For now we can use a simple workaround for this bug.

1.) Go to /run/systemd/generator/ and look for directory named "cryptdevice_name.d", where "cryptdevice_name" is the contents of the first row in /etc/crypttab (you can see file with such name in /dev/mapper/ after you unlock this volume). 2.) In this directory you will see a config file named "90-device-timeout.conf" 3.) Go to /etc/systemd/system/ and create directory named "dev-mapper-cryptdevice_name.device.d". For example, with
"home_decrypt /dev/local-vg/home none luks"
in my crypttab, the directory's name should be:
"dev-mapper-home_decrypt.device.d" (and also check if such unit exists in "systemctl --all" output) 4.) Put "90-device-timeout.conf" stated above into this directory. This should help.

Yours sincerely, Jayson Willson

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