
Each day that passes by, I am afraid to die, but life gives me no choice, but 
to answer the call my prayer each day is to have a place in Heaven. I have 
suffered a lot as a result of this incurable sickness! With due respect, I must 
apologise for this unsolicited message, I am aware that this is certainly not a 
conventional way of approaching an unknown person for the establishment of the 
project. But I respectfully insist you read this message carefully before you 
either take a decision of proceeding or deleting my message as I am optimistic 
it will be successful for the unimaginable financial benefit for both of us and 
our families.

I am Agnes Glenn a widow actually; I managed to get your contact details online 
in my desperate search for a trustworthy person to assist me in this 
transaction. I am a dying 64-year-old woman from Scotland and financially 
blessed. Recently, the doctors told me I might not live long after they 
diagnosed me with chronic/acute lymphatic or myeloid [leukaemia]. Leukaemia is 
a blood cancer in both the bone marrow and in the blood itself, leukaemia cells 
crowd out normal blood cells leading to serious bleeding and infection. I have 
been undergoing the blood transfusion and it has drained my purse and I belong 
to the high, but feed like a leper, as a result of sickness.
My health will not permit me to carry out some of the things my heart long to 
achieve with the money that I have and this is the reason I am contacting you 
through this medium. I really need someone I can trust even if he/she is not 
from a Christian background but someone with a pure heart and believes in 
honesty that can help me to distribute my fund to people through charity. My 
soul will rest better if they are given out to people I know will really need 
them rather than allow my husband’s family members to lavish what I and my 
husband suffered for years to acquire.
This will be willed to you when you agree to carry out the instructions 
contained in this arrangement. In the area whereby you are not interested in 
this transaction please kindly delete this message immediately from your email. 
If you are interested, kindly provide me with the following details below to 
enable us proceed: 
*1 - Your full names
*2 - Your residential address
*3 - Your age
*4 - Occupation
*5 - Marital status
*6 - Your telephone number(s)
*7 - Your fax number(s)
*8 – Your identification card (any)

Regards in sincerity,
Mrs Amelia Stroud.

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