On Wednesday 17 December 2008 01:07:48 Pantelis Koukousoulas wrote:
> but let's
> see how many volunteers we
> get

I am happy to help where I can. I have no experience with packaging (need to 
learn it at some stage though), but am pretty good with Java and use eclipse.

I have huge demands on my time right now (trying to finish a thesis, work, 
learn a new (human) language, and get the next release of a (Java-based) free 
software project out the door.) But, small tasks that take an hour or two I 
can probably take care of here and there.

Robin <ro...@kallisti.net.nz> JabberID: <eyth...@jabber.kallisti.net.nz>
http://www.kallisti.net.nz/blog       |||       http://identi.ca/eythian

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