Re: Tkinter not working

2022-08-01 Thread Matthew Barnett
On 01/08/2022 13:17, Daniel Lee wrote: Hello, I my code with tkinter was working before, and now, it has many errors in it. I’m not sure what has happened. The results after running are below: "D:\Python Projects\tes\venv\Scripts\python.exe" "D:/Python Projects/tes/" Traceback (most

[issue47152] Reorganize the re module sources

2022-04-04 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: For reference, I also implemented .regs in the regex module for compatibility, but I've never used it myself. I had to do some investigating to find out what it did! It returns a tuple of the spans of the groups. Perhaps I might have used it if it didn't

[issue47081] Replace "qualifiers" with "quantifiers" in the re module documentation

2022-03-21 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: I don't think it's a typo, and you could argue the case for "qualifiers", but I still agree with the proposal as it's a more meaningful term in the context. -- ___ Python tracker <https://bu

[issue47023] re.sub shows key error on regex escape chars provided in repl param

2022-03-17 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: I'd just like to point out that to a user it could _look_ like a bug, that an error occurred while reporting, because the traceback isn't giving a 'clean' report; the stuff about the KeyError is an internal detail

[issue46825] slow matching on regular expression

2022-02-22 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: The expression is a repeated alternative where the first alternative is a repeat. Repeated repeats can result in a lot of attempts and backtracking and should be avoided. Try this instead: (0|1(01*0)*1

[issue46627] Regex hangs indefinitely

2022-02-03 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: That pattern has: (?P[^]]+)+ Is that intentional? It looks wrong to me. -- ___ Python tracker <

[issue46515] Benefits Of Phool Makhana

2022-01-25 Thread Matthew Barnett
Change by Matthew Barnett : -- stage: -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list

[issue46410] TypeError when parsing regexp with unicode named character sequence escape

2022-01-18 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: They're not supported in string literals either: Python 3.10.1 (tags/v3.10.1:2cd268a, Dec 6 2021, 19:10:37) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more informat

[issue45899] NameError on if clause of class-level list comprehension

2021-11-25 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: It's not just in the 'if' clause: >>> class Foo: ... a = ['a', 'b'] ... b = ['b', 'c'] ... c = [b for x in a] ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "", line 4, in Foo File "

[issue45869] Unicode and acii regular expressions do not agree on ascii space characters

2021-11-22 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: For comparison, the regex module says that 0x1C..0x1F aren't whitespace, and the Unicode property White_Space ("\p{White_Space}" in a pattern, where supported) also says that they aren't

[issue45539] Negative lookaround assertions sometimes leak capture groups

2021-10-21 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: It's definitely a bug. In order for the pattern to match, the negative lookaround must match, which means that its subexpression mustn't match, so none of the groups in that subexpression have captured. -- versions: +Python 3.10

[issue45461] UnicodeDecodeError: 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode byte 0x5c in position 8191: \ at end of string

2021-10-13 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: It can be shortened to this: buffer = b"a" * 8191 + b"\\r\\n" with open("bug_csv.csv", "wb") as f: f.write(buffer) with open("bug_csv.csv", encoding="unicode_escape", newline="") as

[issue45155] Add default arguments for int.to_bytes()

2021-09-13 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: I wonder whether there should be a couple of other endianness values, namely, "native" and "network", for those cases where you want to be explicit about it. If you use "big" it's not clear whether that's because you want

[issue45155] Add default arguments for int.to_bytes()

2021-09-13 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: I'd probably say "In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess". As there's disagreement about the 'correct' default, make it None and require either "big" or "little" if length > 1 (the defaul

[issue44699] Simple regex appears to take exponential time in length of input

2021-07-21 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: It's called "catastrophic backtracking". Think of the number of ways it could match, say, 4 characters: 4, 3+1, 2+2, 2+1+1, 1+3, 1+2+1, 1+1+2, 1+1+1+1. Now try 5 characters... -- ___ Python track

[issue28937] str.split(): allow removing empty strings (when sep is not None)

2021-05-21 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: I've only just realised that the test cases don't cover all eventualities: none of them test what happens with multiple spaces _between_ the letters, such as: ' a b c '.split(maxsplit=1) == ['a', 'b c '] Comparing that with: ' a b c '.split

[issue28937] str.split(): allow removing empty strings (when sep is not None)

2021-05-18 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: We have that already, although it's spelled: ' x y z'.split(maxsplit=1) == ['x', 'y z'] because the keepempty option doesn't exist yet. -- ___ Python tracker <

[issue28937] str.split(): allow removing empty strings (when sep is not None)

2021-05-18 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: The best way to think of it is that .split() is like .split(' '), except that it's splitting on any whitespace character instead of just ' ', and keepempty is defaulting to False instead of True. Therefore: ' x y z'.split(maxsplit=1, keepempty=True

[issue28937] str.split(): allow removing empty strings (when sep is not None)

2021-05-18 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: The case: ' a b c '.split(maxsplit=1) == ['a', 'b c '] suggests that empty strings don't count towards maxsplit, otherwise it would return [' a b c '] (i.e. the split would give ['', ' a b c '] and dropping the empty strings would give [' a b c

[issue43714] re.split(), re.sub(): '\Z' must consume end of string if it matched

2021-04-03 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: Do any other regex implementations behave the way you want? In my experience, there's no single "correct" way for a regex to behave; different implementations might give slightly different results, so if the most common ones behave a c

[issue43535] Make str.join auto-convert inputs to strings.

2021-03-19 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: I'm also -1, for the same reason as Serhiy gave. However, if it was opt-in, then I'd be OK with it. -- nosy: +mrabarnett ___ Python tracker <

[issue43156] Python windows installer has a confusing name - add setup to its name

2021-02-07 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: Sorry to bikeshed, but I think it would be clearer to keep the version next to the "python" and the "setup" at the end: python-3.10.0a5-win32-setup.exe python-3.10.0a5-win64-setup.exe

[issue42871] Regex compilation crashed if I change order of alternatives under quantifier

2021-01-08 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: Example 1: ((a)|b\2)* ^^^ Group 2 ((a)|b\2)* ^^ Reference to group 2 The reference refers backwards to the group. Example 2: (b\2|(a))* ^^^ Group 2 (b\2|(a))* ^^ Reference to group 2

[issue42871] Regex compilation crashed if I change order of alternatives under quantifier

2021-01-08 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: It's not a crash. It's complaining that you're referring to group 2 before defining it. The re module doesn't support forward references to groups, but only backward references to them. -- ___ Python tracker

[issue42668] re.escape does not correctly escape newlines

2020-12-17 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: In a regex, putting a backslash before any character that's not an ASCII-range letter or digit makes it a literal. re.escape doesn't special-case control characters. Its purpose is to make a string that might contain metacharacters into one that's

[issue42475] wrongly cache pattern by re.compile

2020-11-26 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: That behaviour has nothing to do with re. This line: samples = filter(lambda sample: not pttn.match(sample), data) creates a generator that, when evaluated, will use the value of 'pttn' _at that time_. However, you then bind 'pttn' to something else

[issue42473] re.sub ignores flag re.M

2020-11-26 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: Not a bug. Argument 4 of re.sub is the count: sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0) not the flags. -- nosy: +mrabarnett resolution: -> not a bug stage: -> resolved status: open -> closed _

[issue41885] Unexpected behavior re.sub() with raw f-strings

2020-09-29 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: Arguments are evaluated first and then the results are passed to the function. That's true throughout the language. In this instance, you can use \g<1> in the replacement string to refer to group 1: re.sub(r'([a-z]+)', fr"\g<1>{REPLACEM

[issue41764] sub function would not work without the flags but the search would work fine

2020-09-11 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: The arguments are: re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0). Therefore: re.sub("pattern","replace", txt, re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL) is passing re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL as the count, not the flags. It's in the documentation

[issue41664] re.sub does NOT substitute all the matching patterns when re.IGNORECASE is used

2020-08-29 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: The 4th argument of re.sub is 'count', not 'flags'. re.IGNORECASE has the numeric value of 2, so: re.sub(r'[aeiou]', '#', 'all is fair in love and war', re.IGNORECASE) is equivalent to: re.sub(r'[aeiou]', '#', 'all is fair in love and war', count

[issue41531] Python 3.9 regression: Literal dict with > 65535 items are one item shorter

2020-08-12 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: I think what's happening is that in 'compiler_dict' (Python/compile.c), it's checking whether 'elements' has reached a maximum (0x). However, it's not doing this after incrementing; instead, it's checking before incrementing and resetting 'elements

[issue40043] RegExp Conditional Construct (?(id/name)yes-pattern|no-pattern) Problem

2020-03-26 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: That's what searching does! Does the pattern match here? If not, advance by one character and try again. Repeat until a match is found or you've reached the end. -- ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.

[issue40043] RegExp Conditional Construct (?(id/name)yes-pattern|no-pattern) Problem

2020-03-22 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: The documentation is talking about whether it'll match at the current position in the string. It's not a bug. -- resolution: -> not a bug ___ Python tracker <

[issue40027] re.sub inconsistency beginning with 3.7

2020-03-20 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: Duplicate of Issue39687. See and -- resolution: -> duplicate stage: -> resolved status: open -&g

[issue38826] Regular Expression Denial of Service in urllib.request.AbstractBasicAuthHandler

2020-03-03 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: A smaller change to the regex would be to replace the "(?:.*,)*" with "(?:[^,]*,)*". I'd also suggest using a raw string instead: rx = re.compile(r'''(?:[^,]*,)*[ \t]*([^ \t]+)[ \t]+realm=(["']?)([^"']*)\2''', re.I)

[issue39436] Strange behavior of comparing int and float numbers

2020-01-23 Thread Matthew Barnett
Change by Matthew Barnett : -- stage: -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list

[issue39436] Strange behavior of comparing int and float numbers

2020-01-23 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: Python floats have 53 bits of precision, so ints larger than 2**53 will lose their lower bits (assumed to be 0) when converted. -- nosy: +mrabarnett resolution: -> not a bug ___ Python tracker <

[issue38974] using filedialog.askopenfilename() freezes python 3.8

2019-12-04 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: I've just tried it on Windows 10 with Python 3.8 64-bit and Python 3.8 32-bit without issue. -- nosy: +mrabarnett ___ Python tracker <

[issue38764] Deterministic globbing.

2019-11-11 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: I could also add: would sorting be case-sensitive or case-insensitive? Windows is case-insensitive, Linux is case-sensitive. -- nosy: +mrabarnett ___ Python tracker <

[issue23692] Undocumented feature prevents re module from finding certain matches

2019-11-04 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: It's been many years since I looked at the code, and there have been changes since then, so some of the details might not be correct. As to have it should behave: re.match('(?:()|(?(1)()|z)){1,2}(?(2)a|z)', 'a') Iteration 1. Match the repeated part. Group

[issue23692] Undocumented feature prevents re module from finding certain matches

2019-10-27 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: Suppose you had a pattern: .* It would advance one character on each iteration of the * until the . failed to match. The text is finite, so it would stop matching eventually. Now suppose you had a pattern: (?:)* On each iteration

[issue38582] re: backreference number in replace string can't >= 100

2019-10-25 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: If we did decide to remove it, but there was still a demand for octal escapes, then I'd suggest introducing \oXXX. -- ___ Python tracker <

[issue38582] re: backreference number in replace string can't >= 100

2019-10-24 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: A numeric escape of 3 digits is an octal (base 8) escape; the octal escape "\100" gives the same character as the hexadecimal escape "\x40". In a replacement template, you can use "\g<100>" if you want group 100 b

[issue37996] 2to3 introduces unwanted extra backslashes for unicode characters in regular expressions

2019-08-31 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: You wrote "the u had already been removed by hand". By removing the u in the _Python 2_ code, you changed that string from a Unicode string to a bytestring. In a bytestring, \u is not an escape; b"\u" == b"\\u".

[issue37723] important performance regression on regular expression parsing

2019-07-31 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: I've just had a look at _uniq, and the code surprises me. The obvious way to detect duplicates is with a set, but that requires the items to be hashable. Are they? Well, the first line of the function uses 'set', so they are. Why, then, isn't it using

[issue37687] Invalid regexp should rise exception

2019-07-25 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: For historical reasons, if it isn't valid as a repeat then it's a literal. This is true in other regex implementations, and is by no means unique to the re module. -- resolution: -> not a bug stage: -> resolved status: open -&g

[issue37327] python re bug

2019-06-18 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: The problem is the "(?:[^<]+|<(?!/head>))*?". If I simplify it a little I get "(?:[^<]+)*?", which is a repeat within a repeat. There are many ways in which it could match, and if what follows fails to match (it doesn't because there's no "

[issue36468] Treeview: wrong color change

2019-05-16 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: I've just come across the same problem. For future reference, adding the following code before using a Treeview widget will fix the problem: def fixed_map(option): # Fix for setting text colour for Tkinter 8.6.9 # From:

[issue36653] Dictionary Key is without ' ' quotes

2019-04-17 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: That should be: def __repr__(self): return repr( Not a bug. -- resolution: -> not a bug stage: -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <https://bug

[issue32308] Replace empty matches adjacent to a previous non-empty match in re.sub()

2019-04-12 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: Consider re.findall(r'.{0,2}', 'abcde'). It finds 'ab', then continues where it left off to find 'cd', then 'e'. It can also find ''; re.match(r'.*', '') does match, after all. It could, in fact, an infinite number of ''. And what about re.match(r

[issue32308] Replace empty matches adjacent to a previous non-empty match in re.sub()

2019-04-11 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: It's now consistent with Perl, PCRE and .Net (C#), as well as re.split(), re.sub(), re.findall() and re.finditer(). -- ___ Python tracker <

[issue36397] re.split() incorrectly splitting on zero-width pattern

2019-03-23 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: The list alternates between substrings (s, between the splits) and captures (c): ['1', '1', '2', '2', '11'] -s- -c- -s- -c- -s-- You can use slicing to extract the substrings: >>> re.split(r'(?<=(\d))(?!\1)(?=\d)', '12111')[ : : 2] ['1

[issue36397] re.split() incorrectly splitting on zero-width pattern

2019-03-21 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: >From the docs: """If capturing parentheses are used in pattern, then the text of all groups in the pattern are also returned as part of the resulting list.""" The pattern does contain a capture, so that's why the

[issue35155] Clarify Protocol Handlers in urllib.request Docs

2019-02-12 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: You could italicise the "protocol" part using asterisks, like this: *protocol*_request or this: *protocol*\ _request depending on the implementation of the rst software. -- nosy: +mrabarnett ___ Pyth

[issue35859] Capture behavior depends on the order of an alternation

2019-01-30 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: It matches, and the span is (0, 2). The only way that it can match like that is for the capture group to match the 'a', and the final 'b' to match the 'b'. Therefore,'(ab|a)*b', 'ab').groups() should be ('a', ), as it is for the pattern

[issue35859] Capture behavior depends on the order of an alternation

2019-01-30 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: It looks like a bug in re to me. -- ___ Python tracker <> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailin

[issue35653] All regular expression match groups are the empty string

2019-01-03 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: Look at the spans of the groups: >>> import re >>>'^(?:(\d*)(\D*))*$', "42AZ").span(1) (4, 4) >>>'^(?:(\d*)(\D*))*$', "42AZ").span(2) (4, 4) They're telling you that the groups are matc

[issue35645] Alarm usage

2019-01-03 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: @Steven: The complaint is that the BEL character ('\a') doesn't result in a beep when printed. @Siva: These days, you shouldn't be relying on '\a' because it's not always supported. If you want to make a beep, do so with the appropriate function call. Ask

[issue35546] String formatting produces incorrect result with left-aligned zero-padded format

2018-12-20 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: A similar issue exists with centring: >>> format(42, '^020') '0420' -- nosy: +mrabarnett ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.or

[issue35538] splitext does not seems to handle filepath ending in .

2018-12-19 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: It always returns the dot. For example: >>> posixpath.splitext('.blah.txt') ('.blah', '.txt') If there's no extension (no dot): >>> posixpath.splitext('blah') ('blah', '') Not a bug. -- nosy: +mrabarnett resolution:

[issue35072] re.sub does not play nice with chr(92)

2018-10-26 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: @Ezio: the value of stringy_thingy is irrelevant because it never gets that far; it fails when it tries to parse the replacement, which occurs before attempting any matching. I can't reproduce the difference either. -- status: pending -> o

[issue34694] Dismiss To Avoid Slave/Master wording cause it easier for non English spoken programmers

2018-09-26 Thread Matthew Barnett
Change by Matthew Barnett : -- nosy: -mrabarnett ___ Python tracker <> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue34763] Python lacks 0x4E17

2018-09-21 Thread Matthew Barnett
Change by Matthew Barnett : -- Removed message: ___ Python tracker <> ___ ___ Python-bug

[issue34763] Python lacks 0x4E17

2018-09-21 Thread Matthew Barnett
Change by Matthew Barnett : -- Removed message: ___ Python tracker <> ___ ___ Python-bug

[issue34763] Python lacks 0x4E17

2018-09-21 Thread Matthew Barnett
Change by Matthew Barnett : -- Removed message: ___ Python tracker <> ___ ___ Python-bug

[issue34763] Python lacks 0x4E17

2018-09-21 Thread Matthew Barnett
Change by Matthew Barnett : -- Removed message: ___ Python tracker <> ___ ___ Python-bug

[issue34763] Python lacks 0x4E17

2018-09-21 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: Unicode 11.0.0 has 卅 (U+5345) as being numeric and having the value 30. What's the difference between that and U+4E17? I notice that they look at lot alike. Are they different variants, perhaps traditional vs simplified

[issue34738] Distutils: ZIP files don't include directory entries

2018-09-19 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: I don't see a problem with this. If the zip file has 'dist/' then you know to create a directory when unzipping. If you want to indicate that there's an empty directory 'foo', then put 'foo/' in the zip file. -- nosy: +mrabarnett

[issue34605] Avoid master/slave terminology

2018-09-07 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: Not all uses of the word "master" are associated with slavery, e.g. "master craftsman", "master copy", "master file table". I think it's best to avoid use of master/slave where practicable, but other uses o

[issue33785] Crash caused by pasting ̖̈ into python

2018-06-06 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: For clarity, the first is '\U00010308\U00010316' and the second is '\U00010306\U00010300\U0001030B'. The BMP is the Basic Multilingual Plane, which covers the codepoints in the range U+ to U+. Some software has a problem dealing with codepoints

[issue33721] os.path.exists() ought to return False if pathname contains NUL

2018-05-31 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: It also raises a ValueError on Windows. For other invalid paths on Windows it returns False. -- nosy: +mrabarnett ___ Python tracker <

[issue33566] re.findall() dead locked whent the expected ending char not occur until end of string

2018-05-18 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett <> added the comment: You don't give the value of 'newlines', but the problem is probably catastrophic backtracking, not deadlock. -- nosy: +mrabarnett ___ Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.or

[issue32982] Parse out invisible Unicode characters?

2018-03-02 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett <> added the comment: For the record, '\u200e' is '\N{LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK}'. -- nosy: +mrabarnett ___ Python tracker <> <https://bugs.python

[issue25054] Capturing start of line '^'

2017-12-02 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett <> added the comment: findall() and finditer() consist of multiple uses of search(), basically, as do sub() and split(), so we want the same rule to apply to them all. -- ___ Python tracke

[issue25054] Capturing start of line '^'

2017-12-02 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett <> added the comment: The pattern: \b|:+ will match a word boundary (zero-width) before colons, so if there's a word followed by colons, finditer will find the boundary and then the colons. You _can_ get a zero-width match (ZWM)

[issue31969] re.groups() is not checking the arguments

2017-11-08 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett <> added the comment: @Narendra: The argument, if provided, is merely a default. Checking whether it _could_ be used would not be straightforward, and raising an exception if it would never be used would have little, if any, benefit. It's not

[issue31856] Unexpected behavior of re module when VERBOSE flag is set

2017-10-23 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett <> added the comment: Your verbose examples put the pattern into raw triple-quoted strings, which is OK, but their first character is a backslash, which makes the next character (a newline) an escaped literal whitespace character. Escaped whit

[issue31803] Remove not portable time.clock(), replaced by time.perf_counter() and time.process_time()

2017-10-17 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett <> added the comment: @Victor: True, people often ignore DeprecationWarning anyway, but that's their problem, at least you can say "well, you were warned". They might not have read the documentation on it recently because they have n

[issue31759] re wont recover nor fail on runaway regular expression

2017-10-13 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett <> added the comment: @Tim: the regex module includes some extra checks to reduce the chance of excessive backtracking. In the case of the OP's example, they seem to be working. However, it's difficult to know when adding such checks wil

[issue31759] re wont recover nor fail on runaway regular expression

2017-10-11 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett <> added the comment: You shouldn't assume that just because it takes a long time on one implementation that it'll take a long time on all of the others, because it's sometimes possible to include additional checks to reduce the problem. (I doub

[issue31193] re.IGNORECASE strips combining character from lower case of LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE

2017-08-14 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: The re module works with codepoints, it doesn't understand canonical equivalence. For example, it doesn't recognise that "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E}\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}" is equivalent to "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE}". Thi

[issue30802] datetime.datetime.strptime('200722', '%Y%U')

2017-07-25 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: I think the relevant standard is ISO 8601: The first day of the week is Monday. Note particularly the examples it gives: Monday 29 December 2008 is written "2009-W01-1" Sunday 3 January 2010 is wri

[issue30973] Regular expression "hangs" interpreter

2017-07-20 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: The regex module is much better in this respect, but it's not foolproof. With this particular example it completes quickly. -- ___ Python tracker <> <

[issue30927] re.sub() does not work correctly on '.' pattern and \n

2017-07-13 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: The 4th parameter is the count, not the flags: sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0) >>> re.sub(r'X.', '+', '-X\n-', flags=re.DOTALL) '-+-' -- resolution: -> not a bug stage: -> resolved status:

[issue30838] re \w does not match some valid Unicode characters

2017-07-05 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: Python identifiers match the regex: [_\p{XID_Start}]\p{XID_Continue}* The standard re module doesn't support \p{...}, but the third-party "regex" module does. -- ___ Python tracker <rep...@bu

[issue30838] re \w does not match some valid Unicode characters

2017-07-03 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: In Unicode 9.0.0, U+1885 and U+1886 changed from being General_Category=Other_Letter (Lo) to General_Category=Nonspacing_Mark (Mn). U+2118 is General_Category=Math_Symbol (Sm) and U+212E is General_Category=Other_Symbol (So). \w doesn't include Mn, Sm or So

[issue30802] datetime.datetime.strptime('200722', '%Y%U')

2017-06-29 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: Expected result is datetime.datetime(2017, 6, 25, 0, 0). -- nosy: +mrabarnett ___ Python tracker <> <

[issue30772] If I make an attribute "[a unicode version of B]", it gets assigned to "[ascii B]", and so on.

2017-06-26 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: See PEP 3131 -- Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers It says: """All identifiers are converted into the normal form NFKC while parsing; comparison of identifiers is based on NFKC.""" >>> import unicodedata >>> un

[issue30736] Support Unicode 10.0

2017-06-22 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: @Steven: Python 3.6 supports Unicode 9. Python 3.6.1 (v3.6.1:69c0db5, Mar 21 2017, 18:41:36) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> i

[issue30209] some UTF8 symbols

2017-04-29 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: IDLE uses tkinter, which wraps tcl/tk. Versions up to tcl/tk 8.6 can't handle 'astral' codepoints. See also: Issue #30019: IDLE freezes when opening a file with astral characters Issue #21084: IDLE can't deal with characters above the range (U+-U+

[issue30157] csv.Sniffer.sniff() regex error

2017-04-25 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: There are 4 patterns. They try to determine the delimiter and quote by looking for matches. Each pattern supposedly covers one of 4 cases: 1. Delimiter, quote, value, quote, delimiter. 2. Start of line/text, quote, value, quote, delimiter. 3. Delimiter

[issue30148] Pathological regex behaviour

2017-04-23 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: If 'ignores' is '', you get this: (?:\b(?:extern|G_INLINE_FUNC|%s)\s*) which can match an empty string, and it's tried repeatedly. That's inadvisable. There's also: (?:\s+|\*)+ which can match whitespace in multiple ways. That's inadvisable too

[issue30133] Strings that end with properly escaped backslashes cause error to be thrown in functions.

2017-04-21 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: The function solution does have a larger overhead than a literal. Could the template be made more accepting of backslashes without breaking anything? (There's also issue29995 "re.escape() escapes too much", which m

[issue30133] Strings that end with properly escaped backslashes cause error to be thrown in functions.

2017-04-21 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: Yes, the second argument is a replacement template, not a literal. This issue does point out a different problem, though: re.escape will add backslashes that will then be treated as literals in the template, for example: >>> re.sub(r'a',

[issue29977] re.sub stalls forever on an unmatched non-greedy case

2017-04-04 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: A slightly shorter form: /\*(?:(?!\*/).)*\*/ Basically it's: match start while not match end: consume character match end If the "match end" is a single character, you can use a negated character set, for example:

[issue17441] Do not cache re.compile

2017-03-07 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: If we were doing it today, maybe we wouldn't cache them, but, as you say, it's been like that for a long time. (The regex module also caches them, because the re module does.) Unless someone can demonstrate that it's a problem, I'd say just leave

[issue29571] test_re is failing when local is set for `en_IN`

2017-02-15 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: The report says "== encodings: locale=UTF-8, FS=utf-8". It says that "test_locale_caching" was skipped, but also that "test_locale_flag" failed. -- ___ Python tracker

[issue29571] test_re is failing when local is set for `en_IN`

2017-02-15 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: I'm just wondering whether the problem is just due to the locale's encoding being UTF-8. The locale support in re really only works with encodings that use 1 byte/character. -- ___ Python tracker <

[issue22594] Add a link to the regex module in re documentation

2017-02-08 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: Ah, well, if it hasn't changed after this many years, it never will. Expect one or two changes to the text. :-) -- ___ Python tracker <> <

[issue22594] Add a link to the regex module in re documentation

2017-02-07 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: With the VERSION0 flag (the default behaviour), it should behave the same as the re module, and that's not going to change. -- ___ Python tracker <> <

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