Arthur Marsh wrote, on 17/08/10 00:05:

The frame only has what was shipped from the factory on it.

I'll email you the dump.bin privately.

After some more work this frame appears to be working.

To build on Debian I did the following:

apt-get source libgphoto2

and downloaded libgphoto2 source from sourceforge and unpacked it.

I copied the debian directory from the Debian source to the libgphoto2 directory and removed some non-compatible patches from debian/patches, leaving:

10_disable_cache               45_increase_canon_timeout  80_kfreebsd
11_hurd_no_path_max_bsdsource  70_increase_max_entries    series

I also installed libgd2-xpm-dev (libgd2-xpm was already installed).

I then built and installed the created packages, and also ran:

libgphoto2-2.4.10/packaging/generic# ./print-camera-list udev-rules version 136 > /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libgphoto2.rules

Then as a user I could run:

gphoto2 --shell

Thanks to Hans de Goede for his work in getting this digital photo frame working!


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