Dear all

 I am trying to make an interaction plot among 6 variables; e.g. PH to be in 
the x axis and the rest 5 variables in the y axis. The code that I am using is 
the below:

The name of my file is e.g. spec so

> spec<-read.csv("spec.csv")

>head (spec)


>speclong <- reshape(spec, idvar = "id", varying = list(names), 
>v.names="outcome",direction = "long")

>speclong$time2<-factor(speclong$time,labels=rep("   ",5))

>interaction.plot(speclong$PH,speclong$time2,speclong$outcome, xaxt="n", 
>type="l", log="y", trace.label="",col=rainbow(8))

what I want is to change the labels of the x axis. If for example I don't use 
xaxt="n", by default it shows some values of PH e.g. 4.93, 5.97, 6.23, 6.47, 
6.59, 6.77, 6.89, 7.35 but it don't show the ticks in each value. However I 
would like to define the x values e.g. 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0. I used the xlim 
but it says error as well

>axis(1, at=c(5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0)) but still there is a problem.

Does anyone know how I can define that?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards


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