PyDev 12.0.0 Release Highlights


   - *sys.monitoring* is now used in Python 3.12 (and it's *much* faster
      than any previous version).
      - A new setting was added in the *Preferences > PyDev > Debug* to
      debug *just my code* (meaning that when stepping it will just step
      into files under PyDev source folders).
      - Improved the step into function (activated with *Ctrl+Alt* then *Click
      function* to step into).
      - Support for Python 3.6 and 3.7 was dropped (only Python 3.8 onwards
      is now supported).

   - Ruff can now be used as a code formatter.
      - The latest ruff (*0.1.x*) is now supported (as it broke backward
      compatibility in its *0.1.0* version).

   *Code Analysis*
   - Fixes in semantic analysis to better determine if strings in
      annotations should be checked for symbols or not.

Note: *Only Python 3.8 onwards is now supported*
* *Python 3.6* and *3.7* support is now *dropped* (please use *PyDev 11.0.3*
if you still use it).
About PyDev

PyDev is an open-source Python IDE on top of Eclipse for Python (also
available for Python on Visual Studio Code).

It comes with goodies such as code completion, syntax highlighting, syntax
analysis, code analysis, refactor, debug, interactive console, etc.

It is also available as a standalone through LiClipse with goodies such as
multiple cursors, theming and support for many other languages, such as
Django Templates, Jinja2, Html, JavaScript, etc.


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PyDev on VSCode:
PyVmMonitor - Python Profiler:


Fabio Zadrozny
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