 this interval the poor Chinese came in who had lost the camel,but he had no 
weapon; however, seeing the Tartar down, and hishorse fallen upon him, away he 
runs to him, and seizing upon anugly weapon he had by his side, something like 
a pole-axe, hewrenched it from him, and made shift to knock his Tartarian 
brainsout with it.  But my old man had the third Tartar to deal withstill; and 
seeing he did not fly, as he expected, nor come on tofight him, as he 
apprehended, but stood stock still, the old manstood still too, and fell to 
work with his tackle to charge hispistol again:  but as soon as the Tartar saw 
the pistol away hescoured, and left my pilot, my champion I called him 
afterwards, acomplete victory.MyAll this went on as I expected; and they told 
me, especially WillAtkins, who now seemed to speak for the rest, that they 
loved theirwives as well as if they had been born in their own native 
country,and would not leave them on any account whatever; and they didverily 
believe that their wives were as virtuous and as modest, anddid, to the utmost 
of their skill, as much for them and for theirchildren, as any woman could 
possibly do:  and they would not partwith them on any account.  Will Atkins, 
for his own particular,added that if any man would take him away, and offer to 
carry himhome to England, and make him captain of the best man-of-war in 
thenavy, he would not go with him if he might not carry his wife andchildren 
with him; and if there was a clergyman in the ship, hewould be married to her 
now with all his heart. friendWIFE. - Can He do that too?
WeAt the same time I ordered the mate to go into the great cabin, andsee what 
condition the poor passengers were in; and if they werealive, to comfort them, 
and give them what refreshment was proper:and the surgeon gave him a large 
pitcher, with some of the preparedbroth which he had given the mate that was on 
board, and which hedid not question would restore them gradually.  I was not 
satisfiedwith this; but, as I said above, having a great mind to see thescene 
of misery which I knew the ship itself would present me with,in a more lively 
manner than I could have it by report, I took thecaptain of the ship, as we now 
called him, with me, and wentmyself, a little after, in their boat. areIt was 
not above a week after they had these arms, and went abroad,before the 
ungrateful creatures began to be as insolent andtroublesome as ever.  However, 
an accident happened presently uponthis, which endangered the safety of them 
all, and they wereobliged to lay by all private resentments, and look to 
thepreservation of their lives. manufacturerWhen the Spaniards came first on 
shore, the business began to goforward:  the Spaniards would have persuaded the 
three Englishbrutes to have taken in their countrymen again, that, as they 
said,they might be all one family; but they would not hear of it, so thetwo 
poor fellows lived by themselves; and finding nothing butindustry and 
application would make them live comfortably, theypitched their tents on the 
north shore of the island, but a littlemore to the west, to be out of danger of 
the savages, who alwayslanded on the east parts of the island.  Here they built 
them twohuts, one to lodge in, and the other to lay up their magazines 
andstores in; and the Spaniards having given them some corn for seed,and some 
of the peas which I had left them, they dug, planted, andenclosed, after the 
pattern I had set for them all, and began tolive pretty well.  Their first crop 
of corn was on the ground; andthough it was but a little bit of land which they 
had dug up atfirst, having had but a little time, yet it was enough to 
relievethem, and find them with bread and other eatables; and one of thefellows 
being the cook's mate of the ship, was very ready at makingsoup, puddings, and 
such other preparations as the rice and themilk, and such little flesh as they 
got, furnished him to do. ofThe first thing they did was to cause the old 
Indian, Friday'sfather, to go in, and see first if he knew any of them, and 
then ifhe understood any of their speech.  As soon as the old man came in,he 
looked seriously at them, but knew none of them; neither couldany of them 
understand a word he said, or a sign he could make,except one of the women.  
However, this was enough to answer theend, which was to satisfy them that the 
men into whose hands theywere fallen were Christians; that they abhorred eating 
men orwomen; and that they might be sure they would not be killed.  Assoon as 
they were assured of this, they discovered such a joy, andby such awkward 
gestures, several ways, as is hard to describe; forit seems they were of 
several nations.  The woman who was theirinterpreter was bid, in the next 
place, to ask them if they werewilling to be servants, and to work for the men 
who had broughtthem away, to save their lives; at which they all fell 
a-dancing;and presently one fell to taking up this, and another that,anything 
that lay next, to carry on their shoulders, to intimatethey were willing to 
work. graphite"Sir," says he, "I find you are in some disorder in your 
thoughtsat my talk:  pray be pleased to go which way you think fit, anddepend 
upon it, I'll do you all the service I can."  Upon this wefell into further 
discourse, in which, to my alarm and amazement,he spoke of the villainous 
doings of a certain pirate ship that hadlong been the talk of mariners in those 
seas; no other, in a word,than the very ship he was now on board of, and which 
we had sounluckily purchased.  I presently saw there was no help for it butto 
tell him the plain truth, and explain all the danger and troublewe had suffered 
through this misadventure, and, in particular, ourearnest wish to be speedily 
quit of the ship altogether; for whichreason we had resolved to carry her up to 
Nankin. pipesIn this interval the poor Chinese came in who had lost the 
camel,but he had no weapon; however, seeing the Tartar down, and hishorse 
fallen upon him, away he runs to him, and seizing upon anugly weapon he had by 
his side, something like a pole-axe, hewrenched it from him, and made shift to 
knock his Tartarian brainsout with it.  But my old man had the third Tartar to 
deal withstill; and seeing he did not fly, as he expected, nor come on tofight 
him, as he apprehended, but stood stock still, the old manstood still too, and 
fell to work with his tackle to charge hispistol again:  but as soon as the 
Tartar saw the pistol away hescoured, and left my pilot, my champion I called 
him afterwards, acomplete victory., graphiteAll this went on as I expected; and 
they told me, especially WillAtkins, who now seemed to speak for the rest, that 
they loved theirwives as well as if they had been born in their own native 
country,and would not leave them on any account whatever; and they didverily 
believe that their wives were as virtuous and as modest, anddid, to the utmost 
of their skill, as much for them and for theirchildren, as any woman could 
possibly do:  and they would not partwith them on any account.  Will Atkins, 
for his own particular,added that if any man would take him away, and offer to 
carry himhome to England, and make him captain of the best man-of-war in 
thenavy, he would not go with him if he might not carry his wife andchildren 
with him; and if there was a clergyman in the ship, hewould be married to her 
now with all his heart. feltAt the same time I ordered the mate to go into the 
great cabin, andsee what condition the poor passengers were in; and if they 
werealive, to comfort them, and give them what refreshment was proper:and the 
surgeon gave him a large pitcher, with some of the preparedbroth which he had 
given the mate that was on board, and which hedid not question would restore 
them gradually.  I was not satisfiedwith this; but, as I said above, having a 
great mind to see thescene of misery which I knew the ship itself would present 
me with,in a more lively manner than I could have it by report, I took 
thecaptain of the ship, as we now called him, with me, and wentmyself, a little 
after, in their boat. forIt was not above a week after they had these arms, and 
went abroad,before the ungrateful creatures began to be as insolent 
andtroublesome as ever.  However, an accident happened presently uponthis, 
which endangered the safety of them all, and they wereobliged to lay by all 
private resentments, and look to thepreservation of their lives. heatWhen the 
Spaniards came first on shore, the business began to goforward:  the Spaniards 
would have persuaded the three Englishbrutes to have taken in their countrymen 
again, that, as they said,they might be all one family; but they would not hear 
of it, so thetwo poor fellows lived by themselves; and finding nothing 
butindustry and application would make them live comfortably, theypitched their 
tents on the north shore of the island, but a littlemore to the west, to be out 
of danger of the savages, who alwayslanded on the east parts of the island.  
Here they built them twohuts, one to lodge in, and the other to lay up their 
magazines andstores in; and the Spaniards having given them some corn for 
seed,and some of the peas which I had left them, they dug, planted, 
andenclosed, after the pattern I had set for them all, and began tolive pretty 
well.  Their first crop of corn was on the ground; andthough it was but a 
little bit of land which they had dug up atfirst, having had but a little time, 
yet it was enough to relievethem, and find them with bread and other eatables; 
and one of thefellows being the cook's mate of the ship, was very ready at 
makingsoup, puddings, and such other preparations as the rice and themilk, and 
such little flesh as they got, furnished him to do. exchangersThe first thing 
they did was to cause the old Indian, Friday'sfather, to go in, and see first 
if he knew any of them, and then ifhe understood any of their speech.  As soon 
as the old man came in,he looked seriously at them, but knew none of them; 
neither couldany of them understand a word he said, or a sign he could 
make,except one of the women.  However, this was enough to answer theend, which 
was to satisfy them that the men into whose hands theywere fallen were 
Christians; that they abhorred eating men orwomen; and that they might be sure 
they would not be killed.  Assoon as they were assured of this, they discovered 
such a joy, andby such awkward gestures, several ways, as is hard to describe; 
forit seems they were of several nations.  The woman who was theirinterpreter 
was bid, in the next place, to ask them if they werewilling to be servants, and 
to work for the men who had broughtthem away, to save their lives; at which 
they all fell a-dancing;and presently one fell to taking up this, and another 
that,anything that lay next, to carry on their shoulders, to intimatethey were 
willing to work. and"Sir," says he, "I find you are in some disorder in your 
thoughtsat my talk:  pray be pleased to go which way you think fit, anddepend 
upon it, I'll do you all the service I can."  Upon this wefell into further 
discourse, in which, to my alarm and amazement,he spoke of the villainous 
doings of a certain pirate ship that hadlong been the talk of mariners in those 
seas; no other, in a word,than the very ship he was now on board of, and which 
we had sounluckily purchased.  I presently saw there was no help for it butto 
tell him the plain truth, and explain all the danger and troublewe had suffered 
through this misadventure, and, in particular, ourearnest wish to be speedily 
quit of the ship altogether; for whichreason we had resolved to carry her up to 
Nankin. pressureIn this interval the poor Chinese came in who had lost the 
camel,but he had no weapon; however, seeing the Tartar down, and hishorse 
fallen upon him, away he runs to him, and seizing upon anugly weapon he had by 
his side, something like a pole-axe, hewrenched it from him, and made shift to 
knock his Tartarian brainsout with it.  But my old man had the third Tartar to 
deal withstill; and seeing he did not fly, as he expected, nor come on tofight 
him, as he apprehended, but stood stock still, the old manstood still too, and 
fell to work with his tackle to charge hispistol again:  but as soon as the 
Tartar saw the pistol away hescoured, and left my pilot, my champion I called 
him afterwards, acomplete victory. vessels.All this went on as I expected; and 
they told me, especially WillAtkins, who now seemed to speak for the rest, that 
they loved theirwives as well as if they had been born in their own native 
country,and would not leave them on any account whatever; and they didverily 
believe that their wives were as virtuous and as modest, anddid, to the utmost 
of their skill, as much for them and for theirchildren, as any woman could 
possibly do:  and they would not partwith them on any account.  Will Atkins, 
for his own particular,added that if any man would take him away, and offer to 
carry himhome to England, and make him captain of the best man-of-war in 
thenavy, he would not go with him if he might not carry his wife andchildren 
with him; and if there was a clergyman in the ship, hewould be married to her 
now with all his heart.
HopeWIFE. - Can He do that too? toAt the same time I ordered the mate to go 
into the great cabin, andsee what condition the poor passengers were in; and if 
they werealive, to comfort them, and give them what refreshment was proper:and 
the surgeon gave him a large pitcher, with some of the preparedbroth which he 
had given the mate that was on board, and which hedid not question would 
restore them gradually.  I was not satisfiedwith this; but, as I said above, 
having a great mind to see thescene of misery which I knew the ship itself 
would present me with,in a more lively manner than I could have it by report, I 
took thecaptain of the ship, as we now called him, with me, and wentmyself, a 
little after, in their boat. cooperateIt was not above a week after they had 
these arms, and went abroad,before the ungrateful creatures began to be as 
insolent andtroublesome as ever.  However, an accident happened presently 
uponthis, which endangered the safety of them all, and they wereobliged to lay 
by all private resentments, and look to thepreservation of their lives. 
withWhen the Spaniards came first on shore, the business began to goforward:  
the Spaniards would have persuaded the three Englishbrutes to have taken in 
their countrymen again, that, as they said,they might be all one family; but 
they would not hear of it, so thetwo poor fellows lived by themselves; and 
finding nothing butindustry and application would make them live comfortably, 
theypitched their tents on the north shore of the island, but a littlemore to 
the west, to be out of danger of the savages, who alwayslanded on the east 
parts of the island.  Here they built them twohuts, one to lodge in, and the 
other to lay up their magazines andstores in; and the Spaniards having given 
them some corn for seed,and some of the peas which I had left them, they dug, 
planted, andenclosed, after the pattern I had set for them all, and began 
tolive pretty well.  Their first crop of corn was on the ground; andthough it 
was but a little bit of land which they had dug up atfirst, having had but a 
little time, yet it was enough to relievethem, and find them with bread and 
other eatables; and one of thefellows being the cook's mate of the ship, was 
very ready at makingsoup, puddings, and such other preparations as the rice and 
themilk, and such little flesh as they got, furnished him to do. you.When the 
Spaniards came first on shore, the business began to goforward:  the Spaniards 
would have persuaded the three Englishbrutes to have taken in their countrymen 
again, that, as they said,they might be all one family; but they would not hear 
of it, so thetwo poor fellows lived by themselves; and finding nothing 
butindustry and application would make them live comfortably, theypitched their 
tents on the north shore of the island, but a littlemore to the west, to be out 
of danger of the savages, who alwayslanded on the east parts of the island.  
Here they built them twohuts, one to lodge in, and the other to lay up their 
magazines andstores in; and the Spaniards having given them some corn for 
seed,and some of the peas which I had left them, they dug, planted, 
andenclosed, after the pattern I had set for them all, and began tolive pretty 
well.  Their first crop of corn was on the ground; andthough it was but a 
little bit of land which they had dug up atfirst, having had but a little time, 
yet it was enough to relievethem, and find them with bread and other eatables; 
and one of thefellows being the cook's mate of the ship, was very ready at 
makingsoup, puddings, and such other preparations as the rice and themilk, and 
such little flesh as they got, furnished him to do.
OurWhen the Spaniards came first on shore, the business began to goforward:  
the Spaniards would have persuaded the three Englishbrutes to have taken in 
their countrymen again, that, as they said,they might be all one family; but 
they would not hear of it, so thetwo poor fellows lived by themselves; and 
finding nothing butindustry and application would make them live comfortably, 
theypitched their tents on the north shore of the island, but a littlemore to 
the west, to be out of danger of the savages, who alwayslanded on the east 
parts of the island.  Here they built them twohuts, one to lodge in, and the 
other to lay up their magazines andstores in; and the Spaniards having given 
them some corn for seed,and some of the peas which I had left them, they dug, 
planted, andenclosed, after the pattern I had set for them all, and began 
tolive pretty well.  Their first crop of corn was on the ground; andthough it 
was but a little bit of land which they had dug up atfirst, having had but a 
little time, yet it was enough to relievethem, and find them with bread and 
other eatables; and one of thefellows being the cook's mate of the ship, was 
very ready at makingsoup, puddings, and such other preparations as the rice and 
themilk, and such little flesh as they got, furnished him to do. webWhen the 
Spaniards came first on shore, the business began to goforward:  the Spaniards 
would have persuaded the three Englishbrutes to have taken in their countrymen 
again, that, as they said,they might be all one family; but they would not hear 
of it, so thetwo poor fellows lived by themselves; and finding nothing 
butindustry and application would make them live comfortably, theypitched their 
tents on the north shore of the island, but a littlemore to the west, to be out 
of danger of the savages, who alwayslanded on the east parts of the island.  
Here they built them twohuts, one to lodge in, and the other to lay up their 
magazines andstores in; and the Spaniards having given them some corn for 
seed,and some of the peas which I had left them, they dug, planted, 
andenclosed, after the pattern I had set for them all, and began tolive pretty 
well.  Their first crop of corn was on the ground; andthough it was but a 
little bit of land which they had dug up atfirst, having had but a little time, 
yet it was enough to relievethem, and find them with bread and other eatables; 
and one of thefellows being the cook's mate of the ship, was very ready at 
makingsoup, puddings, and such other preparations as the rice and themilk, and 
such little flesh as they got, furnished him to do.site: The first thing they 
did was to cause the old Indian, Friday'sfather, to go in, and see first if he 
knew any of them, and then ifhe understood any of their speech.  As soon as the 
old man came in,he looked seriously at them, but knew none of them; neither 
couldany of them understand a word he said, or a sign he could make,except one 
of the women.  However, this was enough to answer theend, which was to satisfy 
them that the men into whose hands theywere fallen were Christians; that they 
abhorred eating men orwomen; and that they might be sure they would not be 
killed.  Assoon as they were assured of this, they discovered such a joy, andby 
such awkward gestures, several ways, as is hard to describe; forit seems they 
were of several nations.  The woman who was theirinterpreter was bid, in the 
next place, to ask them if they werewilling to be servants, and to work for the 
men who had broughtthem away, to save their lives; at which they all fell 
a-dancing;and presently one fell to taking up this, and another that,anything 
that lay next, to carry on their shoulders, to intimatethey were willing to 
work.cfccarbon.com"Sir," says he, "I find you are in some disorder in your 
thoughtsat my talk:  pray be pleased to go which way you think fit, anddepend 
upon it, I'll do you all the service I can."  Upon this wefell into further 
discourse, in which, to my alarm and amazement,he spoke of the villainous 
doings of a certain pirate ship that hadlong been the talk of mariners in those 
seas; no other, in a word,than the very ship he was now on board of, and which 
we had sounluckily purchased.  I presently saw there was no help for it butto 
tell him the plain truth, and explain all the danger and troublewe had suffered 
through this misadventure, and, in particular, ourearnest wish to be speedily 
quit of the ship altogether; for whichreason we had resolved to carry her up to 

YoursIn this interval the poor Chinese came in who had lost the camel,but he 
had no weapon; however, seeing the Tartar down, and hishorse fallen upon him, 
away he runs to him, and seizing upon anugly weapon he had by his side, 
something like a pole-axe, hewrenched it from him, and made shift to knock his 
Tartarian brainsout with it.  But my old man had the third Tartar to deal 
withstill; and seeing he did not fly, as he expected, nor come on tofight him, 
as he apprehended, but stood stock still, the old manstood still too, and fell 
to work with his tackle to charge hispistol again:  but as soon as the Tartar 
saw the pistol away hescoured, and left my pilot, my champion I called him 
afterwards, acomplete victory. PotterAll this went on as I expected; and they 
told me, especially WillAtkins, who now seemed to speak for the rest, that they 
loved theirwives as well as if they had been born in their own native 
country,and would not leave them on any account whatever; and they didverily 
believe that their wives were as virtuous and as modest, anddid, to the utmost 
of their skill, as much for them and for theirchildren, as any woman could 
possibly do:  and they would not partwith them on any account.  Will Atkins, 
for his own particular,added that if any man would take him away, and offer to 
carry himhome to England, and make him captain of the best man-of-war in 
thenavy, he would not go with him if he might not carry his wife andchildren 
with him; and if there was a clergyman in the ship, hewould be married to her 
now with all his heart. LiWIFE. - Can He do that too?
potter@cfccarbon.comAt the same time I ordered the mate to go into the great 
cabin, andsee what condition the poor passengers were in; and if they 
werealive, to comfort them, and give them what refreshment was proper:and the 
surgeon gave him a large pitcher, with some of the preparedbroth which he had 
given the mate that was on board, and which hedid not question would restore 
them gradually.  I was not satisfiedwith this; but, as I said above, having a 
great mind to see thescene of misery which I knew the ship itself would present 
me with,in a more lively manner than I could have it by report, I took 
thecaptain of the ship, as we now called him, with me, and wentmyself, a little 
after, in their boat. 
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