
I've been working on getting MonetDB to build on
OpenBSD.  I'm not sure I'll get as far as building
a port, but my patches are getting accepted [1] so
at least I can get their source tree to build cleanly
on OpenBSD.

I've hit a couple things I can't figure out.

One is related to auto-tools crap.  After I run
their bootstrap script, I have to edit the configure.sh
script so that every instance of "-lssl" is replaced by
"-lssl -lcrypto".  In a comment in the bug report [2],
a MonetDB dev said "weird this is autoconf
generated code".

I'm hoping this is a fairly common issue with
ports that use openssl. I grepped through the
MonetDB code, but couldn't find a ".m4", a ".in",
or ".am" file that creates this test.  I'm pretty
stuck on this one.

The other issue is that they use a %pure_parser
statement in their yacc code.  Is this specific to
bison?  The OpenBSD 4.6 yacc failed to compile
that line.

If it is bison-specific, do they need to update their
build to call bison or is there a way I can set a
know to tell OpenBSD to use bison and not yacc.





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