is
   - determine what application should launch if you open
 the system editor in eclipse
   - actually run these programs

  Without GNOME-VFS, the preferences dialog that lists web browsers
won't list anything, nor will the listing of external applications
for file associations, nor will the open with  system editor work,
and any applications that depend on the SWT Program API will not
work properly.

  Do you want me to change the Eclipse Platform 3.2 plan on eclipse.org
to more clearly state that we depend on gnome-vfs  I can do
this if it would help!


pkg-java-maintainers mailing list

Bug#342341: eclipse: too many unneeded dependencies

2005-12-14 Thread Billy Biggs
  Andrew,  you don't need to go to such incredible feats of  
sleuthing. :)

I am an SWT developer and I think I already explained quite clearly in
this bug report what dependencies are there and what are needed.

I have an eclipse.org binary release (3.1.1) unpacked in ~/bin/ 
eclipse on my
sarge install.  A quick search shows that this includes private  

$ find /home/andrew/bin/eclipse/  |grep '\.so\.\|\.so$'


(Obviously this is something that the debian eclipse packages don't  

  What do you mean by that?  All of these libraries, with the exception
of libcairo.so.1, are JNI libraries which are part of Eclipse and
the C sources are part of the source package, and are definitely
installed by the Debian packages.  libcairo.so.1 is a precompiled  
of cairo as it is not in our supported distributions yet, so clearly  

isn't required by the Debian packages yet.

A quick ldd shows that the private libraries upstream ships _are_  

against gnome libs.
However it ain't that simple.  There has recently been a thread  
about unused

library dependencies [1], [2].

The sarge ldd command does not have the -u option.  Therefore I  
tried ldd -u

on ubuntu.

-u /home/andrew/bin/eclipse/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/ 

Unused direct dependencies:


At this point I'm out of my depth.  I don't know how to determine  
(upstreams) libswt-gnome-gtk-3139.so actually _should_ be linked  
gnome libs.  Since I'm running sarge, it haven't tried ldd on the  
debian swt


  I think you're misreading the tools.  Here's something clearer to do:

$ nm -D libswt-gnome-* | grep gnome_vfs_mime_get_default_application

  You'll see that it depends on some gnome_vfs symbols.

$ nm -D /usr/lib/libgnomevfs-2.so.0 | grep gnome_vfs_mime_get_default_ap

  You'll see that it's defined here.

  Now, as explained earlier, this is used by the Eclipse SDK to provide
the feature where you go Open With  System Editor and the file in
Eclipse will open with gedit if that is what is set up in your GNOME

  The other feature is that this is also used to determine what your  
web browser is, whether it's epiphany or Mozilla or konqueror or  

  As you mention, other SWT applications may need more of this than
the Eclipse SDK.  This is true too with the embedded Mozilla.  Many  

on the Eclipse project want to hard depend on the embedded browser, and
lots of plugins definitely do.  However, in the core SDK we've tried to
ensure don't completely die if we can't find an embeddable Mozilla/Gecko


pkg-java-maintainers mailing list

Bug#342341: eclipse: too many unneeded dependencies

2005-12-10 Thread Billy Biggs

On 10-Dec-05, at 8:53 AM, Erwan David wrote:

The gnome libraries are needed for SWT, for example
org.eclipse.swt.program.Program to get informations about the mine
type and icons etc. for a given file.

False, eclipse and swt work perfectly without gnome.

  Hi Erwan, I'm an SWT developer.

  The Program library is so that in Eclipse, when you right click
on a file and go Open With  System Editor, it will open the
same application that Nautilus would (.txt - gedit, or whatever).
As well, .C files will show the right icon the same as nautilus.
Of course Eclipse works fine without this capability, but the
feature won't work, and other SWT applications may depend on being
able to get these icons and runnables (imagine writing a file
browser in SWT!).  So, at some point the dependency must be stated
or moved to be a Recommends:.

And the dependency to mozila-broser is needed for the SWT Browser  
widget. You
should be able to use firefox instead, but nevertheless a browser  
is needed.

eclipse works without a browser installed. You put restrictions on  
its use...

  Eclipse uses an embedded browser in many places.  The Help contents
for example is an embedded Mozilla instance.  If Mozilla is not found
or not available, often there are fallbacks in Eclipse (you'll see some
crappy white background with some icons instead of the full Intro), but
some other Eclipse plugins _do_ depend on being able to embed mozilla.
Consider the Eclipse web development plugins.  Even the Javadoc view in
Eclipse is an embedded Mozilla browser.

Its more a matter of policy : you as maintainer put arbitrary  
restrictions on the use of the software.

I tend to tag the report as WONTFIX, but wait on an opinion from  
Michael Koch.

Do debian policy allow maintainers to include dependencies which  
are not

upstream ?

I do not want to use gnome, f I follow you I should stop using  
debian ?

  If we (Eclipse) could make these hard dependencies, I think we  
would.  We
have a horrible time trying to deal with distributions that don't  

GNOME or Mozilla embedding as part of the standard platform.  Please
consider how hard it is to ship software under Linux currently where  
we have

to try and ensure we don't _completely_ die when Mozilla/GNOME aren't


pkg-java-maintainers mailing list

Bug#339435: Wrong freetype?

2005-11-17 Thread Billy Biggs
  I don't see how this problem could be specific to Eclipse.
Which version of Freetype do you have installed?  The
FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden is new in a recent version of Freetype
and it seems the version of cairo you have installed requires
it, but your freetype does not have it.

  Do other cairo applications on your system work?


pkg-java-maintainers mailing list

Bug#336285: Dependency on mozilla-browser

2005-10-29 Thread Billy Biggs
  It's not a dependency on the browser, it's a dependency on the Mozilla
embedding framework.  SWT has an embedded browser widget that requires
a gecko runtime engine.


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