Re: [R] transform a list of arrays to tibble

2023-10-17 Thread avi.e.gross
Arnaud, Short answer may be that the tibble data structure will not be supporting row names and you may want to simply save those names in an additional column or externally. My first thought was to simply save the names you need and then put them back on the tibble. In your code, something

Re: [R] [Tagged] Re: col.names in ?

2023-10-28 Thread avi.e.gross
Jef, your terse reply was so constructive that you converted me! LOL! That is an interesting point though that I remain a bit unclear on. Both data.frame and can be used in some ways similarly as in: > data.frame(matrix(1:12, nrow=3)) X1 X2 X3 X4 1 1 4 7 10 2 2 5 8 11 3

Re: [R] col.names in ?

2023-10-28 Thread avi.e.gross
Борис, Try this where you tell matrix the column names you want: nouns <- matrix(c( "gaggle", "geese", "dule", "doves", "wake", "vultures" ), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE, dimnames=list(NULL, c("collective", "category" Result: > nouns

Re: [R] I need to create new variables based on two numeric variables and one dichotomize conditional category variables.

2023-11-03 Thread avi.e.gross
Just a minor point in the suggested solution: df$LAP <- with(df, ifelse(G=='male', (WC-65)*TG, (WC-58)*TG)) since WC and TG are not conditional, would this be a slight improvement? df$LAP <- with(df, TG*(WC - ifelse(G=='male', 65, 58))) -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of

Re: [R] [EXTERNAL] RE: I need to create new variables based on two numeric variables and one dichotomize conditional category variables.

2023-11-03 Thread avi.e.gross
To be fair, Jordan, I think R has some optimizations so that the arguments in some cases are NOT evaluated until needed. So only one or the other choice ever gets evaluated for each row. My suggestion merely has typographic implications and some aspects of clarity and minor amounts of less memory

Re: [R] I need to create new variables based on two numeric variables and one dichotomize conditional category variables.

2023-11-04 Thread avi.e.gross
There are many techniques Callum and yours is an interesting twist I had not considered. Yes, you can specify what integer a factor uses to represent things but not what I meant. Of course your trick does not work for some other forms of data like real numbers in double format. There is a

Re: [R] Adding columns to a tibble based on a value in a different tibble

2023-11-04 Thread avi.e.gross
Yes, Bert. At first glance I thought it was one of the merge/joins and then wondered at the wording that made it sound like the ids may not be one per column. IFF the need is the simpler case, it is a straightforward enough and common need. An example might make it clear enough so actual code

Re: [R] Sum data according to date in sequence

2023-11-04 Thread avi.e.gross
There may be a point to consider about the field containing dates in the request below. Yes, much code will "work" just fine if the column are is seen as text as you can group by that too. The results will perhaps not be in the order by row that you expected but you can do your re-sorting

Re: [R] How to Reformat a dataframe

2023-10-28 Thread avi.e.gross
Paul, I have snipped away your long message and want to suggest another approach or way of thinking to consider. You have received other good suggestions and I likely would have used something like that, probably within the dplyr/tidyverse but consider something simpler. You seem to be viewing

Re: [R] Odd result

2023-09-24 Thread avi.e.gross
David, You have choices depending on your situation and plans. Obviously the ideal solution is to make any CSV you save your EXCEL data in to have exactly what you want. So if your original EXCEL file contains things like a blank character down around row 973, get rid of it or else all lines

Re: [R] How to fix this problem

2023-09-25 Thread avi.e.gross
David, This may just be the same as your earlier problem. When the type of a column is guessed by looking at the early entries, any non-numeric entry forces the entire column to be character. Suggestion: fix your original EXCEL FILE or edit your CSV to remove the last entries that look just

Re: [R] Question about R software and output

2023-10-03 Thread avi.e.gross
Charity, As some of the answers I have seen show, your question is not clear. You need to be clear on what you mean about R software and other concepts before an answer makes sense. The Base version of R may come on your computer already but likely has been installed from some external source,

Re: [R] Best way to test for numeric digits?

2023-10-18 Thread avi.e.gross
Rui, The problem with searching for elements, as with many kinds of text, is that the optimal search order may depend on the probabilities of what is involved. There can be more elements added such as Unobtainium in the future with whatever abbreviations that may then change the algorithm you

Re: [R] Best way to test for numeric digits?

2023-10-20 Thread avi.e.gross
Leonard, Since it now seems a main consideration you have is speed/efficiency, maybe a step back might help. Are there simplifying assumptions that are valid or can you make it simpler, such as converting everything to the same case? Your sample data was this and I assume your actual data is

Re: [R] Numerical stability of: 1/(1 - cos(x)) - 2/x^2

2023-08-18 Thread avi.e.gross
This discussion is sooo familiar. If you want indefinite precision arithmetic, feel free to use a language and data type that supports it. Otherwise, only do calculations that fit in a safe zone. This is not just about this scenario. Floating point can work well when adding (or subtracting)

Re: [R] How to parse a really silly date with lubridate

2022-07-14 Thread avi.e.gross
To be clear, I take no credit for the rather extraordinary function cll shown below: mutate(Date = lubridate::dmy_hm(Date)) I would pretty much never have constructed such an interesting and rather unnecessary line of code. ALL the work is done within the parentheses: Date =

Re: [R] Does the function "c" have a character limit?

2022-07-13 Thread avi.e.gross
If I follow this thread, it looks clear that the problem is superficial and not really about the c() function as it is below sea level. Is this also a problem if you replace c() with max () or list() as I think it may be? Then it is more about what length the interpreter is able to handle

Re: [R] How to parse a really silly date with lubridate

2022-07-13 Thread avi.e.gross
Eberhard, Others have supplied ways to do this using various date management functions. But I want to add another option that may make sense if the dates are not all quite as predictable. You can use your own regular expressions in R as in most languages, that try to match each entry to one

Re: [R] mice: selecting small subset of variables to impute from dataset with many variables (> 2500)

2022-07-14 Thread avi.e.gross
Tim, Your reply is reasonable if you want to read in EVERYTHING and use various nice features of the select() function in the dplyr package of the tidyverse that let you exclude a bunch of columns based on names starting or ending or containing various characters or not being of type integer and

Re: [R] Does the function "c" have a character limit?

2022-07-13 Thread avi.e.gross
To be clear, Everything has limits beyond which it is not expected to have to deal with. Buffers often pick a fixed size and often need complex code to keep grabbing a bigger size and copy and add more, or arrange various methods to link multiple memory areas into a growing whole, such as

Re: [R] Need to insert various rows of data from a data frame after particular rows from another dataframe

2022-07-27 Thread avi.e.gross
Ranjeet, As others have said, you have not shown enough to get decent answers. What you describe sounds quite routine and is the first step many have to do when gathering data from disparate sources that were done by different people without much consideration it has to follow some specific

Re: [R] Getting minimum value of a column according a factor column of a dataframe

2022-08-24 Thread avi.e.gross
Javad, If I understood you, you want to use one of many methods to GROUP BY one column and take the minimum within each group. If your data is set up right, perhaps using factors, there are base R versions but many would also suggest using dplyr/tidyverse methods such as piping your data to

Re: [R] Getting minimum value of a column according a factor column of a dataframe

2022-08-25 Thread avi.e.gross
I read all the replies and am not sure why nobody used what I see as simpler and more direct. Assuming the ORDER of the output matters, it tends to be controlled by the order of the factor called Code so I have simple code like this: --- # Load required libraries library(dplyr) # Simulate

Re: [R] Getting minimum value of a column according a factor column of a dataframe

2022-08-25 Thread avi.e.gross
Yes, Timothy, the request was not seen by all of us as the same. Indeed if the request was to show a subset of the original data consisting of only the rows that were the minimum for each Code and also showed ties, then the solution is a tad more complex. I would then do something along the lines

Re: [R] Getting minimum value of a column according a factor column of a dataframe

2022-08-25 Thread avi.e.gross
The requirements keep being clarified and it would have been very useful to know more in advance. To be clear. My earlier suggestion was based on JUST wanting the minimum for each unique version of Code. Then you wanted it in the original order so that was handled by carefully making that a

Re: [R] Remove line from data file

2022-09-19 Thread avi.e.gross
David, As others have said, there are many possible answers for a vague enough question. For one-time data it is often easiest to simply change the data source as you say you did in EXCEL. Deleting the 18th row can easily be done in R and might make sense if you get daily data and decided

Re: [R] removing non-table lines

2022-09-18 Thread avi.e.gross
Adding to what Nick said, extra lines like those described often are in some comment format like beginning with "#" or some consistent characters that can be filtered out using comment.char='#' for example in read.csv() or comment="string" in the tidyverse function read_csv(). And, of course

Re: [R] Write text file in Fortran format

2022-09-22 Thread avi.e.gross
Javad, After reading the exchanges, I conclude you are asking a somewhat different question than some of us expected and I see some have zoomed in on what you seem to want. You seem to want to make a very focused change and save the results to be as identical as what you started with. You

Re: [R] How long does it take to learn the R programming language?

2022-09-29 Thread avi.e.gross
Has anyone noticed something a tad unusual? Someone shows up and seemingly politely asks a totally open-ended question and supplies NO DETTAILS about their personal status and experience that would be needed to tell hem whether it would take various amounts of time for him to learn enough R

Re: [R] Converting a Date variable from character to Date

2022-09-29 Thread avi.e.gross
I am not replying to the earlier request just to the part right below my message. A simple suggestion when sending people code is to add NOTHING except proper comments. Can we assume the extra asterisks are superfluous and not in your code? I mean your column is named "Period" and not "*Period"

Re: [R] Reading very large text files into R

2022-09-30 Thread avi.e.gross
Tim and others, A point to consider is that there are various algorithms in the functions used to read in formatted data into data.frame form and they vary. Some do a look-ahead of some size to determine things and if they find a column that LOOKS LIKE all integers for say the first thousand

Re: [R] Need help

2022-08-04 Thread avi.e.gross
Another exceedingly polite questioner. Cultural differences! I think we can skip discussing if we are doing well, and get to the point. To start with, I got thrown by these two lines: a=rnorm(1000, 110, 5) s = length(a) This does not relate to the difficulty, but is a sort of sloppy use as a

Re: [R] Integer division

2022-12-20 Thread avi.e.gross
Documentation specifics aside, and I am not convinced that is an issue here, there is a responsibility on programmers on how to use routines like this by testing small samples and seeing if the results match expectations. Since negative numbers were possible, that would have been part of such

Re: [R] return value of {....}

2023-01-10 Thread avi.e.gross
Fair enough, Akshay. Wondering why a design was chosen is reasonable. There are languages like python that allow unpacking multiple values and it is not uncommon to return multiple things from some constructs as in this: >>> a,b,c = { 4, 5, 6 } >>> a 4 >>> b 5 >>> c 6 But that is

Re: [R] return value of {....}

2023-01-09 Thread avi.e.gross
Akshay, Your question seems a tad mysterious to me as you are complaining about NOTHING. R was designed to return single values. The last statement executed in a function body, for example, is the value returned even when not at the end. Scoping is another issue entirely. What is visible is

Re: [R] Pipe operator

2023-01-04 Thread avi.e.gross
Yes, not every use of a word has the same meaning. The UNIX pipe was in many ways a very different animal where the PIPE was a very real thing and looked like a sort of temporary file in the file system with special properties. Basically it was a fixed-size buffer that effectively was written into

Re: [R] Pipe operator

2023-01-03 Thread avi.e.gross
Tim, There are differences and this one can be huge. The other pipe operators let you pass the current object to a later argument instead of the first by using a period to represent where to put it. The new one has a harder albeit flexible method by creating an anonymous function. -Original

Re: [R] Pipe operator

2023-01-03 Thread avi.e.gross
John, The topic has indeed been discussed here endlessly but new people still stumble upon it. Until recently, the formal R language did not have a built-in pipe functionality. It was widely used through an assortment of packages and there are quite a few variations on the theme including

Re: [R] Pipe operator

2023-01-03 Thread avi.e.gross
Boris, There are MANY variations possible and yours does not seem that common or useful albeit perfectly useful. I am not talking about making it a one-liner, albeit I find the multi-line version more useful. The pipeline concept seems sort of atomic in the following sense. R allows several

Re: [R] interval between specific characters in a string...

2022-12-02 Thread avi.e.gross
Evan, there are oodles of ways to do many things in R, and mcu of what the tidyverse supplies can often be done as easily, or easier, outside it. Before presenting a solution, I need to make sure I am answering the same question or problem you intend. Here is the string you have as an example:

Re: [R] Amazing AI

2022-12-19 Thread avi.e.gross
Boris, What you are telling us is not particularly new or spectacular in a sense. It has often been hard to grade assignments students do when they choose an unexpected path. I had one instructor who always graded my exams (in the multiple courses I took with him) because unlike most of the

Re: [R] interval between specific characters in a string...

2022-12-03 Thread avi.e.gross
This may be a fairly dumb and often asked question about some functions like strsplit() that return a list of things, often a list of ONE thing that be another list or a vector and needs to be made into something simpler.. The examples shown below have used various methods to convert the

Re: [R] add specific fields in for loop

2022-11-15 Thread avi.e.gross
Kai, As Bert pointed out, it may not be clear what you want. As a GUESS, you have some arbitrary data.frame object with multiple columns and you want to do something on selected columns. Consider changing your idea to be in several stages for simplicity and then optionally later rewriting it.

Re: [R] add specific fields in for loop

2022-11-15 Thread avi.e.gross
Kai, I have read all the messages exchanged so far and what I have not yet seen is a clear explanation of what you want to do. I mean not as R code that may have mistakes, but as what your goal is. Your code below was a gigantic set of nested if statements that is not trivial to parse.

Re: [R] Removing variables from data frame with a wile card

2023-01-14 Thread avi.e.gross
Steven, Just want to add a few things to what people wrote. In base R, the methods mentioned will let you make a copy of your original DF that is missing the items you are selecting that match your pattern. That is fine. For some purposes, you want to keep the original data.frame and remove a

Re: [R] Removing variables from data frame with a wile card

2023-01-14 Thread avi.e.gross
John, I am very familiar with the evolving tidyverse and some messages a while back included people who wanted this forum to mainly stick to base R, so I leave out examples. Indeed, the tidyverse is designed to make it easy to select columns with all kinds of conditions including using

Re: [R] Removing variables from data frame with a wile card

2023-01-14 Thread avi.e.gross
Valentin, You are correct that R does many things largely behind the scenes that make some operations fairly efficient. >From a programming point of view, though, many people might make a data.frame >and not think of it as a list of vectors of the same length that are kept that >way. So if

Re: [R] foreign package: unable to read S-Plus objects

2023-01-17 Thread avi.e.gross
Just an idea if this is a one-time need to copy static data once used in non-R to R. You are a bit vague about what you mean by "objects." If you can find someone who uses S or S+ then maybe they can load the data in and export it in some format usable for you and send you those files. If, for

Re: [R] Problem to run python code in r markdown

2023-01-20 Thread avi.e.gross
Kai, Just FYI, this is mainly an R mailing list and although there ware ways to combine python with R (or sort of alone) within environments like RSTUDIO, this may not be an optimal place to discuss this. You are discussing what is no longer really "R markdown" and more just plain "markdown"

Re: [R] Removing variables from data frame with a wile card

2023-01-15 Thread avi.e.gross
John, As you said, you are new to the discussion so let me catch you up. The original question was about removing many columns that shared a similar feature in the naming convention while leaving other columns in-place. Quite a few replies were given on how to do that including how to use a

Re: [R] return value of {....}

2023-01-15 Thread avi.e.gross
Again, John, we are comparing different designs in languages that are often decades old and partially retrofitted selectively over the years. Is it poor form to use global variables? Many think so. Discussions have been had on how to use variables hidden in various ways that are not global, such

Re: [R] return value of {....}

2023-01-15 Thread avi.e.gross
Richard, I appreciate your observations. As regularly noted, there are many possible forks in the road to designing a language and it seems someone is determined to try every possible fork. Yes, some languages that are compiled, or like JavaScript, read the entire function before executing it

[R] nth kludge

2023-03-08 Thread avi.e.gross
I see many are not thrilled with the concise but unintuitive way it is suggested you use with the new R pipe function. I am wondering if any has created one of a family of functions that might be more intuitive if less general. Some existing pipes simply allowed you to specify where in an

Re: [R] Split String in regex while Keeping Delimiter

2023-04-12 Thread avi.e.gross
Sometimes you need to NOT use a regular expression and do things simpler. You have a fairly simple example that not only does not need great power but may be a pain to do using a very powerful technique, especially if you want to play with look-ahead and look behind. Assuming you have a line

Re: [R] printing a data.frame without row numbers

2023-03-27 Thread avi.e.gross
Try: print(data.frame(COL1=1:5, COL2=10:6), row.names=FALSE) -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of Dennis Fisher Sent: Monday, March 27, 2023 1:05 PM To: Subject: [R] printing a data.frame without row numbers R 4.2.3 OS X Colleagues, I am printing a

Re: [R] Simple Stacking of Two Columns

2023-04-03 Thread avi.e.gross
I may be missing something but using the plain old c() combine function seems to work fine: df <- data.frame(left = 1:5, right = 6:10) df.combined <- data.frame(comb = c(df$left, df$right)) df left right 11 6 22 7 33 8 44 9 5510 df.combined comb 1

Re: [R] Matrix scalar operation that saves memory?

2023-04-11 Thread avi.e.gross
The example given does not leave room for even a single copy of your matrix so, yes, you need alternatives. Your example was fairly trivial as all you wanted to do is subtract each value from 100 and replace it. Obviously something like squaring a matrix has no trivial way to do without multiple


2023-03-21 Thread avi.e.gross
Your spelling of: HH size Is two word. -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of Nandini raj Sent: Monday, March 20, 2023 1:17 PM To: Subject: [R] DOUBT Respected sir/madam can you please suggest what is an unexpected symbol in the below code for running a

Re: [R] Extracting data using subset function

2023-02-05 Thread avi.e.gross
A major question is why you ask how to use the subset function rather than asking how to get your job done. As you note, the simple way to get the first N items is to use indexing. If you absolutely positively insist on using subset, place your data into something like a data.frame and add a

Re: [R] Extracting data using subset function

2023-02-05 Thread avi.e.gross
In reading the post again, it sounds like the question is how to create a logical condition that translates as 1:N is TRUE. Someone hinted along those lines. So one WAY I might suggest is you construct a logical vector as shown below. I give an example of a bunch of 9 primes and you want only

Re: [R] preserve class in apply function

2023-02-08 Thread avi.e.gross
Naresh, This is a common case where the answer to a question is to ask the right question. Your question was how to make apply work. My question is how can you get the functionality you want done in some version of R. Apply is a tool and it is only one of many tools and may be the wrong

Re: [R] preserve class in apply function

2023-02-08 Thread avi.e.gross
Jorgen is correct that for many purposes, viewing a data.frame as a collection of vectors of the same length allows you to code fairly complex logic using whichever vectors you want and result in a vector answer, either externally or as a new column. Text columns used to make some decisions in the

Re: [R] Removing variables from data frame with a wile card

2023-02-12 Thread avi.e.gross
Steven, The default is drop=TRUE. If you want to retain a data.frame and not have it reduced to a vector under some circumstances. -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of Steven T. Yen Sent: Sunday,

Re: [R] Problem with filling dataframe's column

2023-06-14 Thread avi.e.gross
Richard, it is indeed possible for different languages to choose different approaches. If your point is that an R named list can simulate a Python dictionary (or for that manner, a set) there is some validity to that. You can also use environments similarly. Arguably there are differences

Re: [R] Problem with filling dataframe's column

2023-06-13 Thread avi.e.gross
Javad, There may be nothing wrong with the methods people are showing you and if it satisfied you, great. But I note you have lots of data in over a quarter million rows. If much of the text data is redundant, and you want to simplify some operations such as changing some of the values to

[R] Just to you

2023-07-12 Thread avi.e.gross
John, I am a tad puzzled at why your code does not work so I tried replicating it. Let me say you are not plotting what you think. When you plot points using characters, it LOOKS like it did something but not really. It labels four equally apart lines (when your data is not linear) and you are

Re: [R] Variable and value labels

2023-07-12 Thread avi.e.gross
Anupam, Your question, even after looking at other messages, remains a bit unclear. What do you mean by "labels"? What you mean by variables and values and how is that related to factors? An example or two would be helpful so we can say more than PROBABLY. Otherwise, you risk having many people

Re: [R] Variable and value labels

2023-07-13 Thread avi.e.gross
Anupam, Thanks for explaining you are talking about factors. I see my friend Adrian has pointed out reasons you may want to use a package he built called “declared” but my answer will be within the regular R domain as you asked. You should read up a bit on factors in a book, not just

Re: [R] Off-topic: ChatGPT Code Interpreter

2023-07-18 Thread avi.e.gross
Just to bring it back to R, I want to point out that what many R programmers do is not that different. If you develop some skills at analyzing some kinds of data and have a sort of toolchest based on past work, then a new project along similar lines may move very quickly. After a while, you

Re: [R] Off-topic: ChatGPT Code Interpreter

2023-07-18 Thread avi.e.gross
Jim, I am not sure what your example means but text to image conversion can be done quite easily in many programming environments and does not need an AI unless you are using it to hunt for info. I mean you can open up many Paint or Photo programs and look at the menus and often one allows you

Re: [R] Off-topic: ChatGPT Code Interpreter

2023-07-18 Thread avi.e.gross
Hadley, Thanks and I know many such things exist. I simply found it interesting that what was mentioned seemed simpler as just being a converter of text to make a bitmap type image. Now if I want a simulated image of a cat riding a motorcycle while holding an Esperanto Flag, sure, I would not

Re: [R] Create a variable lenght string that can be used in a dimnames statement

2023-07-04 Thread avi.e.gross
Interesting to read all the answers. Personally, I was a bit irked to see that using a combination of assignments using rownames() and colnames() did not work as one canceled what the other had done. But it turns out if we listed to what John really wanted versus what he said he wanted, then a

Re: [R] extract parts of a list before symbol

2023-05-25 Thread avi.e.gross
Evan, List names are less easy than data.frame column names so try this: > test <- list(a=3,b=5,c=11) > colnames(test) NULL > colnames( [1] "a" "b" "c" But note an entry with no name has one made up for it. > test2 <- list(a=3,b=5, 666, c=11) > colnames(data.frame(test2))

Re: [R] extract parts of a list before symbol

2023-05-25 Thread avi.e.gross
All true Jeff, but why do things the easy way! LOL! My point was that various data structures, besides the list we started with, store the names as an attribute. Yes, names(listname) works fine to extract whatever parts they want. My original idea of using a data.frame was because it creates

Re: [R] extract parts of a list before symbol

2023-05-26 Thread avi.e.gross
Evan, Yes, once you know a bit about the details, all kinds of functions are available to solve problems without going the hard way. But the names() function is taught fairly widely and did you also pick up on the fact that it can be used on both sides so it also sets the names? > # Create a

Re: [R] Adding a numeric class to a data.frame

2023-06-04 Thread avi.e.gross
Jeff R, it would be helpful if your intent was understood. For example, did you want output as a column of labels c("A", "B", "C") and another adjacent of c(0.0011566127, 0.0009267028, 0.0081623324) then you could do: data.frame(labels=c("A", "B", "C"), data=c(0.0011566127, 0.0009267028,

Re: [R] Adding a numeric class to a data.frame

2023-06-04 Thread avi.e.gross
Jeff, The number of items is not relevant except insofar as your vector of probabilities is in the same order as the other vector and the same length. If for example you had a vector of test scores for 10,000 tests and you calculated the probability in the data of having a 100, then the

Re: [R] Adding a numeric class to a data.frame

2023-06-05 Thread avi.e.gross
Jeff, I wish I could give you an answer to a very specific question. You have lots of numbers in a vector representing whatever "probabilities" mean something to you. There are currently no names associated with them. And you want to make some kind of graph using ggplot. So, to be quite clear,

Re: [R] Problem with filling dataframe's column

2023-06-11 Thread avi.e.gross
The problem being discussed is really a common operation that R handles quite easily in many ways. The code shown has way too many things that do not fit to make much sense and is not written the way many R programmers would write it. Loops like the one used are legal but not needed. As has

Re: [R] Multiply

2023-08-04 Thread avi.e.gross
[See the end for an interesting twist on moving a column to row.names.] Yes, many ways to do things exist but it may make sense to ask for what the user/OP really wants. Sometimes the effort to make a brief example obscures things. Was there actually any need to read in a file containing

Re: [R] Multiply

2023-08-04 Thread avi.e.gross
Val, A data.frame is not quite the same thing as a matrix. But as long as everything is numeric, you can convert both data.frames to matrices, perform the computations needed and, if you want, convert it back into a data.frame. BUT it must be all numeric and you violate that requirement by

Re: [R] Stacking matrix columns

2023-08-05 Thread avi.e.gross
Steve, As Iris pointed out, some implementations of a matrix are actually of a vector with special qualities. There are sometimes choices whether to store it a row at a time or a column at a time. In R, your data consisted of the integers from 1 to 20 and they clearly are stored a column at a

Re: [R] Stacking matrix columns

2023-08-06 Thread avi.e.gross
Eric, I am not sure your solution is particularly economical albeit it works for arbitrary arrays of any dimension, presumably. But it seems to involve converting a matrix to a tensor just to undo it back to a vector. Other solutions offered here, simply manipulate the dim attribute of the

Re: [R] Stacking matrix columns

2023-08-06 Thread avi.e.gross
Based on a private communication, it sounds like Steven is asking the question again because he wants a different solution that may be the way this might be done in another language. I think he wants to use loops explicitly and I suspect this may be along the lines of a homework problem for

Re: [R] Stacking matrix columns

2023-08-06 Thread avi.e.gross
Eric, I fully agreed with you that anyone doing serious work in various projects such as machine learning that make heavy use of mathematical data structures would do well to find some decent well designed and possibly efficient packages to do much of the work rather than re-inventing their

Re: [R] Stacking matrix columns

2023-08-06 Thread avi.e.gross
This topic is getting almost funny as there are an indefinite ever-sillier set of ways to perform the action and even more if you include packages like purr. If mymat is a matrix, several variants work such as: > mymat [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,]147 10 [2,]258 11

Re: [R] Multiplying two vectors of the same size to give a third vector of the same size

2023-06-20 Thread avi.e.gross
I was rushing out Phil so let me amend what I wrote. As others noted, this is fairly beginner stuff. If you have more such questions, besides reading up, please consider sending questions to the Tutor mailing list where there is more patience.  You wanted to change selected small values to

Re: [R] Problem with filling dataframe's column

2023-06-13 Thread avi.e.gross
Bert, I stand corrected. What I said may have once been true but apparently the implementation seems to have changed at some level. I did not factor that in. Nevertheless, whether you use an index as a key or as an offset into an attached vector of labels, it seems to work the same and I

Re: [R] Help with regex replacements

2023-06-27 Thread avi.e.gross
Chris, Consider breaking up your task into multiple passes. And do them in whatever order preserves what you need. First, are you talking about brackets as in square brackets, or as in your example, parentheses? If you are sure you have no nested brackets, your requirement seems to be that

Re: [R] Multiplying two vectors of the same size to give a third vector of the same size

2023-06-20 Thread avi.e.gross
Phil, What have you tried. This seems straightforward enough. Could you clarify what you mean by NULL? In R, it is common to use NA or a more specific version of it. So assuming you have two vectors containing floats with some NA, then: C <- A*B Will give you the products one at a time if

Re: [R] Regex Split?

2023-05-05 Thread avi.e.gross
Leonard, It can be helpful to spell out your intent in English or some of us have to go back to the documentation to remember what some of the operators do. Your text being searched seems to be an example of items between comas with an optional space after some commas and in one case, nothing

Re: [R] Looping

2024-02-18 Thread avi.e.gross
Steven, It depends what you want to do. What you are showing seems to replace the values stored in "data" each time. Many kinds of loops will do that, with one simple way being to store all the filenames in a list and loop on the contents of the list as arguments to read.csv. Since you show

Re: [R] Function with large nested list

2023-12-18 Thread avi.e.gross
Emily, I too copied/pasted your code in and it worked fine. I then asked for the function definition and got it. Did you put the entire text in? I mean nothing extra above or below except maybe whitespace or comments? What sometimes happens to make the code incomplete is to leave out a matching

Re: [R] Truncated plots

2024-01-09 Thread avi.e.gross
Nick, obviously figuring out the problem is best but you may want to deal with the symptom. RSTUDIO lets you adjust the sizes of the various windows and enlarging the window (lower right normally) where the graph is shown may be a first attempt if the problem is display space. And note RSTUDIO

Re: [R] adding "Page X of XX" to PDFs

2023-12-02 Thread avi.e.gross
Having read all of the replies, it seems there are solutions for the question and the OP points out that some solutions such as making the document twice will affect the creation date. I suspect the additional time to do so is seconds or at most minutes so it may not be a big deal. But what

Re: [R] Exceptional slowness with read.csv

2024-04-10 Thread avi.e.gross
It sounds like the discussion is now on how to clean your data, with a twist. You want to clean it before you can properly read it in using standard methods. Some of those standard methods already do quite a bit as they parse the data such as looking ahead to determine the data type for a

Re: [R] Exceptional slowness with read.csv

2024-04-10 Thread avi.e.gross
Dave, Your method works for you and seems to be a one-time fix of a corrupted data file so please accept what I write not as a criticism but explaining my alternate reasoning which I suspect may work faster in some situations. Here is my understanding of what you are doing: You have a file in

Re: [R] any and all

2024-04-12 Thread avi.e.gross
Thanks everyone and any/all reading this. I think I got my answer. And, no, I suspected I did not need to provide a very specific example, at least not yet. The answer is that my experiment was not vectorized while using dplyr verbs like mutate do their work implicitly in a vectorized way.

Re: [R] any and all

2024-04-13 Thread avi.e.gross
Yes, Lennart, I have been looking at doing something like you say by using the vectorized ways the tidyverse is now offering. For my application, if the naming was consistent, an approach like yours is good, albeit has to be typed carefully. When I cannot control the names but have to lump

Re: [R] Just for your (a|be)musement.

2024-04-13 Thread avi.e.gross
Richard, The code you show is correct and it does not include where you say ChatGTP explained it was 33/26 rather than the correct 42/216. I gather it have the proper fraction for the other two scenarios. So what would cause such a localized error? The method chosen is to try all possible

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